March 15, 2017
Initial Objective Phase I Phase II Evaluate the Implement Evaluate Near organization and Immediate-Term and Long-Term Simplify, Focus Items Items and Conn onnec ect
Based on discussions with employees and other stakeholders, the Executive Team developed a list of organizational observations. ◦ Several of the items on the list were identified as impl plementa tabl ble w with thin 30 d days and were implemented shortly thereafter. ◦ The Executive Team needed more input about the other items so these items were identified as needing decisions either near term (less than 90 days) or longer term (over 90 days).
The complete list of organizational observations was shared with employees, and employees could volunteer to participate in the focus groups. A contractor was hired to facilitate the focus groups and report back to the Executive Team. Teams were established comprised of appointees and interested volunteers.
1. Formalized establishment of an innovation center to maximize utilization of engineering technology and new materials and leveraging new technology 4. Renamed 2. Renamed Fair Practices Office to Equal 3. Moved the Network and Enterprise Logistics to Asset Management functions from the Employment Opportunities Office reporting General Planning Group in Engineering to a staff as a staff office to the Deputy GM – Strategic Services office under the Deputy GM - Operations Partnerships Office 5. Moved the materials 7. Merged the Industrial Assets evaluation function from 6. Moved Safety Management Group (Production) with the Materials and Services Office to Human Property Management Group (General Group to the Technical Resources Services) to form a new Facilities Services Group Maintenance Group (Production)
Review Kickoff Focus Work Best Decisions Meeting Groups Groups Practices October 26, 2016 Assessments will ill be mad ade alo along the way. ay. This is will ill le lead ad to re recommendat ations an and ult ltim imat ately ly to d decis isio ions. 6
Fo Focus Gro Group S p Subj bject Act ctions Tak Taken Act ctions To To Be Tak Taken a. Establish Business Advocate Focus group completed. Business Advocate function in Customer Relations. position to be posted. b. Move the microwave Focus group completed. system/cellular leasing function from IT to the Facilities Maintenance Group. c. Evaluate best location in the Focus group completed. organization for Claims. The Claims and Billed Work function will be transferred to the General Counsel’s Office effective April 3, 2017. d. Evaluate best location in the Focus group completed. organization for the billing and The collections function collection functions. currently being performed in Utility Services will be transferred to Customer Relations effective April 3, 2017.
Fo Focus Gro Group S p Subj bject Act ctions Tak Taken Act ctions To To Be Tak Taken e. Evaluate co-location and Focus group completed. functional reporting of the radio The emergency call center room and customer relations will remain on the 2 nd floor call center. next to the Control Center. f. Evaluate organizational Report on organizational alignment of the Procurement alignment of the and SLMBE functions. Procurement and SLMBE functions focus group – report is being drafted. g. Evaluate how sponsorships Focus group completed. Update of related policies. and memberships are handled. h. Evaluate how travel is Focus group completed. Update of related policies. handled. i. Evaluate efficacy of training Focus group completed. activities.
Fo Focus Gro Group S p Subj bject Act ctions Tak Taken Act ctions To To Be Tak Taken j. Evaluate names and titles of Focus group completed. Final recommendations for current organizations and Established a new naming changes to Division and positions hierarchy with Branch, Section functional names Department or Office, and positions. Division and Section replacing Branch, Team or Office, Group and Unit. k. Evaluate where in the Focus group completed. organization the meter reading To promote consistency and and meter shop functions make it easier to move to belong. Advanced Metering Infrastructure, most meter functions will be combined into one organizational unit effective April 3, 2017. l. Review Development process Focus groups are in the – participants identified for process of being focus groups - developers, scheduled. engineers, and government staff.
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