developing what is a warm up vocal technique in the

Developing What is a warm-up? Vocal Technique in the Warm-up is - PDF document

6/26/15 Developing What is a warm-up? Vocal Technique in the Warm-up is an exercise used to stimulate and Choral Rehearsal increase blood flow to the muscles involved, resulting in increased flexibility and less likelihood of injury

  1. 6/26/15 ¡ Developing What is a warm-up? Vocal Technique in the “Warm-up is an exercise used to stimulate and Choral Rehearsal increase blood flow to the muscles involved, resulting in increased flexibility and less likelihood of injury . A singer’s warm-up should also Dr. Carol Krueger consist of a selection of exercises designed to develop technique as required.” [S. L. Gover, Choral Journal, October 2001] ! "#$%& ' (#)*+,-(& . /0$1+2 & ! ! " #$%&$'()*# ! Why warm-up? ! ! ! +,-./0/.-1-23,! #43-23,15!*3442-4.,-! ! • Prevent Damage/vocal abuse; ! ! #60/.7723,! • Develop the fundamentals of vocal technique 89,142:7!! ! !*353/! ! !%5.62;252-9! ! ! ! (refine and perfect sound); <$2,=> !!!!!!!!!!!$.73,1,:.!!!!!!! #??2:2.,:9 ! ! See Vocal Technique Pyramid ! ! @433-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $.=27-./7!!!!!!!!!!!!! &,.!B32:.! • Maintain the trained voice; ! ! ! C151,:. !! ! "A3,1-23,!!! ! *33/D2,1-23, ! • Build and/or enhance aural skills; ! ! ! *3,727-.,:9 !! ! !!!!!!!@E003/-! ! !!!!!!! (003==23 ! • Build and/or enhance listening skills. ! ! ! 8210A/1=41-2:F*37-15 !! C/.1-A2,=!! ! !!!!!! GE2.-,.77 ! ! REMEMBER: Singing is a learned behavior; most people are ! C151,:. !! !!!!! ! !!!!!!(52=,4.,-!! ! ! !!!!! $.5161-23, ! ! not natural singers and will require vocal instruction ! if they are going to reach their potential. H #*I)+*(J!! % &K)8(H+&) ! ! ! When? How long? • Beginning of rehearsal; • Singers arrive in varying degrees of readiness so length of time varies; • Throughout rehearsal; “A short series of exercises can adjust the • Set the singers up for success; mood, order the mind, capture the remaining • Tailor vocal exercises to address the needs energies, and relax tense muscles that can of the literature. alter singing technique and predispose the singer to vocal fatigue and injury.” (Smith/Sataloff, 111) 1 ¡

  2. 6/26/15 ¡ Who? What should be included? • Physical and mental warm-up; • Articulation exercises that energize the voice; • Responsibility of director; • Voiced and unvoiced breathing exercises; • Director doesn’t have to be a great singer • Unison melodic exercises for uniformity of but must have an “ear” for excellent vowel and blend; vocal quality and know the process of • Chordal exercises for intonation and balance; how to produce that sound. • Exercises based on difficult aspects of the • Carefully monitor warm-ups and provide repertoire; appropriate feedback for the singers. • Exercises to train and develop the ear. How do vocal solo and choral warm-ups differ? Vocal Solo Warm-ups Choral Warm-ups � Should be extended, � Must encourage detailed, focused on independence of singing but Engage the Mind individual needs; also focus on ensemble; and � Focus on alignment, breath � Focus on alignment, breath motion and flow as breath motion, flow, and Energize the Body management is best taught management; in the solo setting; � May cover multiple lifts/ � Use simple 3-5 note breaks and be of exercises with limited lifts. considerable length. � Build esprit de corps so every singer strives to do their best Engage the Mind Engage the Mind � “Teach singers to think!” � The human brain is able to continually adapt and rewire itself. Even in old age, it can grow new There is no substitute for intelligence. neurons. � EMPOWER rather than ENABLE. � Severe mental decline is usually caused by disease, � The brain is a thinking organ that learns and grows whereas most age-related losses in memory or by interacting with the world through perception motor skills simply result from inactivity and a lack and action. of mental exercise and stimulation. In other words, use it or lose it. � Mental stimulation improves brain function and actually protects against cognitive decline, as does � Try neural building and strengthening exercises with everyday physical exercise. movements. � Use your opposite hand to brush your teeth, dial the phone, operate the computer mouse, or operate the TV remote. 2 ¡

  3. 6/26/15 ¡ Engage the Mind � Mirrored Movement � “Touch Canon” 4/4, 3/4, 2/4,1/4; � Use one of three positions: � together, � one stationary while one moves; � two different moves; Engage the Brain—Challenge the Body � Step 1 � Vocal Watm Up � LH: Slap - Clap � RH: � � � �� Rest-Snap-Rest-Snap � Step 2 � RH: Slap - Clap � LH: � � � �� Rest-Snap-Rest-Snap � 3 ¡

  4. 6/26/15 ¡ Energize the Body Engage the Mind � Assigned � The whole body is the instrument: A DDITIVE M AJOR S CALE movement on each solfege d d d d d d d d singing is an athletic endeavor; � Sit on ‘do’; t t t t t t t t t � Clap on ‘re’; � develop body awareness, � Stand on l l l l l l l l l � prepares the singers to sing; ‘mi’; � Snap on ‘fa’; s s s s s s s s s � body must move, can NOT be STATIC or the � Hop on ‘so’; musical phrase suffers! � Imaginary f f f f f f f f f Slap your m m m m m m m m m � 50% of brain cells are dedicated to MOVEMENT- neighbor on ‘la’ or Quack cerebellum-movement enhances and cements r r r r r r r r r like a duck learning. (Charlene Archibeque) on ‘la’; d d d d d d d d d � Bark on ‘ti’; etc. Energize the Body � Rationale � Learning styles: � visual [30%], auditory [30%], kinesthetic [15%], multi-modal [30%} � Involves the singer and on-task behavior (Active vs. Passive) � Alleviates tension, energizes the body [singer’s instrument]; � To prevent the body from becoming rigid, singers need to be physically involved: “take the focus off of the throat and avoid tension.” [Choral Journal 38, 1997] � Creates a physical manifestation of the sound; � Instruct singers to walk in place (heel march), move hands in circle, snap on off-beat, clap-off, throw a frisbee, throw a dart, hurl the ‘hog’, rub pencil between hands, polish piano, ‘place tone’ in hand; Energize the Body � Good for general health; � Good for the brain; walking increases blood circulation; � Brain processes 14% more oxygen when standing vs sitting. � As you walk, you effectively oxygenate your brain. Maybe this is why walking can "clear your head" and help you to think better. � Studies showed that walking improves memory and significantly reduces risk of Alzheimer’s and mental decline � Inactive individuals were twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's, compared to those who exercised vigorously at least three times a week. 4 ¡

  5. 6/26/15 ¡ Exercises that loosen, relax and stretch the muscles Stretches � Entire Body � Back/Shoulder Conditioning � Elbow to knees (stand/sit) � Massage, light chops, kitty cat scratches; rag doll � Touch Your Toes (stand/sit) � Jumping Jacks � Head Conditioning � Krueger Jacks � Head roll, The Turtle, Yes/No � Shadow Boxing � Run Through Tires � Lower Limbs and Arms � “Walk in the Park.” � Heel March, Rub with Towel, Shake It Out, the Lunge � Curtsy squat / ‘Diva Dive’ � Facial muscles, tongue and jaw � Back Conditioning � Massage temple, cheeks, jaw, � Spinal Stretch, Side Stretch, neck, tongue base; Rope Climbing � Tighten facial muscles then open � Shoulder Conditioning the eyes and mouth as wide as possible � Shoulder Roll, shrug, swim, shoulder flex Alignment Alignment/Posture provides provides the opportunity for beautiful resonance 5 ¡

  6. 6/26/15 ¡ Alignment/Posture Posture/Alignment � Conductor must exhibit � Correct body alignment is � Arms in air, lower arms essential to maximize the until they are correct alignment; singer’s potential for perpendicular to the floor, � Use music stands; if possible positive voice production; roll thumbs back, exposing palms up, gradually lower one stand per singer; � Should be active not arms without collapsing the passive, free not tense; � Rehearse in standing chest, adjust head slightly position; � Terminology: � String tied to top of head � Centered, balanced, � Use stools rather than chair; � Seated position: crystal grounded, legs as shock vase (Alexander Technique) absorbers � Body alignment is a way of life. � Use a check-list � Praying and ballet position � Tension in the body (holding/locking) � Ears over shoulders, creates a white noise and affects the � Hands on rib cage; lift it shoulders over hips, etc. individuals ability to hear. Breathing 6 ¡


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