we want to extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to each

We want to extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to each of you - PDF document

We want to extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to each of you today. We are grateful for the time you are taking away from your team and customers to be here with us today. We thank you for your commitment to this training series and are

  1. We want to extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to each of you today. We are grateful for the time you are taking away from your team and customers to be here with us today. We thank you for your commitment to this training series and are confident you will be glad you came. Before we dive head first into the material, a few necessary and important items. 1. Attendance – Please sign the role that is going around the room. We are capturing this training series in CMS. We did not ask you to register for each course prior to coming here today. We intend to assign you credit behind the scenes for your attendance not only today, but also when you attend course 2 and course 3. 2. Restrooms – Give participants an idea where the restrooms and drinking fountains are found. Also inform them where the vending machine may be located 3. Seating Arrangement – As you have noticed we created an assigned seating arrangement. Our intent in doing so is to possibly get you acquainted or reacquainted with someone you may not know well. Although there is a seating arrangement, we will provide you with opportunities to branch out and get to know each other when we divide into the activities. 4. Cohort – We divided all of WDD’s managers, supervisors, and the OPS team into four different cohorts. We took the liberty of randomly assigning everyone to a cohort. We attempted to divide the service areas up as equally as we could into the four cohorts. 1

  2. Our intention in doing so is to expose you to ideas, resources, and lessons learned from your peers across the state. You will be completing the coaching series as a cohort. We encourage you to get to know each other over the next few days. Feel free to pick each other’s brains on what they are doing differently on their team and share ideas. Please know that if conflicts arise that impacts your attendance in the two courses yet to come, please let us know as soon as possible and we’ll work through them the best we can. 5. Camera – In some of the courses we will have the opportunity of filming the course for future purposes. We encourage you to act normally and participate as much as you can. After a little time you may altogether forget that its here. Now that we’ve had an opportunity to get some things out of the way, let’s embark on our long awaited journey into the wondrous world of Coaching! 1

  3. In front of you is a binder entitled “Playbook.” This Playbook is designed to be a repository of coaching information you receive during our time together as well as in the coming months. We hope you will place the handouts and monthly activities you receive in this training in the playbook. We also plan to post the materials and resources for today and as well as the future activities on the DWS Intranet under the Family Focused page. As a resource review the Playbook often in an effort to keep your skills and knowledge fresh and vibrant. 2

  4. Take a minute and look around the room. We have gathered together in one location all of WDD’s managers, supervisors, and OPS. Each one of you brings a unique perspective and skill set. We have in this room a tremendous breadth of experience and knowledge. Just for fun, we’d like to take a moment and get to know everyone here today. Please take a few seconds to tell us your name, job title, and where you work. We also want you to tell us the number of years (okay to round up) of experience you have managing, supervising, and coaching employees in the department. **As participants are introducing themselves, capture the experience of each participant. Add the number of years for the group** This group represents ____ years of experience as a manager, supervisor, or OPS in the department. Think about that for a moment. Think about what that means for you newer managers and supervisors. It is safe to assume there may not be many situations someone in this group today has not already encountered along the way. We are so excited for the opportunity of gathering together the collective WDD leadership body to discuss the important topic of Coaching. Please feel free to use this group to explore ideas to the complex situations you see on a daily basis. 3

  5. Not only are we excited to welcome you here today, but a few other people are equally as excited. These folks are committed to this coaching training and to your individual success. Unfortunately Stephen Lisonbee, Karla Aguirre, and others are unable to be here with us today, but they care enough to film a message special for you! Display video… The link to the video is as follows in the event it does not play as intended: https://youtu.be/xR7aaIRQa0Y Emphasis parts of the message that are important. For example, we encourage participants to engage in the process. They are the assets in this training. In addition to participation we emphasize the importance of the evaluation process to come. 4

  6. On December 22, 2014 our executive director Jon Pierpont introduced the new philosophy of a Family & Work Focused department. That message was delivered nearly a year ago. Since that message in 2014, we’ve all had the opportunity of learning what this new philosophy entails by attending the FEP Refocus kickoff conference or viewing the recorded messages this past May. Coaching is the next phase in the Family Focused philosophy. Everything we discuss will have an emphasis on helping you coach your employees as they coach their customers. Over the three day’s of courses you will have an opportunity to learn what coaching is and how it is different from mentoring and managing. We recognize you currently possess many coaching skills already. You will notice there won’t be anything earth shattering presented in this training. You already know the principles and concepts we will be discussing as a group in each of these courses. Our goal is to remind you of what you already know and to inspire you to take action when you return to your offices. We echo the comments from Stephen Lisonbee and Karla Aguirre. Your participation today and over the next two courses will be invaluable. As we endeavored to stress at the beginning, the real assets in this training is you! We have created activities and discussions in context of the topics we will present to you today. We encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and share your thoughts, ideas, what has worked for you, and what has 5

  7. not worked for you. During Course 1 we will explore coaching and define what it is and what it is not. We will look at elements of effective coaching and where mistakes will be made. We will explore the reasons behind coaching and ways in which it will be powerful for you and your team. During Course 2 we will be exploring the world of communication: what are the effective elements and common stumbling blocks. We will look at ways in which we can develop effective working relationships with our team. We will explore ways to motivate and praise our team. And finally, how to conduct effective coaching sessions. In Course 3 we will get active!!! This is where we will have an opportunity to practice the principles we have undertaken in the last two coaching courses. You may be wondering to yourself, “Is this everything?” “Am I expected to know how to coach my team after these three courses?” The answer to those questions is an emphatic “No!” The purpose of our time together these three courses is to begin building a foundation of coaching. Additional skill development will come in the form of monthly skill building activities we will call “Workout Wednesdays” and will be included in next phase of the Family Focused philosophy. During the upcoming months you will have the opportunity to practice the concepts you learn here as well as everything else we couldn’t share with you in nine hours. This is where the growth takes place. There will be activities for self ‐ reflection as well as activities you will do in management meeting and team meetings. There will be follow up discussion encouraged with your direct supervisor. These activities will be sent to you in an email and they will also be posted on the DWS Intranet. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Coaching Series Training Design – Future Training Topics ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ An exciting aspect of FEP Refocus is the training opportunities that will be available in the future to all to employees. Topics include: Motivational Interviewing, Case Management, Trauma Awareness, and Executive Functioning. As WDD leadership you will be expected to be knowledgeable in these areas. With that said, you will not be left alone during the learning process. As part of Implementation Science and the coaching design, we will be developing the monthly Workout Wednesday skill building activities to coincide with the training topics received across the state. This means when Motivational Interviewing and Case Management are rolled out, the Workout Wednesday activities will be centered on helping you effectively coach your team through the implementation of those topics. We will be asking you to participate in training by taking an active role in leading discussions. 5


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