glad y glad you came ou came welcome to the hunter elcome

Glad y Glad you came ou came Welcome to the Hunter elcome to the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Glad y Glad you came ou came Welcome to the Hunter elcome to the Hunters Cr s Crest est Homeo Homeowner wners Associa s Association tion ANNU ANNUAL MEETING! AL MEETING! Meeting will be Meeting will begin a gin at 6:30 PM t 6:30 PM

  1. Glad y Glad you came ou came Welcome to the Hunter elcome to the Hunters Cr s Crest est Homeo Homeowner wners Associa s Association tion ANNU ANNUAL MEETING! AL MEETING! Meeting will be Meeting will begin a gin at 6:30 PM t 6:30 PM April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 1

  2. 1. 1. Welcome and intr elcome and introductions oductions 2. 2. Confir Confirma mation of tion of Bylaw's Bylaw's 3. 3. Dec Declar laration of tion of Quor Quorum um 4. A 4. Appr pproval of val of 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes 5. 5. Election of Election of 3 member 3 members to the Boar s to the Board of d of Dir Director ectors s A. A. Appointment of ppointment of election inspector election inspectors s B. B. Intr Introduction of oduction of Candida Candidates tes C. C. Nomina Nominations fr tions from the floor and Election om the floor and Election 6. 6. Repor eport of t of Of Officer ficers s 7. Repor 7. eports of ts of Committees Committees 8. 8. Unfinished Business Unfinished Business 9. 9. New Business New Business 10. 10. Open F Open For orum um April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 2

  3. The items belo he items below ar w are the Annual Meeting r e the Annual Meeting requir equirements fr ements from om the Bylaws of the Bylaws of Hunter Hunters Cr s Crest. est. Ar Artic ticle VIII, Section 5- Ballots must be sent a le VIII, Section 5- Ballots must be sent at least 14 days in t least 14 days in advance of advance of da date set f te set for orth. (Sent Mar th. (Sent March 29th) h 29th) Ar Artic ticle VIII, Section 5- Ballots must be mailed in a sealed le VIII, Section 5- Ballots must be mailed in a sealed en envelope with the signa elope with the signatur ture of e of the holder on the outside of the holder on the outside of the the en envelope, elope, ir ir is in is invalid. (Election committee will r valid. (Election committee will review) view) Ar Artic ticle XIII, Section 1- Annual meeting must be held in the le XIII, Section 1- Annual meeting must be held in the fir first quar st quarter of ter of the Associa the Association tion’s Fiscal y s Fiscal year ear. (i.e. A . (i.e. April-J pril-June) une) Ar Artic ticle XIII, Section 3- Notice of le XIII, Section 3- Notice of any meeting shall be mor any meeting shall be more e than 6 days. (w than 6 days. (was sent 18 days in advance) as sent 18 days in advance) Ar Artic ticle XIII, Section 4- Quor le XIII, Section 4- Quorum is 10% of um is 10% of all eligible member all eligible members. s. All Bylaw r All Bylaw requir equirements ha ements have been met f e been met for 2018. or 2018. April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 3

  4. Dec Declar laration of tion of Quor Quorum um In or In order to conduct the or der to conduct the ordinar dinary business y business of of the Associa the Association a tion at an Annual Meeting, it t an Annual Meeting, it is r is requir equired tha ed that a t at least 10% of t least 10% of the total the total member members be r s be repr epresented either in per esented either in person son or by Pr or by Proxy xy. . April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 4

  5. Need to insert meeting minutes this slide and the next Ben April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 5

  6. April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 6

  7. Appointment of ppointment of election inspector election inspectors s Intr Introduction of oduction of Candida Candidates tes Ka Katie P tie Pennington ennington Bill V Bill Vit it Tom Ber om Bersc schied hied Bob Ra Bob Rabin bin Nomina Nominations fr tions from the floor om the floor Election of Election of candida candidates tes April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 7

  8. Repor eport of t of Of Officer ficers s I. Pr President’ esident’s r s repor eport t I. II. II. T Treasur easurer’ er’s r s repor eport t April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 8

  9. • Landsca Landscaping and maintenance along Hunter ping and maintenance along Hunters T s Trail sidew ail sidewalks alks and F and Front & R ont & Rear entr ear entrances ances • Landsca Landscaping and maintenance of ping and maintenance of 11 common ar 11 common areas eas • Landsca Landscaping and maintenance of ping and maintenance of 4 islands and 4 dead end 4 islands and 4 dead end str streets eets • Boule Boulevar vard tr d tree r ee replacement and maintenance eplacement and maintenance • Tree trimming ee trimming • Sidew Sidewalk plo alk plowing along Hunter wing along Hunters T s Trail ail • Hunter Hunters Cr s Crest w est web site b site • Financial contr Financial control on dues and e ol on dues and expenses xpenses • Entr Entrance F ance Fla lag r g repair and r epair and replacement eplacement • Annual Gar Annual Garage Sale in spring of ge Sale in spring of eac each y h year ear • Assistance with Critter T Assistance with Critter Trapping and r pping and remo emoval val • maintenance of maintenance of 23+ ponds tha 23+ ponds that ar t are used as dr e used as draina ainage of ge of stor storm m water r ter runof unoff • AR ARC r C review and a view and appr pproval val • Weed contr eed control f ol for some out lots w or some out lots whic hich ha h have caused se e caused sever ere e aller allergic r gic reaction f eaction for Homeo or Homeowner wners s • Mail bo Mail box r x replacement and r eplacement and repair epair • Winter T inter Trail w ail walk in Mar alk in March Ad h Added 2018 ded 2018 April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 9

  10. • 439 Finished Homes 439 Finished Homes • The 439 c he 439 changes constantl hanges constantly y Final homes c Final homes closing o losing over ne er next se xt sever eral months. al months. • 20 T 20 To 40 homes ar o 40 homes are alw e always in the pr ays in the process of ocess of • changing o hanging owner wners. s. Hunter Hunters Cr s Crest building is complete. est building is complete. • 13 homes ar 13 homes are r e rentals entals • � 31 New Homes will be ad 31 New Homes will be added but will not par ded but will not part of t of the pr the present HO esent HOA A April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 10

  11. At the March 19, 2018, City Council meeting, City Staff proposed to the Council to take a step back from our in-house search for a water tower site and reconnect with S.E.H. Engineering to discuss a more ‘engineering-based’ look at where to find a potential location for a water tower (and possibly a location that would be large enough for a future water treatment plant) in the southwest part of Minnetrista. This has since been approved and the city is proceeding April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 11

  12. As of April 16 They are cleaning the water tower April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 12

  13. The 2016-17 y he 2016-17 year ended with $95,670 in the ear ended with $95,670 in the • Oper Operating accounts, and $109,636 in the ting accounts, and $109,636 in the Reser eserve accounts. e accounts. Ther here is $6,652 in accounts r e is $6,652 in accounts receiva eceivable as of ble as of • Mar March 31 h 31 st st 2018. 2018. This is do T his is down fr wn from $8,021 on Mar om $8,021 on March 31 h 31 st st , 2017; , 2017; • and fur and further fr ther from the amount on Mar om the amount on March 31 h 31 st st , 2016 , 2016 of of $13,900. $13,900. April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 13

  14. Annual Assessment: No incr Annual Assessment: No increase f ease for 2018-19. or 2018-19. • $300/ $300/yr yr (muc (much less than most sing h less than most single f le famil amily y associa associations) tions) The annual budget is $132,000. he annual budget is $132,000. • The Annual Assessment is due A he Annual Assessment is due April 1 pril 1 st st , with a , with a • 30 day g 30 day grace period. ace period. Ther here is a $50 la e is a $50 late f te fee if ee if not paid bef not paid befor ore May e May • 1st, as w 1st, as well as a $20 collection letter f ell as a $20 collection letter fee. ee. Please mak Please make sur e sure y e your payment is sent bef our payment is sent befor ore e • May 1 st May 1 st to a to avoid any e oid any extr xtra f a fees. If ees. If not paid by not paid by June 1 une 1 st st , all past due accounts will be sent to , all past due accounts will be sent to collections. collections. April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 14

  15. I. I. Ar Architectur hitectural r al review view II. II. T Tree Planting & T ee Planting & Tree T ee Trimming rimming III. III. Out lot A upda Out lot A updates tes IV IV. Communica Communications tions V. V. P Pond Upda ond Updates tes April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 15

  16. Submitted 2017 To April 2018 Roof Replacement 12 Decks 12 Landscape 8 Temp Pool 2 Swing Set 2 Painting 3 Misc. 5 Total: 44 April 16, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING 2018 16


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