validating phytoplankton productivity in the

Validating phytoplankton productivity in the EC-Earth global climate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Nomikos Skyllas Supervisors: prof. dr. Anita Buma prof. dr. Richard Bintanja MSc. Marine Biology dr. Willem van de Poll Groningen University Validating phytoplankton productivity in the EC-Earth global climate model A case study in the North

  1. Nomikos Skyllas Supervisors: prof. dr. Anita Buma prof. dr. Richard Bintanja MSc. Marine Biology dr. Willem van de Poll Groningen University Validating phytoplankton productivity in the EC-Earth global climate model A case study in the North Atlantic

  2. Geo-Energy Subsurface CO 2 Geothermal Science & Society Group Center for Isotope Research energy storage Sustainable energy Greenhouse gases Aerosols & local conditons Subsurface Induced seismicity Embedment of actvites technology & innovaton Biobased society Stable isotope Radiocarbon & biotechnology analysis & datng applicatons in Africa Combuston echnology Ocean Ecosystems Center for Environmental Optcal & Elementary physical & Fluid Global change & spectroscopic chemical processes in Sciences (IVEM) mechanics & microbes high temperature methods for energetcs energy conversion in-situ analysis Socio-technical System analysis, systems modelling & Development & Analysis of integraton simulaton Marine characterisaton of new fuels Algal applicatons biomimetcs idealised model (fossil & systems sustainable) Impact of climate Biobased systems change (analysis)

  3. Geo-Energy Subsurface CO 2 Geothermal Science & Society Group Center for Isotope Research energy storage Sustainable energy Greenhouse gases Aerosols & local conditons Subsurface Induced seismicity Embedment of actvites technology & innovaton Biobased society Stable isotope Radiocarbon & biotechnology analysis & datng applicatons in Africa Combuston echnology Ocean Ecosystems Center for Environmental Optcal & Elementary physical & Fluid Global change & spectroscopic chemical processes in Sciences (IVEM) mechanics & microbes high temperature methods for energetcs energy conversion in-situ analysis Socio-technical System analysis, systems modelling & Development & Analysis of integraton simulaton Marine characterisaton of new fuels Algal applicatons biomimetcs idealised model (fossil & systems sustainable) Impact of climate Biobased systems change (analysis)

  4. 50% of photosynthesis Base of the marine food web

  5. Land & plants: 2,300 billion Tons Carbon Deep ocean: 37,000 billion 50 billion Tons Tons Carbon Carbon/year 11 billion Tons Carbon/year Falkowski, (2002) Denman et al., (2007)

  6. • Light Nutrients Physics Link between physics and biology

  7. Model - Weather and climate prediction - Climate change prediction - Carbon cycle study Validation Improvement Lack of data for validation Prediction

  8. 30 institutes 12 European countries Land Sea ice Atmosphere Ocean  Physical parameters:  Chlorophyll-a Salinity, temperature, density  Main nutrients: NO 3 , PO 4 , NH 4

  9. STRATIPHYT cruise

  10. 3 phytoplankton growth states Deep Surface Mixed

  11. Spring 2011 chl-a concentration [mg/m 3 ] Cruise

  12. Spring 2011 chl-a concentration [mg/m 3 ] Cruise Model Deep Surface ?

  13. Spring 2011 Surface NO 3 concentration

  14. Station 30 (near Iceland)

  15. Conclusion Run 1 Winter mixing problems: Cruise Model Deep mixing Shallow mixing Enough nutrients Less nutrients Less light Enough light Correct timing and Wrong timing and correct concentrations lower concentrations

  16. Run 2 Station 30 (near Iceland)

  17. General Conclusions Aim Validaton of EC-Earth with feld data from the NE Atlanti Conclusions Run 1: Good prediitons in the South – Deep winter mixing problems in the North Run 2: A step in the right direiton Future Datasets that iover the entre year More validaton in high lattudes

  18. hank you! Denman, K.L., G. Brasseur, A. Chidthaisong, P. Ciais, P.M. Cox, R.E. Dickinson, D. Hauglustaine, C. Heinze, E. Holland, D. Jacob, U. Lohmann, S Ramachandran, P.L. da Silva Dias, S.C. Wofsy and X. Zhang, 2007: Couplings Between Changes in the Climate System and Biogeochemistry. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M.Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA Falkowski, P. G., 2002. The Ocean’s Invisible Forest. Scientific American


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