welcome martin

Welcome Martin Latimer Bo Boar ard Member er Welcome ome, , - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome Martin Latimer Bo Boar ard Member er Welcome ome, , Housekeep eping ng Matters s & Agenda da Ite tems Agenda 10:15am Welcome by Martin Latimer 10.25am Operational overview by Richard Millar, Director of Heritage,

  1. Welcome

  2. Martin Latimer Bo Boar ard Member er Welcome ome, , Housekeep eping ng Matters s & Agenda da Ite tems

  3. Agenda 10:15am Welcome by Martin Latimer 10.25am Operational overview by Richard Millar, Director of Heritage, Enterprise, Sustainability & Operations 10.40am Overview of Customer Operations by Joe Murphy, Waterway Manager Overview of Customer Services by Donna Mallan, Customer Service & Business operations manager 11.10am Communications overview and Pricing Consultation by Josie Saunders, Head of Corporate Affairs 11.25am Ardrishaig update by Christopher Breslin, Head of Regeneration & Development 11.40am Q&As 12.15pm Ends

  4. Richard Millar Directo ector r of f Infrastruc astructure ture Operational Overview

  5. Revenue split by year 70% 60% 50% 40% Own Income GIA 30% 20% 10% 0% 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16

  6. Total income Release of capital grant Interest 2% 0% Commercial income 22% Grant-in-aid 40% Retail income 13% Freight Income 1% Third party contributions Cost recoveries 20% & sundry sales 2%

  7. Commercial income SWD Premiums 4% Commercial Craft Licences Leisure Moorings 4% 11% Property Rents 25% Craft Licences 11% This is the split of Bigg Regeneration 14% the 32% of Own Income that is Utilities classed as 31% Commercial Income Insurance re-charges 0%

  8. Canal income & expenditure Crinan Transit/Short Term Licences 189,912 Long Term licences 25,678 Mooring Fees 85,994 Commercial Income 113,128 Total Boating Income 414,712 Total Expenditure 1,080,765

  9. Towpath Upgrades

  10. Towpath Upgrades Before

  11. Towpath Upgrades After

  12. Towpath Upgrades

  13. Linlithgow Embankment Study

  14. Linlithgow Embankment Study

  15. Linlithgow Embankment Study

  16. Linlithgow Embankment Study

  17. Linlithgow Embankment Study

  18. Linlithgow Embankment Study

  19. Linlithgow Stop Planks & Safety Gates New stop planks and safety gates on Union Canal at Preston Road, Woodcockdale, Manse Road Basin, Wilcoxhome, and Battockbridge

  20. Emergency Preparedness

  21. Ness Weir Due to continued scouring of the weir structure, we are developing a solution to provide a robust weir structure to protect Inverness

  22. Ness Weir Service Weir Overflow Weir

  23. Ness Weir

  24. Ness Weir Before After

  25. Ness Weir

  26. The Falkirk Wheel

  27. The Falkirk Wheel

  28. The Falkirk Wheel

  29. The Falkirk Wheel

  30. Canal Artist-in-residence

  31. Canal Artist-in-residence

  32. Canal Artist-in-residence

  33. Top 20 Assets 1 11 Ness Weir Refurbishment Crinan Canal: lock gates 2 Tomnahurich Bridge M&E 12 Caledonian Canal: Lock grouting Upgrade 3 13 Avon Aqueduct 19 Caledonian Canal Leakage Repair 4 Linlithgow Embankments 14 Crinan Canal Leakage Repair Leakage Repair 5 Muirtown Bridge M&E 15 Lowlands Canals Leakage Repair Upgrade 16 Ardrishaig Swing Bridge 1 - M&E 6 TFW Site Works repairs 7 17 Oich Weir Kytra & Cullochy Locks, Weir and Reach repairs. 18 Manual Bascule Bridge 8 Ardrishaig Lock 1 - 3 Refurbishment Works 9 19 Twechar Bridge 17 Lowlands Bank Protection Works 10 20 Bonnybridge Bridge 10 Lowlands Canals: lock gates

  34. Impact of Scotland’s Canals

  35. Joe Murphy Wat aterway rway Man anag ager er Overview rview of C f Cus ustomer tomer Operatio ations ns



  38. Daill Loch Reservoir AFTER BEFORE BEFORE


  40. Ongoing Works CRINAN LIGHTHOUSE


  42. Water Control RESERVOIRS

  43. Vegetation Management

  44. Seasonal Employees OPERATIONS & CUSTOMER Assisted Passage SERVICE

  45. New Towpath Around Ardrishaig Basin

  46. Donna Mallan Cus ustomer tomer Se Service vice & Bu Busines ess s Su Support rt Ma Manag ager er Customer Services Overview

  47. Commitment to Customer Service Excellence Background Investment Communication

  48. Port Facility Security Officer Health & Safety Officer Background Investment Communication

  49. Crinan Canal Marketing Operational Strategy Strategic Objectives • Increase Revenue & Transit Numbers. • Raise Scottish Canals’ profile. • Attract New Customers. • Maximise the Customer Experience. • Create Stronger Community Links. • Maximise the use of Modern Technology.

  50. Crinan Canal Leisure Transit Figures 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2016 / 2017 Difference % Difference Total Transit Numbers Apr 72 82 10 14% May 212 188 -24 -11% Jun 297 272 -25 -8% 2015 = 1509 Jul 422 472 50 12% Aug 286 320 34 12% 2016 = 1568 Sep 128 157 29 23% Oct 52 56 4 8% To Date a Transit increase of 4% Nov 10 12 2 20% Dec 3 5 2 67% Jan 1 4 3 300% Feb 2 -2 -100% Mar 24 -24 -100% 1509 1568 59 4%

  51. Leisure Transit Crinan Canal Aims Crinan Leisure Transits 2015 / 2016 500 472 450 422 400 Aim to achieve a 5% 350 320 increase on Transit 297 286 Boat Numbers 300 272 numbers year on 2015 250 212 year. 188 201 200 157 150 128 82 100 72 56 52 50 12 10 5 3 0 0 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


  53. Partnerships, Collaboration & Promoting Local Businesses • Tarbert Harbour. • Heart of Argyll. • Argyll & Isles. • Art Map. • West Highland Yacht Week. • Sail Scotland. • Sailing & Cruising Scotland. • University of Highlands & Islands. • Community Councils. • Heritage Trust.

  54. Presentations 2017 Completed Presentations Clyde Cruising Club Largs Sailing Club Gourouck Sailing Club Tighnabruaich Sailing Royal Northern Yacht Club Troon Cruising Club Royal Scottish Motor Club Royal Gourock October 2017 Carrickfergus Belfast Bangor Strangford Lough

  55. Josie Saunders Head ad of C f Corpor orat ate e Af Affai airs rs Communi mmunications ations Overview rview

  56. Pricing consultation Response published 14th February 2017 2% 4% 8% 32% 14% 40% • Residential 32% • Leisure 40% • Transit 14% • Groups 8% • Commercial 4% • Other 2%

  57. Pricing consultation Weighted issues and developed response Raised comparable marinas and cost of renting 2 bed flats with Gerald Eve 721 Leisure - Not benchmarked against English issues marinas Residential - 2 bed flat rents reflect market and are not in direct comparison 16 categories

  58. Outcomes • Gerald Eve/GVA’s recommended prices will be adopted • Mooring costs will not increase by more than £100 per year, plus inflation • Inflation set by CPI • Standardised Terms & Conditions • Monthly/upfront payment – same price • No mooring transferred with boat sale • Security of tenure for residential customers = min 1 year agreement • Five yearly review

  59. Outcomes Changes introduced 1st June 2017 and 1st April thereafter Full price implemented if £100 or less Phased price increases limited to £100 pa plus CPI (1.6% in 2016) 20+ years for some customers to reach Gerald Eve’s recommended price

  60. Outcomes Navigation licence remains £195 + CPI Transit licence cut by 25% on Lowlands 25% discount on transit fees for charities’ non commercial activity Facilities Charter by Sept 2017 User operations of locks & bridges policy by April 2018 Letters issued in March

  61. Marc Beaumont – Wild About Argyll

  62. Marc Beaumont – Wild About Argyll

  63. Communications refresh? Current position Scotland wide • 4 annual customer forums • Boaters ’ Surgeries • Quarterly Boaters Newsletter • 12 operational/update emails pa Restrictions • Comms needs to be Scotland-wide • Few staff with other responsibilities • Limited budget What next? Scrap/replace/evolve? You decide!

  64. Christopher Breslin Head ad of R f Regen gener eration ation & Develop elopment ment Ar Ardrish rishaig aig up updat ate

  65. Bridge House – Cottage Refurbishment The Falkirk Wheel Revitalisation Programme

  66. The Crinan Charrette Process • Pre-charrette engagement – April 2016 – obtained initial community views • Charrette 27 – 30 April 2016 – identified issues and potential projects • Community feedback event - 3/4 June 2016 – presented draft Action Plan and sought feedback on community priorities • Over 200 contributors

  67. Charrette Activities • Advance engagement and promotion • 4 days, 6 venues • Site visits & feedback sessions • Schools and youth engagement • Themed workshops • Continuously testing ideas • Exhibition – more feedback

  68. Charrette Activities


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