welcome texas transportation plan 2050 virtual public

Welcome Texas Transportation Plan 2050 Virtual Public Hearing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome Texas Transportation Plan 2050 Virtual Public Hearing August 11, 2020 10 a.m. WebEx Commen ent D Dea eadline: e: August 24 24, 2 2020 20 Email: : TTP_2050@txdot.gov Voice cema mail: 1-855-TEXAS-50 (1-855-839-2750) USPS: :

  1. Welcome Texas Transportation Plan 2050 Virtual Public Hearing August 11, 2020 10 a.m. WebEx Commen ent D Dea eadline: e: August 24 24, 2 2020 20 Email: : TTP_2050@txdot.gov Voice cema mail: 1-855-TEXAS-50 (1-855-839-2750) USPS: : TxDOT TTP 2050 c/o Ximenes & Associates 411 Sixth Street San Antonio, TX 78215 TTP 2050 Public Hearing TTP 2050 Public Hearing

  2. Why Virtual?  TxDOT is committed to public health and community engagement  Virtual public hearing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Seek to emulate an in-person experience as much as possible. Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 2

  3. Texas Transportation Plan 2050 Planning for the Future of the Texas Multimodal System August 11, 2020 Public Hearing TTP 2050 Public Hearing TTP 2050 Public Hearing

  4. TTP 2050 Overview Draft plan available online at www.txdot.gov keyword search “TTP 2050” TTP 2050 Public Hearing

  5. What is the Texas Transportation Plan? 1 A federal and s state te m mandate ted document, t, u update ted e every 4 years, t that:  Establishes long-range vision for Texas transportation  Provides a framework for assessing performance implications of alternative strategies and futures  Details TxDOT roles, responsibilities, and system performance targets  Guides planning and programming decisions for the statewide multimodal transportation system 2020 Plan Horizon 2050 Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 5

  6. Where TTP 2050 Fits 1 Texas Transportation Plan 24+ Far horizon guides planning and programming decisions for the statewide years Vision, strategies multimodal transportation system Updated: Every 4 years and system Modal and Corridor Plans priorities ~20 establishes vision and identifies improvement options for modes years and priority corridors Updated: Every 4 years Unified Transportation Program 10 identifies a pipeline of projects to make progress towards years agency performance goals Updated: Annually Funding for Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 4 programs and lists approved projects with fully assigned funding in the prioritized years final stages of development Updated: Every 2 years projects Letting Schedule 2 Near horizon authorizes and administers planned funding for years projects to be constructed Updated: Annually Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 6

  7. TTP 2050 Plan Overview 1 Executive Summary 1 Introduction 2 Goals, Objectives, Measures, and Targets 3 Texas Transportation System 4 Planning for the Future of Transportation 5 Rural Transportation in Texas 6 Public Involvement 7 TTP 2050 Implementation Strategies Appendices Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 7

  8. TTP 2050 Chapter Highlights Draft plan available online at www.txdot.gov keyword search “TTP 2050” TTP 2050 Public Hearing

  9. Chapter 1: Introduction • Plan Ove verv rview TTP purpose and alignment Trends and Challenges with TxDOT planning documents Economic Technological • Plan Develop opment Proc ocess Expansion Advancement Safety Concerns Including compliance with Fast technological change in areas like About 10 deaths and 48 serious By 2046, gross state product will connected and autonomous vehicles will injuries are reported every day increase from about $2 trillion to legislative requirements create opportunities and challenges for on Texas roadways. $7 trillion. transportation safety and efficiency. • The Plann nning ng Cont ntext Details anticipated future Surging Freight Population Systemic Risks Demand Growth trends and challenges Commodities moved through the Texas will grow from about 29 A resilient transportation system must be Texas Multimodal Freight Network million people to over 47 million equipped to avoid, minimize, and recover • Transp sportation V Visi sion f for T Texa xas s will double to about 4 million tons people by 2050. from unforeseen events like natural per year by 2045. disasters or other major incidents. TxDOT’s path for achieving long-range goals and objectives Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 9

  10. Chapter 2: Goals, Objectives, Measures, and Targets TTP 2050 Goals • Goals ls Optimi mize S Syst stem m Promote te S Safety ty Prese serve o our A Asse ssets Statement of priority for making Perfo formance: : progress towards desired outcome Movement o of P People a and G Goods • Objectives Provides clearer direction and actions to attain goals • Measu sures s Focus o on t the Foster S Stewa wardsh ship: Deliv iver t the R Rig ight Cust stome mer: Indicative of progress towards goal Protect a and E Enhance t the H Human a and Projects Natur ural E Environm nment Communicate E Effectively ly attainment and informs planning and programming decisions • Ta Targets Aspirational but achievable benchmark Track progress towards goals through the TxDOT Performance Dashboard at www.dot.state.tx.us/dashboard Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 10

  11. Chapter 3: Texas Transportation System • Focus s Areas s Describe TxDOT’s multimodal roles and responsibilities relative to other agencies and organizations • Mo Movi ving People Highway Safety, Preservation, Mobility, ITS, Bicycle and Pedestrian, Public Transportation, Aviation, Ferry Operations, and Passenger Rail • Mo Movi ving Goods Texas Highway Freight Network, Freight Rail, Ports and Waterways, Air Cargo, and Pipelines Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 11

  12. Chapter 4: Planning for the Future of Transportation in Texas • Defin inin ing Scenario ios Considering future population and Elements of an Assessable Future Investment projected economic Strategies growth, varying levels Held Constant Expected and Optimistic Baselines of freight demand and Balanced Approach technology adoption, Population Technology along with investment including the adoption and shifts Keep it Smooth strategies given distribution of new in future travel and relocating T exans behaviors anticipated revenues Congestion Relief • Perfo formance Revenue Freight Reliably Connect Texas Available to fund commodity tonnages Implic icatio ions Communities TxDOT programs travelling within and Evaluating potential and initiatives through T exas Public Involvement degree of impact on Generated Scenario transportation performance measures Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 12

  13. Chapter 5: Rural Transportation in Texas • Rural Trans nsportation n Plann nning ng and Programs Did You Know? Describes TxDOT’s roles, responsibilities and funding for rural areas 53% of the Texas Highway 53% 15% of Texas residents live in rural areas Freight Network is located in • Rura ral T Tra ransport rtation S System O Overv rview a and (roughly 1 Texan in 7) rural areas Perform rmance Leve vels Details rural transportation inventory and performance Plann nned R Rur ural T Trans nsportation S n System • TxDOT has identified This planned investment is Impro rove vements $4,700 of planned nearly 33% higher than Discusses planned project scopes and investment per rural the statewide average resident costs for areas outside of metropolitan areas Key R Ke Rural T Transporta tati tion S Syste tem • Consideration ons and Strategies Unique priorities and challenges Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 13

  14. Chapter 6: Public Involvement • Outreach Summa mmary Sample TTP 2050 Outreach Content Overview of engagement opportunities • Feedback o on G Goals a and O Objectives Language revisions and goal rankings • How T w Texa xans U s Use t the T Transportation System Usage/behavioral trends and focal areas • Le Leve vel o of C Comfort rt w with E Emerging Technologies Willingness to use technology (i.e. driverless vehicles) and planning considerations • Investment Strategy Preferences Resource allocation strategy Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 14

  15. Chapter 7: TTP 2050 Implementation Strategies • Strategy Identif ific icatio ion Process for identifying and evaluating by implementation timeframe • Planning for r the Future re TxDOT’s Performance Based Emerging transportation technology Planning and Programming Process and enhancing system resiliency • Focus Area a Strat ategies Modal strategies to enhance statewide performance • Program Delivery Strategies Corridor Prioritization, major projects, environmental compliance, performance-based project selection, and sustainable funding Email: TTP_2050@txdot.gov Comment Deadline: August 24, 2020 TTP 2050 Public Hearing 15

  16. Key Takeaways Draft plan available online at www.txdot.gov keyword search “TTP 2050” TTP 2050 Public Hearing


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