virtual public meeting

Virtual Public Meeting US 81/U /US 287 at CR CR 422 227/ / CR - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Virtual Public Meeting US 81/U /US 287 at CR CR 422 227/ / CR CR 4228 28 Intersectio ion Impr provements and d Roadw dway Reconstru truction Pr Project t in Wise se County ty Virtu tual Pu Public Meeti ting Date July 14, 2020

  1. Virtual Public Meeting US 81/U /US 287 at CR CR 422 227/ / CR CR 4228 28 Intersectio ion Impr provements and d Roadw dway Reconstru truction Pr Project t in Wise se County ty Virtu tual Pu Public Meeti ting Date July 14, 2020 July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 Posted Online: July 14, 2020

  2. Welcome Welco elcome Rica cardo do G Gonza zalez, lez, P.E. . Dire Director of r of Trans ransportat ation Pl n Planning anning and and De Development nt Texas xas De Depar artment nt of T of Trans ransportat ation n (T (TxD xDOT) Fort W Worth District ct July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 2

  3. Virtual Public Meeting in Response to Public Health TxDO xDOT ch chang anged t d the in in-per erson on p pub ublic ic meetin ing t to o a vir irtual f for ormat at on only y in in res espon onse t to the C COVID ID-19 out outbreak ak: This presentation has been pre-recorded. The virtual public meeting and TxDOT website provide the same information as the in-person meeting: - Project information - Estimated timeline - Process for submitting comments - Key contacts July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 3

  4. Virtual Public Meeting Presentation in Other Language If f you ne ou need this this p pre resentat ntatio ion n trans translat ated t to an any othe her r language anguage, p pleas ase c contac ontact: Si Si ust sted n ed nece ecesi sita est esta presen senta tación tradu duci cida da a a cual ualqui uier r otr tro id o idioma, ioma, por or favor c or contac ontacte a: a: Dr. Franc Dr rancis is S Smith, mith, P.E., Pr Proje ject Manage Manager (8 (817) 7) 3 370 0 - 6708 708 Franc rancis is.Smit mith@txd @txdot.go gov July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 4

  5. Virtual Public Meeting Purpose  Provide information on the project  Update those interested on the project purpose and timeline  Engage stakeholders, roadway users, and the general community on planned improvements  Explain how the public can provide comments to aid in the development of this project July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 5

  6. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) The he e envir vironme onment ntal al re revie view, cons onsul ultatio ation, n, and and othe her r ac actions tions re require uired b by ap applic icab able Federal ral envir vironme onment ntal al laws ws f for or this this p proje oject are are being, ing, or or have been been, ca , carried ed-ou out b t by TxDO xDOT pur pursuant uant to 23 U.S.C. 3 327 and and a a Me Memorand morandum um of U of Und nderstand anding ing da dated D d Decem ecembe ber 9 9, 2 , 2019, , and d execu ecuted d by y FHWA A and and TxDO xDOT. July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 6

  7. Project Limits US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvements and Roadway Reconstruction Project (near CR 422 4227/CR 4228) 4228) Wise se County, Texas xas Appr pproximately 2.4 mi miles long ng July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 7

  8. Purpose & Goals Project Purpose The purpose of this project is to enhance safety while maintaining access to the commercial and residential developments on the west side of US 81/US 287. July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 8

  9. Purpose & Goals Project Goals  Improve mobility by adding frontage roads  Add a grade-separated street crossing to improve access, mobility and enhance safety – Construct new interchange at NRS Ranch Road as outlined in the Mobility 2045 Plan: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas. National Roper’s Supply (NRS) and residential developments on the west side of US 81/US 287 generate significant traffic with a high percentage of large and/or trailered vehicles. A grade-separated facility would enhance safety for vehicles accessing these developments from US 81/US 287. July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 9

  10. Intersection Improvement and Roadway Reconstruction Project  The project is approximately 2.4 miles long  Estimated construction cost: $39,500,000 July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 10

  11. Intersection Improvement and Roadway Reconstruction Project  The proposed project consists of constructing a grade-separated crossing at NRS Ranch Road, one-way frontage roads, ramps, U- Turns and intersection improvements  An interim project is proposed, which will implement crossover improvements and add acceleration/deceleration lanes to enhance safety ahead of the proposed project North [] July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 11

  12. Typical Section Existing Typical Section Proposed Typical Section July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 12

  13. Review Proposed Project Sample View of Schematic July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 13

  14. Project Timeline US 81/US 287 Roadway Reconstruction and Intersection Improvement Project Public Meeting July 14, 2020 Schematic Complete Fall 2020 Environmental Approval Spring 2021 Final Design TBD Construction Begins TBD These dates are approximate July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 14

  15. Interim Projects – Crossover Improvements (CSJ: 0013-08-140) July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 15

  16. Interim Projects – Crossover Improvements (CSJ: 0013-08-140) Exist xisting Cross ssover at Propose sed C d Cross ssover CR CR 4 4228 t to be be r removed at at NR NRS S Ranc anch R Road ad July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 16

  17. Schedule – Interim Crossover Improvements (CSJ: 0013-08-140) US 81/US 287 Interim Crossover Project Schedule Final Design Spring 2021 Construction Begins Winter 2022 Estimated construction cost (Modifications & Crossover Improvements) $14 million July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 17

  18. Your Input Matters! July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 18

  19. Share Your Input Submit comments by:  Online comment form  Email:  Mail: Texas Department of Transportation ATTN: Dr. Francis Smith, P.E. 2501 SW Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76133 The public may call project staff during regular office hours or email project staff to ask questions about the project at any time in the project development process. While comments are always welcome, they must be received by Ju July ly 29, 20 2020 to be included in the official meeting documentation. July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 19

  20. Quick Contacts – Engage TxDOT Online  Contact the TxDOT Fort Worth District office with any questions at: (817) 3 370-6500  Fol ollow u us: : Twit itter – Fort W Worth: :  Lik Like us: T : TxDO xDOT F Face acebook: July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 20

  21. Thank you Thank you for participating! July 14, 2020 US 81/US 287 Intersection Improvement Project | CSJ: 0013-08-130 21

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