walk bike nashville

Walk Bike Nashville AN OVERVIEW OF WHATS HAPPENING AT W/BN Working - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Walk Bike Nashville AN OVERVIEW OF WHATS HAPPENING AT W/BN Working to create a more walkable, bikeable and liveable Nashville. Since 1998 About Us Today Staff Nora Kern, Executive Director Katie Hoovler, Safe Routes Coordinator


  2. Working to create a more walkable, bikeable and liveable Nashville.

  3. Since 1998…

  4. About Us Today Staff Nora Kern, Executive Director Katie Hoovler, Safe Routes Coordinator Daniel McDonell, Education & Advocacy Coordinator Board of Directors Josh Palmer, President Carey Rogers, Vice President Nate Gilmer, Secretary Matthew Creekmore, Treasurer Adams Carroll Stacy Dorris Matthew Drewes KJ Garner Tom Grooms David Kleinfelter Jim McAteer Brenda Mikec Brian Phelps Trisha Ping Art Rebrovick Mary Pat Teague Jeff Themm

  5. About Us EDUCATE Educate Nashvillians about to encourage active transit and recreation, and prevent pedestrian and bicycling injuries and deaths. ENGAGE Engage the Nashville community in walking and biking opportunities to increase pedestrian and bicycling activity. ADVOCATE Promote policy that supports our mission and serve as an advocate for pedestrians and bicyclists.

  6. Educate Walk Bike University

  7. Educate Safe Routes to Schools

  8. Educate Travel Green and Safe Routes to Shops

  9. Engage Bike to Work Day

  10. Tour de Nash

  11. Walk Month

  12. Open Streets Nashville

  13. Advocate Tennessee Bike Summit

  14. National Bike Summit

  15. Other Advocacy Initiatives

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