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W ELCOME W ED N ES D AY, J U LY 15 , 2 0 2 0 11:0 0 -12 :3 0 P M - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board W ELCOME W ED N ES D AY, J U LY 15 , 2 0 2 0 11:0 0 -12 :3 0 P M B OAR D M E M B E R & P U B LI C ATTE N D E E I N TR OD U CTI ON S Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant

  1. Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board W ELCOME W ED N ES D AY, J U LY 15 , 2 0 2 0 11:0 0 -12 :3 0 P M B OAR D M E M B E R & P U B LI C ATTE N D E E I N TR OD U CTI ON S

  2. Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board ACTION ITEM : R EQU ES T F OR AP P R OVAL J U N E M EETIN G M IN U TES W E N D E L B R U N N E R , H C H B O A R D C H A I R A T T A C H M E N T S : M A Y M E E T I N G M I N U T E S

  3. Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board S TAN D IN G ITEM : QU ALITY IMP ROVEMEN T/ AS S U RAN CE & P ROGRAM P ERFORMAN CE REP ORTS A L I S O N S T R I B L I N G , P H C S Q I / Q A T E A M

  4. Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board H OM ELES S M OR TALITY R EP OR T A L I S O N S T R I B L I N G , H C H Q I

  5. Homeless Mortality Report  Methods  Patient Population  HCH Activity  HMIS Activity  System Indicators (e.g. homeless diagnosis, screening response indicating homelessness)  Sample Period: 2012 – 2018  Data Source: CDPH Vital Records Business Intelligence System (VRBIS)

  6. Homeless Mortality Report Report Review  Limitations  VRBIS Dataset  Insufficient data on leading causes of death in Contra Costa during sample period  Small sample size did not allow for calculations of age adjusted rates, 762 observed deaths during sample period

  7. LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH A MONG THE H OMELESS POPULATION BETWEEN 2012-2018 Causes of Death Deaths Percent 1. Unintentional injury 154 20 .2% Accidental overdose by alcohol or other drugs 98 63.6% Traffic related fatality 34 22.1% Other Causes (falls, burns, exposure) 22 14.2 2. Cancer 151 19.8 % Lung 37 24.5% Liver 20 13.3% Other cancers (colon, pancreatic, prostate) 94 62.2% 3. Heart disease 120 15.8 % 4 . Chronic liver disease/ cirrhosis 47 6.2% 5. Hom icide 35 4.6% 6. Essential hypertension/ hypertensive renal disease 32 4.2% 7. Stroke 26 3.4 % 8 . Suicide 23 3.0 % 9 . Chronic lower respiratory disease 21 2.8 % 10 . Diabetes 21 2.8 % All Causes 762 100%

  8. LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH IN C ALIFORNIA BETWEEN 2012-2018 Hom eless CA Crude Hom eless Crude Causes of Death Cause of Death Rate/ 10 0 0 Rate/ 10 0 0 Rank 1. Heart disease 7.63 5.48 3 2 2. Cancer 7.45 6.89 3. Stroke 1.82 1.19 7 4. Chronic lower respiratory disease 1.70 0.96 9 16 5. Alzheimer’s Disease 1.55 .41 6. Unintentional injury 1.53 7.03 1 7. Diabetes 1.07 0.96 10 11 8. Influenza/ pneumonia 0.90 .91 9. Chronic liver disease/ cirrhosis 0.64 2.15 4 10. Essential hypertension/ hypertensive 0.61 1.46 6 renal disease All Causes 32.04 34.79 - *Homicide (#5) and suicide (#6) are the only leading causes of death among the homeless not observed among the wider state population

  9. Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board H OM ELES S D AS H B OAR D A L I S O N S T R I B L I N G , H C H Q I

  10. Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board H CH S ER VICES U P D ATE J O E M E G A , H CH M E D I CA L D I R E CTO R & M I K E M YE TTE , M H S U P E R V I S O R

  11. Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board P R OJ ECT D IR ECTOR U P D ATE ACTI ON I TE M : R E Q U E S T F O R A P P R O V A L CO R O N A V I R U S H R S A F U N D I N G R A CH A E L B I R CH , P D

  12. Grant Funding Funding Funding Output Am ount Health Center Coronavirus $936, 110.00 4.0 FTE to support the Aid, Relief and Economic planning, coordination, and Security (CARES) service delivery for homeless patients Expanded Capacity for $411, 499.00 3.0 FTE to support Coronavirus Testing (ECT) laboratory and testing expansion Coronavirus Supplemental $69, 035 .5 FTE to support telehealth Funding visit infrastructure

  13. HCH Program & Community Updates  COVID-19 and Shelter-in-place Update  Most current up-to-date health orders are listed here: https:/ / www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/ health-orders  Project RoomKey  Trauma informed training continued?  Community & program updates

  14. Future Items to Discuss Trauma Informed Care Training Continued 1. Tour of new Medical Outreach Bus (Delayed) 2.

  15. HCH Co-Applicant Governing Board Next Meeting Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:00 – 12:30pm Zoom Conference Call


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