using the panorama teacher survey dr hunter gehlbach

Using the Panorama Teacher Survey Dr. Hunter Gehlbach Elizabeth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Using the Panorama Teacher Survey Dr. Hunter Gehlbach Elizabeth Loehr Director of Research Client Services Manager Panorama Education Panorama Education About Panorama Education Student, parent, and teacher surveys Research - based survey

  1. Using the Panorama Teacher Survey

  2. Dr. Hunter Gehlbach Elizabeth Loehr Director of Research Client Services Manager Panorama Education Panorama Education

  3. About Panorama Education Student, parent, and teacher surveys Research - based survey design Data analysis & customized reports 6,500+ public, charter, and independent schools

  4. What We’ll Discuss Today: Why survey teachers in your school or district? 1. What’s different about the Panorama Teacher Survey? 2. Strategies for putting the data to work 3. Additional resources 4.

  5. Schools improve when teachers have a voice

  6. Why survey teachers?

  7. How can we act on the data?

  8. Detailed Survey Reports

  9. Responding to Teacher Data Review results with a growth mindset Share results with your school community Start discussions and set goals

  10. Resources Get Started Download the Survey Guide Create a Panorama Account - teacher - survey

  11. THANK YOU Questions?


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