w3 big data the next playground for hr

W3: Big Data: The Next Playground for HR Maria Zahra Nicole Caruana - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

W3: Big Data: The Next Playground for HR Maria Zahra Nicole Caruana Managing Director of SurgeAdvisory Neuroscientist and Co-founder of Massivemind Big Data: The Next Playground for HR Workshop 3 Maria Bartolo Zahra & Nicole Caruana

  1. W3: Big Data: The Next Playground for HR Maria Zahra Nicole Caruana Managing Director of SurgeAdvisory Neuroscientist and Co-founder of Massivemind

  2. Big Data: The Next Playground for HR Workshop 3 Maria Bartolo Zahra & Nicole Caruana part of the Crew from

  3. www.boomerang.com.mt

  4. HR data science big data people analytics They are HOT for a very good reason.

  5. What’s all this? • Data: coded values collected from business processes, raw facts…but it’s BIG DATA • Analytics: compared to what? since when?

  6. Data tells a story, so it needs to be presented like one.

  7. We have been data collectors for a long time.

  8. Simple HR Data • Workforce profile: • Headcount • Age • Length of service • Type, e.g. sales/support/marketing/finance • Grade • Performance and productivity • Absence • Performance ratings • Reward • Percentage of employees paid above or below market rate

  9. Traditionally this is how HR has done things… • Annual engagement surveys • Training evaluation forms • Face-to-face interviews (e.g. selection or exit interviews) • Personal observation While there is nothing inherently wrong with using these methods…they certainly have their shortcomings!

  10. So what has happened now? • Fundamental shift in how HR works with the business • Big data has revolutionised marketing and finance…now it is HR’s turn • New technologies and the realisation that big data can help you take fact-based decisions • HR analytics can help organisations achieve strategic objectives • What matters is what the data does for you Are we ready?

  11. A new way of looking at the same problems.

  12. Can you answer any of these questions? • What skills do your employees have in common? • How many of your employees are likely to resign in 2018? • How many of your employees are under-performing? • Is our recruitment strategy providing the talent we need?

  13. Big data can help… • It gives accurate information on what is happening in the business in relation to a given issue – e.g. employee engagement. • It helps make decisions about where the business should spend its money and direct resources.

  14. Don’t try to rule the world.

  15. “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Peter Drucker

  16. How do I become data-driven? Start with WHY

  17. Gaining competitive advantage through: • Prediction of future job vacancies and leadership needs • Turnover prediction and analysis • Data-based risk management • Prediction of future performance and pre-hire flight risk.

  18. Look at WHO

  19. Understand WHAT you want to quantify • Is it relevant? • Can it be quantified? • Do you have the resources?

  20. What can we measure? • Engagement: Likelihood of recommendation, foreseen tenure in number of years, current level of job satisfaction and immediate happiness (pulse-based) • Productivity: metrics that deal with participation in voluntary events and public online communication, out-of-hours contribution and the regularity of updates on project management platforms (automated)

  21. HOW? In-house development or 3 rd Party

  22. • Show example of platform

  23. Decide WHICH platform to go with

  24. Decision based on: • Price • Plan Per head vs. group • Features What’s hot right now?

  25. • Pulse-based: likelihood of recommendation, foreseen tenure in number of years, current level of job satisfaction and immediate happiness • Automated: metrics that deal with participation in voluntary events and public online communication, out-of-hours contribution and the regularity of updates on project management platforms

  26. Gamification

  27. Application Integration

  28. Industry Comparison

  29. What can we do with the results? • Real-time overview of employee pulse at your fingertips • Base high-level decisions on current information • Visualise trends and find patterns in existing metrics (new insights) • Instantly notice problem areas and tackle them

  30. What is the future of Big Data and HR? Predictive Analytics Artificial Intelligence


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