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Lsambassadren Swedish reading ambassador Kids do their - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lsambassadren Swedish reading ambassador Kids do their internetdebute 2 yo 89 % of all 9-year olds use tablets every day Language 20 20% % of of swedish edish 15 15 yea ear old bo old boys ys can can t grasp grasp the the

  1. Läsambassadören Swedish reading ambassador

  2. Kids do their internetdebute 2 yo

  3. 89 % of all 9-year olds use tablets every day

  4. Language

  5. • 20 20% % of of swedish edish 15 15 yea ear old bo old boys ys can can ´ t grasp grasp the the content conte nt of of simple simpler tex text t in in an an ordina ordinary ne newspa wspaper per

  6. Who ´ s to blame?

  7. Kindergarten

  8. We We can can´t rel rely on on kindergar kindergarten ten to to do the do the job job

  9. Parents 35 % of swedish parents read to their kids every night. In 2003 74% of the kids was read to by their parents. Why did 50% choose to abandon this habit?

  10. We We can can´t rel rely on on parents parents to do to do the the job job

  11. 7000 words or 17000 words

  12. School School -whe here re kids kids spen spend most most of of the their ir time time

  13. • Cur Curiosity iosity • Education Education • Empa Empath thy • Cr Critical itical thinking thinking • Ci Civics vics • Ability Ability to to anal analyze yze

  14. Educatio Education Policy olicy • Be able to make and express och critical statements based on knowledge of human rights and basic democratic values and personal experiences. • Respect the dignity of all human beings. • Object against oppression of poeple • Feel empathy with peoples situations and develop a eagerness to act accordingly. Show respect to environment, both in everyday life as well as globaly

  15. Martin Ingvar, neuroscientist: To be able to read affects systems of braincells connected to memory attention, abstract thinking, use and understanding of information. But also unbiased critical thinking .

  16. It takes 5000 hours to become an avid reader

  17. What are books good for?

  18. What hat are are boo books ks good ood for? for? - It makes you sleepy

  19. What is the best thing with computergames?

  20. What is the best thing with computergames? -You do it with friends.

  21. Can reading be a social medium? How?

  22. 80% of swedish kids are involved in organized Sports activities

  23. Could the sportsclubs be involved as an allied in reading projects?

  24. Dreamteam Dreamteam of of Schoo School

  25. For orming ming a a drea dreamteam mteam

  26. For orming ming a a drea dreamteam mteam

  27. For orming ming a a drea dreamteam mteam

  28. For orming ming a a drea dreamteam mteam

  29. For orming ming a a drea dreamteam mteam


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