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Welc om e VIRTUAL TOWN HALL AUGUST 6, 2020 Dr. Jessica T. Perry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welc om e VIRTUAL TOWN HALL AUGUST 6, 2020 Dr. Jessica T. Perry Interim Principal Objec t i v e s Pa r t i c i pa nt s wi l l ha ve a n unde r s t a ndi ng of Vanc e Vi r t ual Vi l l age' s : Rec ogni t i on o f an " Oppor t uni t

  1. Welc om e VIRTUAL TOWN HALL AUGUST 6, 2020 Dr. Jessica T. Perry Interim Principal

  2. Objec t i v e s Pa r t i c i pa nt s wi l l ha ve a n unde r s t a ndi ng of Vanc e Vi r t ual Vi l l age' s : Rec ogni t i on o f an " Oppor t uni t y " Cur r e nt St a f f a nd Cont a ct I nf or mat i on Goa l s & Co mmi t me nt Des i gn St r uc t ur e Lea r ni ng Mode l Sc ho ol Ca l e nda r Sc h ool Day St r uc t ur e Wh at t o e xp ec t f r o m y our chi l d' s Lear ni ng Gui de F r eq uent l y As ke d Ques t i ons ( FAQ) The Roa d t o Augus t 17. . .

  3. Rec o g n i t i on o f a n " O pportun i ty" "The COVID-19 "stay in place" order should be viewed as "an opportunity rather than a crisis." ~ Dr. Anthony Jackson, VCS Superintendent To take advantage of this "opportunity", VCS has opened an innovative school that is designed to provide personalized instruction for students in Vance County and surrounding areas for the 2020 - 2021 school year and beyond; a virtual environment equipped to provide strong instructional strategies that will assist in continued student academic success; and a learning environment that is specifically designed for students based on their learning needs.

  4. C urr e nt S t aff & C ont ac t I n f orm a t i on Dr. Jessica T. Perry Mrs. Laurie Hernandez Interim Principal Interim Administrative Assistant 252 - 492 - 2127 Ex 2800 W 252 - 492 - 2127 Ex 2102 W 252 - 425 - 3756 M 252 - 492 - 3776 Fax 252 - 492 - 3776 Fax lhernandez@vcs.k 12 .nc.us jperry@vcs.k 12 .nc.us

  5. G o al s & C omm i tm e nt Vance Virtual Village Academy is committed to the following goals: Embracing a new understanding of global interdependence; Ensuring connectedness with students and their families; Engaging in a strong academic focus to best support all students; and Providing equitable opportunities for all students to seek their best potential.

  6. De s ig n S tru c tur e Learner Real World Direct & Indirect Centered Experience Performance Goal Reliable & Valid Team Oriented Outcomes Effort

  7. Lea rn i n g M o del MULTI-LANE Fluid Each student has an Collaborative Individual Remote Path Groups Not based upon grade levels or grading periods Live/Asynchronous Coaching for a Learning Guide

  8. Sch oo l Cale n da r

  9. Sch oo l Da y Student Instructional Hours K-5th: 8:30 am - 2:30 pm 6th-12th: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Learning Guide Hours: K-5th: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm 6th-12th: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Learning Guides will have scheduled support office hours to provide additional assistance to families as needed. *All times are subject to change.

  10. Wha t to E xp ec t f rom Y our Child 's Lea rn i n g G u ide Frequent communication with your family to provide: weekly instructional plans, learning objectives, required activities, assignments, links to resources, assessments, and assignment due dates Designated time to interact with your child(ren) in real-time to deliver direct instruction, facilitate discussion, and other instructional activities.

  11. Wha t to E xp ec t f rom Y our Child 's Lea rn i n g G u ide Timely feedback on work submitted by your child(ren) via the parent portal in PowerSchool or the Learning Management System they use frequently (K-5: Google Classroom; 6-12: Canvas). Communication with you about your child(ren)'s progress at least once per week. Implementation of appropriate activities and assignments to provide additional support or enrichment. Review of all necessary documents to ensure that each student's individual needs are met (IEP, Section 504 Plan, EL Plan, AIG Plan, etc) .

  12. F r e qu e nt l y A s ked Q u e st i ons Q1: Will students have the same classes as they would at a regular school? Answer : All students at V3 will have access to all core content (Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies), as well as access to other courses in the Arts, Career and Technical Education, World Language, etc. Q2: Will students receive a laptop prior to the first day of school? Answer : All V3 students will have the opportunity to receive a device from VCS, upon request. Families should go to the VCS homepage and complete the Remote Learning Survey & Laptop Request Form to request a device. Once you submit the form, the VCS Technology Department will call to arrange a time for you to pick up the device. *Note: If a V3 student still has possession of a VCS device from 2019-20, the student should keep the device for use at V3 for 2020-21.

  13. F r e qu e nt l y A s ked Q u e st i ons Q3: How will V3 work for children with special needs or children who were originally in the exceptional children's program? Answer : V3 staff will work closely with the the appropriate departments. within VCS, to ensure that all students with IEPs, Section 504 Plans, EL Plans, and AIG Plans are followed. Q4: What supplies are needed? Answer : In addition to a device (VCS device; personal laptop, iPad, or tablet), each student should plan to have the basic supplies that they feel will help support their individual learning (i.e, notebooks, binders, pencils, pens, paper, calculator, crayons, markers, colored pencils, glue sticks, erasers, etc.). Learning Guides will provide students with a more detailed supply list after assessing each student's learning needs.

  14. F r e qu e nt l y A s ked Q u e st i ons Q5: Can my child graduate high school this year? Answer : Yes. High school students who obtain the required credits to earn a NC High School Diploma, with Vance County Schools, will have the opportunity to graduate during the 2020-2021 school year. V3 seniors will have the opportunity to take senior portraits; participate in career and/or college advising sessions; order a cap and gown; and attend an official V3 graduation. Q6: Will there be instructional packets or only virtual instruction? Answer : V3 students will participate in classroom instruction solely through the use of their virtual learning platform (K-5: Google Classroom, 6-12: Canvas). V3 will not provide printed instructional packets for students.

  15. F r e qu e nt l y A s ked Q u e st i ons Q7: Will students have access to iReady and other like sites? Answer : V3 students will have access to iReady(K-8), Learning A-Z(K-6), Edmentum (K-12), Google Classroom (K-5), Canvas (6-12), and Apex Learning (9-12). Q8: Are there any plans to incorporate electives and/or in-person activities to provide social interaction post COVID-19 or with social distancing? Answer : Yes. V3 students will have the opportunity to participate in both virtual and face-to-face seminars ( with social distancing ) throughout the year. Students will be required to have five (5) face-to-face instructional days during the year. V3 students will also have the opportunity to participate in clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities to promote social and emotional well-being.

  16. F r e qu e nt l y A s ked Q u e st i ons Q9: How exactly will the lesson plans be tailored to my student? Will the student be able to move on in their learning as they master lessons? How will this look in a virtual setting? Answer : All V3 instruction is student-centered. The learning guides will conduct initial student interest surveys and diagnostic assessments to identify the students' individual strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction. The results of these assessments will be used by the learning guides as they collaborate with the student(s) and parent/guardian(s), to develop the student's Personalized Learning Plan. Once a student has completed all instructional activities and demonstrates mastery, then the learning guide will work with the student(s) and parent/guardian(s) to proceed to the next standard.

  17. F r e qu e nt l y A s ked Q u e st i ons Q10: What if a child does not obtain mastery on a given standard? Will they have the opportunity to work towards mastery without moving on to the next standard? Answer :Yes. V3 is designed to allow students to work at their own pace to master standards. The learning guide will access the student's progress and provide additional support to assist the student with mastery of the current standard. The student will move to the next standard once they are able to demonstrate mastery in their current standard. Q11 : Will the learning guides record live sessions of direct instruction, for review at a later time? Answer : Yes. All learning guides will record their sessions and post them for students to review at a later time, whether for additional review or a student's absence. If a student is absent, then contact must be made with the student's learning guide to provide a reason for the absence. However, it is the expectation that all V3 students log-in and actively engage with their learning guides during the live sessions.

  18. F r e qu e nt l y A s ked Q u e st i ons Q12: Due COVID-19, there was a reduction of direct instruction for 2019-2020. Will the learning guides review previous content, prior to beginning new content? Answer : Yes. As stated previously, the learning guides will conduct initial diagnostic assessments to help determine each student's current academic level. The diagnostic assessments will help the learning guide identify areas of strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills, prior to the development of the student's personalized learning plan.


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