university advancement campaign readiness strategic


UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT CAMPAIGN READINESS Strategic Planning Implications UNCG is an operation emerging into maturity able to sustain growth and with support across gift sizes. Individual gifts are driving success, especially gifts


  2. Strategic Planning Implications •UNCG is an operation emerging into maturity – able to sustain growth and with support across gift sizes. •Individual gifts are driving success, especially gifts $50k-$250k. Planning •In the Campaign, UNCG was building donors until ’09. Implications. •UNCG’s Productivity is commensurate with investments made. •Opportunities exist in: •Building smaller and larger gifts from Individuals. •Arresting the decline in small gift donors. •Building Alumni donors. •Building the Corporate and Foundation gift base. The Productivity metric and peer benchmarking can assist in quantifying growth opportunities. The Investment and Return metrics can be used to assist in forecasting needed to realize growth. 2

  3. Summary of Investment Findings Summary of Investment Study findings. • Investment in Development provides a return that accelerates after reaching a “critical mass”. • There is not yet a “diminishing return”. Hypothesis - expanding market. •Investment in Front Line Fundraisers correlates with productivity •Investment in Support of those Fundraises also correlates with productivity •Some of the most productive operations have also made the highest investment in Communications and Alumni Relations. Most productive operations are balanced in their investment in the front line, support of those fund raisers and Alumni Relations. It is likely that investment in Communications also will correlate with productivity as that function matures. 3

  4. STUDENTS FIRST CAMPAIGN July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2009 Results and Analysis for The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

  5. Staff Activity ‐ Campaign Comparison SFC SCC campus visits 2,930 423 off campus visits 9,627 2,286 total 12,557 2,709 unique # individuals visited during campaign 4,005 1,348 # fundraising staff 25 * 11 ** * 1 VC, 2 AVCs, 2 Corp/Fdn, ** 1 VC, 1 AVC, 1 Corp/Fdn, 2 PG, 2 Spartan, 13 MGOs, 1 PG, 1 Spartan, 5 MGOs, 2 AF, 1 Reunion 1 Reunion

  6. Staff Solicitation Activity • Recorded 1,502 staff solicitations • 755 of the 1,502 resulted in a gift (50%) • Cumulative asks of $190.7 million resulted in $47.9 million in gifts (received 25% of ask total) Tracked another 459 gifts in prospect • management database with total value of $25.2 million

  7. Prospect Pool Growth Year 2010 # Individual Prospects By Rating Year 2000 47 $5M + 9 122 $1M ‐ $4.9M 55 141 $500K ‐ $999K 72 433 $250K ‐ $499K 106 1283 $100K ‐ $249K 305 1854 $50K ‐ $99K 355 3038 $25K ‐ $49K 1031 4604 $10K ‐ $24K 3822 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Year 2000 = 5,755 prospects & cumulative rating capacity = $286.9 million Year 2010 = 11,522 prospects & cumulative rating capacity = $878.7 million (excluding remote interest = 8,344 prospects & capacity = $641.2 million )

  8. Years of Giving Analysis – Prospect Pool 3500 3124 3034 3000 2500 all 10K+ 2000 prospects 1425 1500 Prospects comprised of 1004 912 11,522 1000 798 individuals and 405 560 425 corporations, 500 353 292 foundations & organizations 0 0 1 ‐ 5 6 ‐ 10 11 ‐ 16 ‐ 21 ‐ 26 ‐ 31 ‐ 36 ‐ 41 + years 15 20 25 30 35 40

  9. gift range # donors Donors by Gift Range <$10K 20,662 $45,000,000 $10K ‐ $24K 301 $40.4M $25K ‐ $99K 314 $40,000,000 $100K ‐ $249K 99 $35,000,000 $250K ‐ $499K 57 $30,000,000 $500K ‐ $999K 28 $1M+ 23 $25,000,000 $18.6M 21,484 $17.4M $20,000,000 $14.4M $13.1M $15,000,000 521 $25K+ $10,000,000 $6.8M donors $4.3M gave $5,000,000 90% of $0 the total <$10K $10K ‐ $25K ‐ $100K ‐ $250K ‐ $500k ‐ $1M+ $24K $99K $249K $499K $999K

  10. Students First Campaign Impact • 169 program funds • 19 professorships 51 graduate scholarships • • 259 undergraduate scholarships

  11. Gift Pyramid for $200 Million Campaign Gift Range # Gifts # Prospects # Currently # Currently Subtotal Cumulative Cumulative required required Rated Rated total percentage Individuals Individuals excluding including Remote Remote Interest Interest $20,000,000 1 4 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 10% $10,000,000 2 8 $20,000,000 $40,000,000 20% $5,000,000 5 20 33 47 $25,000,000 $65,000,000 33% $2,000,000 10 40 $20,000,000 $85,000,000 43% $1,000,000 20 80 103 122 $20,000,000 $105,000,000 53% $500,000 40 160 102 141 $20,000,000 $125,000,000 63% $250,000 60 240 298 433 $15,000,000 $140,000,000 70% $100,000 100 400 917 1,283 $10,000,000 $150,000,000 75% $50,000 200 800 1,347 1,854 $10,000,000 $160,000,000 80% $25,000 600 2,400 2,225 3,038 $15,000,000 $175,000,000 88% $10,000 846 3,384 3,309 4,604 $8,460,000 $183,460,000 92% under $10,000 many many $16,540,000 $200,000,000 100% Totals 1,884 7,536 8,334 11,522 $200,000,000

  12. Office of Development

  13. University Advancement

  14. University Relations

  15. FUNDRAISING STAFF COMPARISONS NUMBER OF STAFF BY DEPARTMENT INSTITUTION DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL FUND ADVANCEMENT SERVICES ATHLETICS TOTAL Fundraisers Support Staff Fundraisers UNC SYSTEM UNCG 22 11 6 6 1 46 APPALACHIAN STATE 13 8 3 11 5 40 UNC CHARLOTTE 13 6 1 6 4 30 EAST CAROLINA UNIV. 22 11 3 5 5 46 PEER INSTITUTIONS WILLIAM AND MARY 45 42 17 18 5 127 OHIO UNIVERSITY 22 14 5 6 2 49 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA 22 13 2 15 2 54 Mitigating Variables: Medical School, Law School, Mature Athletic Programs Recent Staff Budget Cuts Capital Campaign Status University Wide Funding Priorities

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