Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board W ELCOME W ED N ES D AY, J U LY 15 , 2 0 2 0 11:0 0 -12 :3 0 P M B OAR D M E M B E R & P U B LI C ATTE N D E E I N TR OD U CTI ON S
Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board ACTION ITEM : R EQU ES T F OR AP P R OVAL J U N E M EETIN G M IN U TES W E N D E L B R U N N E R , H C H B O A R D C H A I R A T T A C H M E N T S : M A Y M E E T I N G M I N U T E S
Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board S TAN D IN G ITEM : QU ALITY IMP ROVEMEN T/ AS S U RAN CE & P ROGRAM P ERFORMAN CE REP ORTS A L I S O N S T R I B L I N G , P H C S Q I / Q A T E A M
Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board H OM ELES S M OR TALITY R EP OR T A L I S O N S T R I B L I N G , H C H Q I
Homeless Mortality Report Methods Patient Population HCH Activity HMIS Activity System Indicators (e.g. homeless diagnosis, screening response indicating homelessness) Sample Period: 2012 – 2018 Data Source: CDPH Vital Records Business Intelligence System (VRBIS)
Homeless Mortality Report Report Review Limitations VRBIS Dataset Insufficient data on leading causes of death in Contra Costa during sample period Small sample size did not allow for calculations of age adjusted rates, 762 observed deaths during sample period
LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH A MONG THE H OMELESS POPULATION BETWEEN 2012-2018 Causes of Death Deaths Percent 1. Unintentional injury 154 20 .2% Accidental overdose by alcohol or other drugs 98 63.6% Traffic related fatality 34 22.1% Other Causes (falls, burns, exposure) 22 14.2 2. Cancer 151 19.8 % Lung 37 24.5% Liver 20 13.3% Other cancers (colon, pancreatic, prostate) 94 62.2% 3. Heart disease 120 15.8 % 4 . Chronic liver disease/ cirrhosis 47 6.2% 5. Hom icide 35 4.6% 6. Essential hypertension/ hypertensive renal disease 32 4.2% 7. Stroke 26 3.4 % 8 . Suicide 23 3.0 % 9 . Chronic lower respiratory disease 21 2.8 % 10 . Diabetes 21 2.8 % All Causes 762 100%
LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH IN C ALIFORNIA BETWEEN 2012-2018 Hom eless CA Crude Hom eless Crude Causes of Death Cause of Death Rate/ 10 0 0 Rate/ 10 0 0 Rank 1. Heart disease 7.63 5.48 3 2 2. Cancer 7.45 6.89 3. Stroke 1.82 1.19 7 4. Chronic lower respiratory disease 1.70 0.96 9 16 5. Alzheimer’s Disease 1.55 .41 6. Unintentional injury 1.53 7.03 1 7. Diabetes 1.07 0.96 10 11 8. Influenza/ pneumonia 0.90 .91 9. Chronic liver disease/ cirrhosis 0.64 2.15 4 10. Essential hypertension/ hypertensive 0.61 1.46 6 renal disease All Causes 32.04 34.79 - *Homicide (#5) and suicide (#6) are the only leading causes of death among the homeless not observed among the wider state population
Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board H OM ELES S D AS H B OAR D A L I S O N S T R I B L I N G , H C H Q I
Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board H CH S ER VICES U P D ATE J O E M E G A , H CH M E D I CA L D I R E CTO R & M I K E M YE TTE , M H S U P E R V I S O R
Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Governing Board P R OJ ECT D IR ECTOR U P D ATE ACTI ON I TE M : R E Q U E S T F O R A P P R O V A L CO R O N A V I R U S H R S A F U N D I N G R A CH A E L B I R CH , P D
Grant Funding Funding Funding Output Am ount Health Center Coronavirus $936, 110.00 4.0 FTE to support the Aid, Relief and Economic planning, coordination, and Security (CARES) service delivery for homeless patients Expanded Capacity for $411, 499.00 3.0 FTE to support Coronavirus Testing (ECT) laboratory and testing expansion Coronavirus Supplemental $69, 035 .5 FTE to support telehealth Funding visit infrastructure
HCH Program & Community Updates COVID-19 and Shelter-in-place Update Most current up-to-date health orders are listed here: https:/ / health-orders Project RoomKey Trauma informed training continued? Community & program updates
Future Items to Discuss Trauma Informed Care Training Continued 1. Tour of new Medical Outreach Bus (Delayed) 2.
HCH Co-Applicant Governing Board Next Meeting Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:00 – 12:30pm Zoom Conference Call
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