FCoE over TRILL draft-mme-trill-fcoe-00 http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-mme-trill-fcoe-00 Informational David Melman Marvell Tal Mizrahi Marvell Donald Eastlake, 3rd Huawei IETF Meeting 81, July 2011
Background } FCoE – Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE). } FCF – FCoE Forwarder. } ENode – FCoE end node. } FCF functionality is a bit similar to RBridge in terms of: § Forwards Ethernet frames based on higher layer address. § Modifies MAC addresses to reflect next hop. 2
Background (2) } The TRILL topology is very similar . } RBridges play similar roles as FCFs. TRILL Cloud RBridge Host RBridge RBridge RBridge Host RBridge Host 3
FCoE with TRILL (1) } What happens when we have FCoE and TRILL in the same network? • FCoE traffic between hosts must be forwarded through an FCF . } Separate cloud approach: • With separate clouds: goes through more hops. TRILL Cloud Native FC RBridge Host RBridge Ethernet / FCoE RBridge RBridge FCF FC Storage Array Host RBridge Ethernet / FCoE 4
FCRB – FCF over RBridge FCRB FCF Ethernet / FCoE over RBridge TRILL Cloud Host Ethernet / FCoE Host Ethernet / FCoE 5
Data Center Topology with FCRB Native FC ... WAN FCRB FCRB EoR EoR ... FCRB FCRB FCRB ToR ToR ToR ... Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Rack Rack Rack 6
Next Steps } July 2011 – draft 00. } Receive feedbacks from WG. 7
Data Center Topology with FCRB (2) EoR are RBridge – not FCRB. • Traffic between FCRBs is forwarded • over TRILL cloud. RBridge RBridge TRILL EoR EoR Cloud ... FCRB FCRB FCRB ToR ToR ToR ... Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Eth/FCoE Server Rack Rack Rack 9
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