
Welcome to the Year 7 Parents and Daughters Information Evening - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to the Year 7 Parents and Daughters Information Evening Please note: we are going to be near capacity this evening. Please use all available seating . Thursday 29 th September 2016 Mr Tamplin Head of Year 7 Associate Assistant

  1. Welcome to the Year 7 Parents‟ and Daughters‟ Information Evening Please note: we are going to be near capacity this evening. Please use all available seating . Thursday 29 th September 2016

  2. Mr Tamplin Head of Year 7 Associate Assistant Headteacher (Standards & Culture – Yr 7 & 8) atamplin@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk

  3. GCSE Success

  4. Headlines 2014 2015 2016 % 5+ A*-C including GCSE English 75 73 77 & Maths % A*-C English & Maths 75 75 80 % 5+ A*-G (inc E&M) 98 96 97 % English GCSE A*-C 84 91 91 % Maths GCSE A*-C 81 77 82

  5. Headlines • Outstanding Ofsted (Nov.2015) • Highest performing outstanding school in Oxfordshire • Superb results : 80% A*-C inc. English & Maths • Ranked in the top 20% for achievement for the fourth year running • 63% of students achieved at least one A*/A grade • Twenty eight students achieved 7 or more A or A* grades

  6. Why were we so successful? • The hard work from staff and students • Exam practice and opportunities • Revision school • Record attendance • Detailed analysis of the progress of each and every student to ensure that everyone is following the curriculum which best suits them • High expectations and standards

  7. Standards The bedrock for success … Behaviour Values Attitude Uniform Respect Responsibility Ambition Attendance

  8. Year 7 Target – 97.5% • Weekly tracking by tutors. • Phone call in to school if they are unwell. • Letter/email to let us know of appointments. • Holiday requests must be submitted in advance and on a holiday request form – available from Pupil Services.

  9. Attendance Attendance Equals days Which is about Which means during one absent x weeks this is the school year absence number of lessons you miss 95% 9 2 48 90% 19 4 96 85% 29 6 144 80% 38 8 192 75% 48 10 240 70% 57 11.5 276

  10. Every DGS student …

  11. “Every DGS Student Aspires to be Outstanding”

  12. There are two significant traits that successful students share: • a desire to do well • a growth mindset

  13. Mr Tamplin Head of Year 7

  14. The Year 7 Team • 7AEK – Miss A Kyriakides akyriakides@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk • 7SXD – Mr S Dingley sdingley@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk • 7LJC – Miss LJ Carter ljcarter@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk • 7LGK – Miss L Klinpikuln lklinpikuln@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk • 7FLM – Miss F Maiden fmaiden@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk • 7JMS – Miss J Street/Miss S Willis jstreet@ / swillis@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk • 7CRS – Miss C Saunders csaunders@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk • 7SXM – Miss S Malta smalta@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk • 7NSG – Miss N George ngeorge@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk Student Manager – Sarah Jane Smith – sjsmith@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk

  15. Role of the Head of Year • Lead and manage the Year 7 Pastoral Team • Oversee academic progress & snapshot reviews • Develop opportunities for students • Responsible for discipline & behaviour • Present an ethos to the year group based on positive referral and success

  16. The Role of the Form Tutor • Your daughter‟s advocate and first point of contact • Ensuring happiness, progress and well-being • Monitoring progress across the curriculum • Helping students make good choices • Supporting self-evaluation • Action planning with students via one-to-ones • Monitoring Attendance • Monitoring of Diaries First port of call for parents

  17. Aims of Year 7 • A smooth, successful and happy transition • To ensure there is impeccable behaviour and that students maintain our high standards & expectations • To develop students‟ “growth mindset” so that they feel comfortable taking on leadership challenges • To promote a well-rounded development of all our students • To celebrate student achievement • To encourage students to be independent, resilient learners who take on leadership challenges

  18. Rewards & Opportunities • Merits, postcards, telephone calls • Celebration Breakfasts • £10 vouchers • Non-school uniform days • Lower School Awards • Ulysses Group & Athena Group • Vast array of clubs

  19. Maths in Year 7 Ms Willis Second in Maths

  20. Equipment

  21. Year 7 Maths: Ethos and Expectations  Every child can “do” maths – we have a growth mindset  We have high expectations of class work  We set bespoke weekly homework to meet the needs of the students  We provide lots of support including lunchtime clubs on Tuesday and Wednesday  We have a really engaging and positive curriculum.... coming up are some of the highlights!

  22. Year 7 Maths: Parental support Look out for an email each term with the maths revision checklist for that term.

  23. Year 7 English at Didcot Girls‟ School Ms Howard-Saunders English KS3 Co-ordinator

  24. What will my daughter be studying in English? • Oracy • Fairy-tale parodies • Introduction to Media Studies • A poetry anthology • A novel: Private Peaceful • Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

  25. What will this help them achieve? • Confidence – In speaking aloud in different situations – In writing with impact and purpose – In their ability to understand and analyse • Precision – In spelling, punctuation and grammar – In vocabulary choice and tone • Their potential!

  26. What opportunities are there? • Reading for Pleasure: a library lesson per fortnight • Creative writing club: lunchtime to be confirmed • Paired reading, with year 11 students • External writing competitions throughout the year • Opportunity to be the school‟s Poet Laureate • Christmas theatre trip to see Treasure Island in Term 2

  27. How can I support my daughter‟s learning in English? • Listen to her read • Talk about books and the wider world • Encourage her to read regularly on her own • Take her to a local library • Help her to learn the weekly spellings and key words

  28. Key Stage 3 SCIENCE at DGS Miss Painting KS3 Science Coordinator

  29. In year 7 students are taught in form groups until Christmas. They will be set after Christmas using:  Homework assessments  End of term assessment  Teacher assessment

  30. At KS3 students are taught using the Activate scheme of work written by OUP. “ Activate is an exciting new KS3 Science course designed to spark curiosity in science and support you on your journey through KS3 to KS4 success.”

  31. During year 7 students will cover topics within all 3 of the sciences: SCIENCE TOPIC Cells Biology Body systems Reproduction Particles Elements, atoms & compounds Chemistry Reactions Acids & alkalis Forces Sound Physics Light Space

  32. At the end of each term students will complete an assessment. In order to revise for these students can use:  Their exercise book  Checklists for the relevant topic  BBC Bitesize  CGP Revision guide (£2.50 from science)  CGP workbook to accompany the revision guide (£5 from science)

  33. Exercise books:  Lesson activities such as worksheets, practical write ups, quick quizzes  Homework tasks  Students may have brief notes on some topics Lessons:  Mixture of oral & written tasks  Independent & group work  Learning through interest, engagement & an enjoyment of the subject

  34. Projects: In year 7 students will have the opportunity to undertake up to 3 projects during the year. There will be a biology, chemistry & physics project. The purpose of the project: -extended piece of work -work as a team & collaborate -draw on knowledge from different chapters

  35. Fun in science: Students can follow us on twitter: @dgs_science Lower school Science Club takes place in C21 on Tuesdays 3.15-4.30! Students can “use their creativity & practical skills in experiments & challenges”

  36. A new and exciting opportunity… “Environment Club”  Enhance different skills  Make new friends  Leadership opportunities  Make a difference to the school! Starting after October half term – More information to be revealed…

  37. Student Leadership House System Dr. Khan Head of Ethos gkhan@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk

  38. Why Leadership Matters • To be independent, responsible and critical thinkers • To strive hard and aim high • To Lean In and develop a greater sense of self worth

  39. The House System at DGS • We have seven houses at Didcot Girls ‟ School. They are all named after inspirational women who have been incredibly successful in their own fields. They have worked tirelessly to overcome hurdles, accept challenges and show resilience to become the best they could. We admire them and feel inspired by them, and we would like us all at school to talk about and be motivated by them more than we have before.

  40. Why the House System Matters • Healthy friendly competition • Strong way of developing positive relationships across the school • Brings upper and lower school together • Identity • School life – extracurricular activities • Develop a greater sense of responsibility • School pride

  41. House System • Opening Ceremony - Tuesday 4 th October • House parade & obstacle race • Dress in house colours
