seismic modeling migration and velocity inversion

Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion Blessing Texas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion Blessing Texas Bee Bednar Panorama Technologies, Inc. 14811 St Marys Lane, Suite 150 Houston TX 77079 May 18, 2014 Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and

  1. Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion Blessing Texas Bee Bednar Panorama Technologies, Inc. 14811 St Marys Lane, Suite 150 Houston TX 77079 May 18, 2014 Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 1 / 28

  2. Outline Blessing Texas 1 Synopsis 3D Data Velocity Model Migrations and Gathers Migration Depth Slices Coherence Cubes Summary Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 2 / 28

  3. Blessing Texas Outline Blessing Texas 1 Synopsis 3D Data Velocity Model Migrations and Gathers Migration Depth Slices Coherence Cubes Summary Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 3 / 28

  4. Blessing Texas Synopsis Blessing Texas Approximate Location Map Blessing Texas 3D survey location is SW of Houston and NE of Palacios Texas. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 4 / 28

  5. Blessing Texas Synopsis Synopsis Objective is fault terminated trap in the Frio Tertiary geological environment Trap found on 2D seismic Early 1990’s 3D obtained to improve recovery Provide best image of fault structures Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 5 / 28

  6. Blessing Texas 3D Data Blessing Texas Fold Diagram Blessing Texas 3D fold coverage. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 6 / 28

  7. Blessing Texas 3D Data Blessing Texas Shot Location Map Blessing Texas 3D shot coverage. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 7 / 28

  8. Blessing Texas 3D Data Blessing Texas Receiver Location Map Blessing Texas 3D receiver coverage. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 8 / 28

  9. Blessing Texas 3D Data Blessing Texas Typical Shot Blessing Texas eight channel shot. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 9 / 28

  10. Blessing Texas 3D Data Blessing Texas Prepossessing Preprocessing First break mute Band pass filter 6-40 Hz Two-second automatic gain control Three-dimensional spreading correction Recovers spreading energy decay Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 10 / 28

  11. Blessing Texas Velocity Model Blessing Texas 3D Velocity Field Final Blessing Velocity Model. Standard no-horizon 4 iteration MVA. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 11 / 28

  12. Blessing Texas Velocity Model Blessing Texas 3D Velocity Field Final Blessing Velocity Model showing impact of major fault. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 12 / 28

  13. Blessing Texas Migrations and Gathers Blessing Texas Kirchhoff PSTM CDP 1410 at LIN 1410 together with PSTM of Crossline 1410. Gather on left show strong amplitude at top of Frio. Note lack of strong dipping events to the right of the base fault. Remember, the input were automatically gained so lack of AVO is not surprising.. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 13 / 28

  14. Blessing Texas Migrations and Gathers Blessing Texas Kirchhoff PSDM CDP 1410 at Line 1410 together with Kirchhoff PSDM of Crossline 1410. Smeared look of CDP gather is a display artifact caused by a large offset spacing. Note that this depth migration has preserved relative amplitude strength. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 14 / 28

  15. Blessing Texas Migrations and Gathers Blessing Texas Beam PSDM CDP 1410 at Crossline 1410 together with Beam Stack Kirchhoff PSDM of Crossline 1410. Smeared look of CDP gather is a display artifact caused by a large offset increment. Dipping events appeared to be somewhat suppressed. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 15 / 28

  16. Blessing Texas Migrations and Gathers Blessing Texas Kirchhoff Migration Kirchhoff 3D depth migration showing LINE 1410. Strong amplitude event is the pay zone. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 16 / 28

  17. Blessing Texas Migrations and Gathers Blessing Texas Beam Migration Beam-Stack 3D depth migration showing LINE 1410. Strong amplitude event is the pay zone. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 17 / 28

  18. Blessing Texas Migrations and Gathers Blessing Texas RTM Migration RTM 3D depth migration showing LINE 1410. Strong amplitude event is the pay zone. Note improved resolution of this migration. Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 18 / 28

  19. Blessing Texas Migration Depth Slices Blessing Texas Kirchhoff Migration Kirchhoff migration and depth slice Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 19 / 28

  20. Blessing Texas Migration Depth Slices Blessing Texas RTM Migration Full two-way reverse-time migration and depth slice Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 20 / 28

  21. Blessing Texas Migration Depth Slices Blessing Texas Kirchhoff Migration Kirchhoff Depth Slice Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 21 / 28

  22. Blessing Texas Migration Depth Slices Blessing Texas RTM Migration Full two-way-reverse-time Depth Slice Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 22 / 28

  23. Blessing Texas Coherence Cubes Blessing Texas Kirchhoff Coherence Kirchhoff coherence depth slice Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 23 / 28

  24. Blessing Texas Coherence Cubes Blessing Texas RTM Coherence Full two-way-reverse-time coherence depth slice Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 24 / 28

  25. Blessing Texas Coherence Cubes Blessing Texas Kirchhoff Coherence Kirchhoff coherence depth slice Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 25 / 28

  26. Blessing Texas Coherence Cubes Blessing Texas RTM Coherence Full two-way-reverse-time coherence depth slice Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 26 / 28

  27. Blessing Texas Summary Summary and Conclusions Best fault resolution Somewhat dependent on scaling Depends on objective RTM has highest fault resolution RTM seems to provide best resolution overall Multiples remain in final images Peg legs and not free surface Difficult to remove with destroying primaries Velocity analysis straightforward Little evidence of anisotropy Interpretation done on depth-to-time sections Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 27 / 28

  28. Blessing Texas Summary Questions? Bee Bednar (Panorama Technologies) Seismic Modeling, Migration, and Velocity Inversion May 18, 2014 28 / 28


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