update on the project mme scenario database

Update on the Project MME Scenario Database" Dr D Messelken ZH - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics Update on the Project MME Scenario Database" Dr D Messelken ZH Center for

  1. International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics Update on the Project “MME Scenario Database" Dr D Messelken – ZH Center for Military Medical Ethics www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  2. International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics Background. General Idea & Aims of the Project WHY Difficulty (for non-military people) to collect and access case reports and • observations from the field Necessary/ helpful for research and education • Scenario To illustrate abstract principles • Collection To orientate research and training to reality • Decision during Munich workshop with COEMILMED (October 2015) • ICMM RefC and ZH CMME accepted to host the project • Lead at CMME • www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  3. International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics Background. General Idea & Aims of the Project WHAT (i) Collect observations, protocols, ... from missions and • (ii) develop scenarios that can be used • for education and research Scenario (iii) provide short introductions • Collection for major issues, i.e. per main category www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  4. International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics MME Scenario Database – Target Audience Military Medical Staff/ Health care personnel Scenario Collection Other Military Actors, e.g. adviser Researcher Civilian Actors, e.g. NGOs, … Trainer, Teacher www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  5. International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics MME Scenario Database – Overview Input Output / Publication Observation Case Studies Scenario Media Introductory Draft scenarios report Collection documents Literature Teaching Material example www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  6. International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics MME Scenario Database – Editorial process and publication Input Output / Publication Observation Case Studies Scenario Media Introductory Draft scenarios report Collection documents Literature Teaching Material example Scenario writing Further analysis Input Everybody Editorial team Editorial team • • • Anonymous via web form, Publication by chief editor(s) Guest authors • • • via email, etc Publication by chief editor(s) • www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  7. International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics MME Scenario Database – Levels of publicity Observation Case Studies Scenario Media Introductory Draft scenarios report Collection documents Literature Teaching Material example Internal: editorial team Publicly available Semi-public / Public www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  8. International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics Background. What has happened since last year Budget: Project financed by the Zurich Center for Military Medical Ethics (ZH CMME) • Selection and licensing of the software • “KBPublisher” • Scenario Amendments to the software and the • Collection website design Collection of a first set of cases – to be amended continuously • First version online J https://scenarios.militarymedicalethics.ch • Scenario collection | HowTo/ FAQ | Project Description • Online submission/ contribution form • www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  9. International Committee of Military Medicine à https://scenarios.militarymedicalethics.ch Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics How does it look like Main navigation Category navigation Featured articles Introductory articles Sub categories www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  10. à https://scenarios.militarymedicalethics.ch International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics Example Scenario • Title • Scenario text • Questions • Source • Keywords • Related scenarios • Categories à all clickable • Comments www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch

  11. International Committee of Military Medicine Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics Center for Military Medical Ethics Summary: Current state of the project and next steps Website online as public beta test • Open points/ needs to be done • Write introductory texts for the sections • Better tagging and keywords. Better cross-linking of scenarios • Amend the collection with more cases à Submission form now online • Check/amend legal aspects (Terms of use etc) • Mid-Term: Evaluate usage and decide on further steps • What else?? à your feedback • www. melac .ch www. cmme.uzh .ch


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