hunter river drought operations 2019 20

Hunter River Drought Operations 2019-20 Hunter Valley Water Users - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hunter River Drought Operations 2019-20 Hunter Valley Water Users Association 14 June 2019 Work Approval 2 WaterNSW Water Sharing Plan 3 WaterNSW Comparison to historical droughts Comparison of Drought Inflows - Glenbawn & Glennies Ck

  1. Hunter River Drought Operations 2019-20 Hunter Valley Water Users Association 14 June 2019

  2. Work Approval 2 WaterNSW

  3. Water Sharing Plan 3 WaterNSW

  4. Comparison to historical droughts Comparison of Drought Inflows - Glenbawn & Glennies Ck Dams (Drought Inflows for 36 Months Starting in July) July 1939 - Jun1942 250 July 1979 - Jun 1982 July 2015 - Jun 2018 July 2016 - June 2019 Current Drought July 2017 - May 2019 200 Cumulative Inflows in GL 150 100 50 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 No. of Months 4 WaterNSW

  5. Comparison of drought inflows – Burrendong Dam Drought inflows for 36 months WaterNSW 5

  6. 6 WaterNSW

  7. Water Account Balances 31 May 2019 31-May-19 Sum of Sum of Sum of Allocation Allocation Sum of Sum of Sum of Share Sum of Account Available Sum of Sum of Assignments Assignments Account Limit Potential Sum of Row Labels Component Balance Water AWD Vol Carryover In In Out Forfeits Carryover Usage DOMESTIC AND STOCK 1,569 1,385 1,385 1,561 - - - - - 185 DOMESTIC AND STOCK [DOMESTIC] 144 143 143 144 - - - - - 1 DOMESTIC AND STOCK [STOCK] 103 64 64 103 - - - - - 39 LOCAL WATER UTILITY 10,832 3,771 3,419 10,832 - - - - - 7,061 MAJOR UTILITY [POWER GENERATION] 36,000 31,611 31,611 36,000 21,574 - - - 31,611 25,963 REGULATED RIVER (GENERAL SECURITY) 128,544 91,873 90,049 127,815 25,835 11,302 13,420 - 27,947 60,492 REGULATED RIVER (HIGH SECURITY) 21,740 12,785 11,985 21,737 4,108 3,562 1,443 4,114 4,350 11,068 SUPPLEMENTARY WATER 48,519 43,526 43,526 48,502 - - - - - 4,993 Grand Total 247,451 185,157 182,181 246,694 51,517 14,863 14,863 4,114 63,907 109,801 7 WaterNSW

  8. Resource Assessment Planning horizon July 2019 – June 2022 8 WaterNSW

  9. 1 July 2006 – Glenbawn 286GL (37.3%), Glen’s Ck 109GL (38%) 9 WaterNSW

  10. 1 June 2007 Glenbawn 213GL (28.4%), Glenn Ck 71GL (25%), 15 Feb 2008 Glenbawn 359GL (47.9%), Glenn Ck 135GL (47.5%) 10 WaterNSW

  11. Liddell flows v Target Flows and Glenbawn Releases 2018/19 1800 1600 1400 Liddell Flow 1200 Liddell WSP Target Flow ML/days 1000 Glenbawn release 800 600 400 200 0 11 WaterNSW

  12. Singleton Flows v Target Flows 2018/19 400 Singleton Flow 350 Singleton Operational 300 Target 250 Flow ML/days 200 150 100 50 0 12 WaterNSW

  13. Greta flows v Target Flows and Glennies Releases and Hunter flows u/s junction 2018/19 1000 Greta flow Greta WSP target 900 Hunter u/s Glennies junction 800 Glennies Creek release 700 Flow ML/days 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 13 WaterNSW

  14. Operational Surplus Hunter River - Water Delivery Operational Surplus Vs Sales - 2018-19 Cumulative % (regulated licenced is included in sales) 20% Operational Surplus / Sales (%) Target below 5% 15% 10% 5% 0% Hunter Cumulative Totals Sales + Actual Target Environmental Operational delivery Surplus July 8,855 1,108 13% 5% August 18,300 1,187 6% 5% September 19,086 1,955 10% 5% October 24,801 4,228 17% 15% November 39,212 4,399 11% 15% December 55,393 6,389 12% 15% January 56,107 6,751 12% 15% February 63,763 6,751 11% 15% March 72,315 7,540 10% 15% April 105,386 14 WaterNSW 9,748 9% 15% May 116,787 9,755 8% 15% June 0% 15%

  15. 15 WaterNSW

  16. 16 WaterNSW

  17. • End of Presentation 17 WaterNSW


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