david douglas high school fir ridge campus comprehensive

David Douglas High School & Fir Ridge Campus Comprehensive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

David Douglas High School & Fir Ridge Campus Comprehensive Distance Learning Plan Family Session - September 2nd Starting at 6:00pm Agenda Schedule Start Date Grading Registration Athletics & Activities

  1. David Douglas High School & Fir Ridge Campus Comprehensive Distance Learning Plan Family Session - September 2nd Starting at 6:00pm

  2. Agenda ▪ Schedule ▪ Start Date ▪ Grading ▪ Registration ▪ Athletics & Activities ▪ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ▪ Keys to Success 2

  3. New Year – New Style David Douglas High School 2020 - 2021 3

  4. DDHS CDL Schedule

  5. Fir Ridge Campus CDL Schedule 5

  6. Quarters Replace Semesters For DDHS ▪ 18-week semesters will be converted to 9-week quarters, allowing students and teachers to manage 4 courses each quarter (plus Advisory). Every nine weeks, students will potentially earn .5 credits per class. ▪ Total credits earned available to earn each quarter is 2.0. ▪ All posted grades will be transcripted. ▪ Grade Reporting – four quarters ▪ Q1 - November 13 ▪ Q2 - January 29 ▪ Q3 - April 16 ▪ Q4 - June 18 6

  7. Hexters or 6 sessions for Fir Ridge Campus Students and teachers to manage 5 courses each hexter (plus Advisory). Every 29 school days, students will potentially earn .25 credits per class. ▪ Total credits earned available to earn each hexter is 1.25. ▪ All posted grades will be transcripted. ▪ Grade Reporting – six sessions H1 - October 22 H4 - April 1 H2 - December 10 H5 - May 6 H3 - February 5 H6 - June 17 7

  8. Start Date The offjcial student start date will be September 14, 2020. Week 1 (Sept. 14 th ) ▪ □ Reconnecting with students and establishing relationships □ Familiarizing students with the CDL Model □ Familiarizing students with routines and protocols Week 2 (Sept. 21 st ) ▪ □ Academics and live instruction starts for all classes 8

  9. Grading ▪ A through D = Pass – Credit is awarded. ▪ F Failure – No credit is awarded. ▪ P Pass – Credit is awarded. ▪ U Unsatisfactory – No credit is awarded in a class designated as pass/no pass. ▪ We will not use W this year. 9

  10. Registration ▪ September 9th - Last name starting A – L: 12pm to 5pm ▪ September 10th - Last names starting M – Z: 12pm to 5pm ▪ September 11th – Students not able to attend on 9/9 or 9/10 – 9am to 1pm ▪ School pictures and ID cards will NOT be available until we return to school in person. 10

  11. New to David Douglas ▪ Students who are new to the David Douglas School District should register online at https:/ /www.ddouglas.k12.or.us/parents/registration- enrollment/register-your-child/online-registration/ ▪ If unable to register online, you may pick up a registration packet at the main offjce located at 1001 SE 135th Ave. ▪ Students will continue to be referred to FRC throughout the year. 11

  12. Registration and Chromebook Pick up ▪ September 9th - Last name starting A – L: 12pm to 5pm ▪ September 10th - Last names starting M – Z: 12pm to 5pm ▪ September 11th – Students not able to attend on 9/9 or 9/10 – 9am to 1pm ▪ School pictures and ID cards will NOT be available until we return to school in person. 12

  13. Athletics and Activities ▪ At this time athletics has been pushed back until winter at which time things will be re-evaluated ▪ Athletic and Activities eligibility Students will need to pass 3 out of 4 classes and • making progress towards graduation to be eligible ▪ All school activities are on hold at this time 13

  14. Keys to Success ▪ Completing and turning in required work ▪ Keeping communication open with your teachers and counselors ▪ Attending/engaging daily • Attendance is required and will be taken daily for each class • We will be calling and connecting with students who are NOT engaged and/or attending 14

  15. Scots Etiquette for Distance Learning 1. Take responsibility for your education 2. Be respectful of both your teacher and your classmates 3. Be on time and attend every class...attendance will be taken a. Your video will need to be on with your screen name as you StudentVue name b. Your microphone will need to be muted unless you are speaking 4. Other electronic devices should be off and away during class time 5. Wear school appropriate attire 15

  16. Scots Etiquette for Distance Learning 6. Choose a good location...in a quiet/low traffic area 7. Stay focused with your attention on the lesson being presented 8. Be an active participant, don’t be afraid to ask questions and be brief and concise with responses 9. Stay up-to-date with your assignments/work and check your school email and Google Classroom for communication regularly 10. Be confidential...protect personal information, both yours and others (Misuse and being inappropriate can lead to disciplinary actions and disconnecting your student electronic accounts.) 16

  17. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  18. FAQs ▪ Will students still be able to earn AP/College credit? Yes, we are still ofgering these courses and • registration information will be provided by their instructors. ▪ Will Driver’s Education be ofgered?? Fall driver’s education is cancelled. Stay tuned for • further updates about additional driver’s ed opportunities. 18

  19. FAQs ▪ Will elective course ofgerings be available? Yes, however some may be modified, condensed • or not ofgered due to distance learning. Students may have limited elective choices in the Comprehensive Distance Learning model. 19

  20. FAQs ▪ Will paper packets be available? The most complete instruction will occur through • our Comprehensive Distance Learning model, and we strongly encourage students to utilize this if they are able. However, we understand that this is not possible for all students and we will make paper packets available. 20

  21. FAQs ▪ What happens if I miss one or more classes? Students will be expected to reach out to their • instructor to secure makeup work. ▪ Will learning platforms be consistent? Yes, all District teachers will be utilizing Google • Classroom in grades 6 through 12. 21

  22. 22

  23. FAQs ▪ Where do I pick up/exchange a Chromebook? 23

  24. FAQs ▪ Where or how do I receive technology support https:/ /www.ddouglas.k12.or.us/school-during-cov • id/family-technology-support/ 24

  25. Questions 25

  26. THANK YOU! 26

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