update on diamond ridge alternative high school

Update on Diamond Ridge Alternative High School Karen Sterling, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Update on Diamond Ridge Alternative High School Karen Sterling, Director of Student Advocacy and Access Amy Boettger, Administrator February 21, 2017 THE COMPELLING WHY for Alternative Education Students seeking an alternative

  1. Update on Diamond Ridge Alternative High School Karen Sterling, Director of Student Advocacy and Access Amy Boettger, Administrator February 21, 2017

  2. THE COMPELLING WHY for Alternative Education Ø Students seeking an “alternative” approach to education were currently counted as “drop-outs” in Adult Education, go to another district or leave the formal education setting Benefits Ø Students gain options and flexibility: scheduling, individualization, pacing, competency based coursework, SOEP On-Line Classes, Blended learning, Credit Recovery, Mentoring Ø Students receive instruction from teachers with specialized training to meet their needs Ø Students remain in High School with better success in earning a diploma Ø WPU is generated to fund instruction Ø District graduation rate is improved

  3. Canyons Mapping the Route to an Alternative School Alternative High School Increased #’s 2016-2017 of Graduating Monitor 2015-2016 student Thoughtfully Students achievement Plan Continually Continue and Implement refine and Enhance Best Practices improve Services program Manage Reclassify currently growth as provided OSY to funding/space Alternative Name the allows High School Board Students Add staff Authorization Develop Procedures 3/3/201 5

  4. STUDENTS SERVED Enrolled Waiting Poverty ELL SPED School Year Students List Students BY THE NUMBERS 2015-16 0 79 23 62.5% 6% 2016-17 108 14 71.4% 14% 13% Projected 15% 125 45 72% 12% 2017-18 DISTRICT-WIDE BOUNDARY School of Origin Corner CTEC School Year Alta Brighton Hillcrest Jordan Canyon Oakgrove TOTAL 2015-2016 12 12 5 20 24 5 78 2016-2017 15 11 5 66 17 0 114

  5. YEAR FTE CORE STAFF STAFF & FACILITY 2015-16 1.75 ELA, Math/Science, Lab Aide 2016-17 4.125 ELA, Math, Science, Soc St, Lab Aide (Projected) ELA, Math, Science, Soc St, Arts, 6.25 2017-18 Lab Aide YEAR CLASSROOMS 2015-16 1 plus computer lab 2016-17 4 plus lab (Projected) 5 (1 pending from CTEC) 2017-18 plus lab and late sessions


  7. OUTCOMES Year Graduates GED Grad Rate 2015-16 23 3 77% Ø

  8. Less 20% (est. (ages16-18 ) Total duplication) enrollment Sub Total DRHS Year CSD Students at Valley Entrada OSY POTEN PO TENTI TIAL GR GROWTH WTH FUTURE STUDENTS 10-11 374 374 <75> 299 11-12 348 154 502 <101> 401 12-13 340 175 515 <103> 412 13-14 363 213 576 <115> 461 14-15 401 158 559 <112> 447 15-16 365 140 73 578 <116> 462 16-17 (*Q1-3) *295 *92 *108 *495 <*99> *396

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