ways to evaluate

Ways to Evaluate Appropriate Limits Webinar How are brokers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ways to Evaluate Appropriate Limits Webinar How are brokers changing the way they evaluate & recommend appropriate limits? Which loss types would exceed your limits? What dollar amounts attributed to the known losses exceed

  1. Ways to Evaluate Appropriate Limits Webinar • How are brokers changing the way they evaluate & recommend appropriate limits? • Which loss types would exceed your limits? • What dollar amounts attributed to the known losses exceed recommended limits? Thursday, September 24 @ 11 am EDT 1

  2. Determining Appropriate Limits Range of Options • Repeat what you’ve • “We engage in a bit of done before ‘back & forth’” • Compare to what • Ask your Broker you’ve done before • Ask your Risk • Some entities have Management consultant pre-established • Proprietary models guidelines 2

  3. Advisen Benchmarking in a Nutshell • Total GWP • Total programs Our transactions database of 3.3M insurance programs and $200B in premium • Total contributors represents 665K insureds. • Total LOBs Our free, 10-page Insurance Program Benchmarking • Total insureds methodology document shows how we track and match this transaction data. DID YOU KNOW? In June 2014, Advisen received US Patent 8762178 B2 for a �e��h�arki�g �syste� and method for providing global DOWNLOAD: information on risks and related hedging strategies .� http://www.advisenltd.com/program- benchmarking-methodology/ 3

  4. Insurance Program Benchmarking Examples 4

  5. Insurance Program Benchmarking Examples 5

  6. Insurance Program Benchmarking Further Evaluation “What are the “Where do the “At what time in strengths of these various the insurance assorted approaches to cycle is the ideal approaches to determining time to review a answer appropriate limits benchmark?” benchmarking fall down?” questions?” 6

  7. Advisen Loss Data in a Nutshell Our free, 8-page MSCAd • 300,000 events Methodology • $7 trillion in loss value report describes how we collect • Other relevant “quick stats” parameters and curate loss event data. DOWNLOAD: www.advisenltd.com/loss-methodology/ 7

  8. Limit Penetration What happens when you marry insurance program benchmarking with relevant loss data? 8

  9. Loss Benchmarking Compare a company’s loss experience relative to its peer group to identify loss characteristics. 9

  10. Placement Analytics Which Markets are writing a given coverage and at what attachment points? 10

  11. Advisen Options Client Insight Professional for Brokers Includes Insurance Program Benchmarking and anecdotal Loss Data access Client Insight Expert for Brokers Also adds Limit Penetration, Loss Benchmarking, Placement Analytics Risk Insight for Insurance Buyers 11

  12. Q&A This webinar will be repeated on the following dates: • Thursday, October 22, 2015 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT • Tuesday, November 24, 2015 Contact Us 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT info@advisen.com 12


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