warren hills regional school district board of education

Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education 2016 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education 2016 2017 Budget Presentation April 26, 2016 1 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education Richard Havrisko, President Kathleen Halpin, Vice-President Daniel Brundage

  1. Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education 2016 – 2017 Budget Presentation April 26, 2016 1

  2. Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education Richard Havrisko, President Kathleen Halpin, Vice-President Daniel Brundage Linda Feller Donna Golda Christopher Hamler Lisa Marshall Patrick O’Malley Richard Young Dr. Gary R. Bowen, Interim Superintendent Estrella M. Molinet, Business Administrator/Board Secretary 2

  3. Warren Hills Regional Mission Statement The Warren Hills Regional School District challenges and empowers a dynamic, diverse student body in a supportive learning environment by providing academic and co-curricular opportunities to become successful, productive members of the global community. 3 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  4. Challenges in Budget Planning ü Tax Levy Cap of 2% ü Increasing costs of Special Education ü Competitive salaries and benefits to attract and retain top quality faculty and staff ü Increasing insurance costs ü Maintaining and investing in our facilities 4 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  5. Budget Development The following guidelines are considered: ü Provide for contractual, mandated and operational obligations ü Meet New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Mandates ü Remain within the state maximum permitted guidelines ü Maintain all educational programs 5 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  6. Fixed Costs ü Include mandates from the State and Federal Government ü NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards ü Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) ü Basic Skills/Supplemental Instruction ü Special Education ü Environmental, Health and Safety 6 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  7. Operational Obligations ü Debt service for building projects ü Employee benefits ü Property and liability insurance ü Negotiated salaries ü Transportation ü Utilities 7 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  8. Discretionary Costs q Extra - curricular activities q Instruction equipment and supplies q Classroom furniture q Technology (hardware & software) q Capital projects q Educational Classroom Resources 8 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  9. Cost Savings Initiatives Ø Participation in purchasing cooperatives Ø Shared transportation - tiered with four elementary districts Ø Shared Transportation Coordinator with Washington Township Ø E-rate savings for phone and internet services Ø ACES – An energy consortium provides savings in natural gas, oil and electric costs 9 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  10. Fund Balance - Reserves as of June 30, 2015 audit § Undesignated Fund Balance $ 884,077 § Restricted Surplus for 2016-2017 $ 1,733,000 § Capital Reserve $ 5,103,651 § Maintenance Reserve $ 645,000 § Emergency Reserve $ 318,406 10 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  11. Local Tax Levy and Cap Adjustments Eligible CAP Adjustment for 2016-2017 2015-2016 Tax Levy $ 19,800,498 Enrollment Adjustment $ 9,764 The 2% Spending Cap $ 396,205 Banked Cap from 13-14 $ 380,632 Banked Cap from 14-15 $ 0 Banked Cap from 15-16 $ 59,492 Adjusted Tax Levy for 16-17 $ 20,646,591 11 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  12. The Proposed Budget ü Maintains all existing academic programs and extra curricular activities ü Expands the implementation of the Five Year Curriculum Plan of 2012-2017 to 2016-2021 ü Expands on Technology according to the priorities as identified by the Technology Committee. 12 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  13. The Proposed Budget includes Ø New staffing in several areas: - HS Math teacher F/T - Special Ed BD teacher F/T - MS Autistic teacher P/T - MS Psychologist F/T - School Security F/T - Autistic Aide P/T - Facilities Secretary P/T - MS Custodian P/T - Paraprofessionals P/T 13 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  14. The Proposed Budget ü New Student Information System – Genesis ü New Special Education Management Software – IEP Direct ü Continued Professional Development for All Staff 14 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  15. The Proposed Budget Ø Brings considerable savings to the district by – hiring our own paraprofessionals versus using a service – using Hunterdon County ESC’s lease purchase financing services for equipment purchases 15 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  16. Lease Purchase Program • Interest rate is through the bid process done by HCESC • Purchases are through the Hunterdon or Middlesex Educational Services Commission or NJ Public Schools Contract Law N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-3 • 5 year lease 3 year lease Description Estimated Cost Description Estimated Cost 16 ceiling mounted 2 ~ 54 Passenger school projectors 60,000 buses 180,000 Phone System 60,000 Maintenance van / rack truck 93,000 Computer Pilot Program 91,580 Grounds Equipment Barracuda Web Filter mowers, sweeper 96,000 910/warranty 38,271 Y early Lease Amount: 76,000 MS/HS Custodial Machines 10,000 * Individual items subject to Y early Lease Amount: 90,000 evaluation & change 16 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  17. Capital Projects 16-17 The district has a responsibility to keep district facilities running efficiently for the health and safety of the students and staff. The following projects are scheduled to be funded through the Capital Reserve Account: General Fund: Description Amount Budgeted Description Amount Budgeted MS Parking Lot Door Lock Project 199,000 Maintenance 27,000 MS Bleacher Replacement 124,000 MS Fire Alarm Upgrades 12,000 HS Parking Lot 297,000 HS Bleacher Replacement Project Maintenance 15,000 MS Lavatory Renovations Project 271,000 54,000 Total Projects 347,000 HS Lavatory Renovations Project District Security System 150,000 1,388,000 Total Projects 17 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  18. Estimated Revenues for 2016-2017 Budget Category 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017 Increase/Decrease Percentage Budgeted Fund Balance 2,628,141 1,917,025 (711,116) -37.09% Withdrawal from Capital Res - 1,388,000 1,388,000 100.00% Local Tax Levy 19,800,498 20,646,591 846,093 4.10% 1,532,200 108,705 Tuition 1,640,905 6.62% Transportation Fees from LEA's 270,073 273,673 3,600 1.32% Interest / Misc Revenues 112,000 (14,040) 97,960 -14.33% State Aid 10,634,423 10,920,833 286,410 2.62% 481,842 (481,842) Prior Year Adjustment - -100.00% Medicaid/SEMI 25,252 29,278 4,026 14% Special Revenue Fund 650,679 547,440 (103,239) -18.86% 2,143,509 29,500 Debt Service 2,173,009 1.36% Total Revenues 38,278,617 39,634,714 1,356,097 3.42% 18 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  19. Estimated Appropriations for 2016-2017 Budget Category 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017 Increase/Decrease Percentage Regular Programs Instruction 10,371,718 10,478,805 107,087 1.02% Special Education Instruction 2,710,639 2,926,554 215,915 7.38% Co curricularActivities-Instruction 196,682 210,232 13,550 6.45% School Sponsored Athletics-Instruct 1,073,803 1,059,014 (14,789) -1.40% Tuition Regular and Special Ed 2,151,094 2,909,321 758,227 26.06% Health Services 353,602 335,930 (17,672) -5.26% Support Svcs Related/Extraordinary 1,364,939 1,122,012 (242,927) -21.65% Guidance Services 917,408 972,776 55,368 5.69% Child Study Team Services 671,201 736,172 64,971 8.83% Improvement of Instruction Svcs 557,086 565,550 8,464 1.50% Educational Media/Library Svcs 426,368 436,441 10,073 2.31% Instructional Staff Training 86,775 63,750 (23,025) -36.12% Services - General Administration 765,706 770,169 4,463 0.58% Services - School Administration 1,321,749 1,351,823 30,074 2.22% Central Svcs & Admin Info Tech 750,587 728,130 (22,457) -3.08% Operation & Maint Plant Svcs 3,106,382 3,208,296 101,914 3.18% Student Transportation Services 1,850,936 1,882,412 31,476 1.67% Personal Svcs -Employee Benefits 5,751,211 5,313,869 (437,342) -8.23% Capital Outlay 1,056,543 1,843,009 786,466 42.67% Total General Fund 35,484,429 36,914,265 1,429,836 3.87% Total Special Revenue Fund 650,679 547,440 (103,239) -18.86% Total Debt Service 2,143,509 2,173,009 29,500 1.36% Total Expenditures/Appropriations 38,278,617 39,634,714 1,356,097 3.42% 19 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  20. 2016-2017 Revenue as % of Budget Interest / Misc State Aid Transp Fees Revenues 29.58% from LEA's 0.27% 0.74% Medicaid/SEMI 0.08% Tuition 4.45% Budgeted Fund Balance 5.19% Withdraw Capital Reserves 3.76% Local Tax Levy 55.93% 20 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education

  21. 2016-2017 Appropriations as % of Budget Employee State/Federal Capital Outlay Benefits Prog 1% 5% 13% Debt Service Transportation 6% 5% Operations Security 8% Reg. Instruction Central 27% Serv/Tech 2% SpecEd / Basic School Admin. Student Skill 7% 3% Co Support Tuition Curr/Athletics General Admin. Services 7% 2% 3% 11% 21 Warren Hills Regional School District Board of Education


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