1 Understanding past trends and current status: a case of GHG inventory capacity building in Asia Chisa Umemiya umemiya@iges.or.jp UNFCCC SB50 Side Event 20 June 2019 Bonn, Germany 1 I nstitute fo r Glo bal E nviro nme ntal Strate g ie s 1
Progress made in capacity building efforts 34 ies No. of c ountr 19 16 14 1 0 1996 2000 2003 2006 2013 KP Sup. IPCC GLs used in latest BURs (n=44) : Requirement in accordance with UNFCCC BUR guidelines (Annex III, FCCC/CP/2011/9/Add.1) Source: IGES BUR Database (2019) 2 I nstitute fo r Glo bal E nviro nme ntal Strate g ie s 2
This presentation Past trend and current status of: 1. Capacity of countries to prepare a GHG inventory in Asia 2. Support provided for countries to prepare a GHG inventory: a case of Viet Nam and Cambodia 3 I nstitute fo r Glo bal E nviro nme ntal Strate g ie s 3
Categories Indicators Basic • Nat’l statistical c apac ity capacity I nstitutio nal • Scientific c apac ity community, etc. Indicators T e c h. Indicators • A designated kno wle dg e • Understanding entity of IPCC guidelines • Legal arrangements • Understanding of COP • Data archive, decisions, etc. etc. GHG inventor y c apac ity in a c ountr y 4 I nstitute fo r Glo bal E nviro nme ntal Strate g ie s 4
Change of GHG Inventor y Capac ity in Asia NC1 (aro und 2000) NC2 (aro und 2010) (So urc e : Ume miya, C., White , M., Ame llina, A., Shimizu, N., 2017, E nviro nme ntal S c i.&Po lic y ) I nstitute fo r Glo bal E nviro nme ntal Strate g ie s 5
Low improvement (n=11) Improvement growth (n=9) Institutional Institutional 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 Technical Basic Technical Basic High stability (n=10) Top runner (n=7) Institutional Institutional 30 30 Submitted 20 20 BUR s 10 10 0 0 Technical Basic Technical Basic NC1 NC2 (So urc e : Ume miya, C., White , M., Ame llina, A., Shimizu, N., 2017, E nviro nme ntal S c i.&Po lic y ) I nstitute fo r Glo bal E nviro nme ntal Strate g ie s 6
Capac ity building suppor t pr ovided BUR r equir ement in 2011 (So urc e : Ume miya C., I ke da , M., White , M.. 2019, U nde r re vie w ) I nstitute fo r Glo bal E nviro nme ntal Strate g ie s 7
Lessons learned from GHG inventory capacity building efforts 1. Building basic statistical and scientific capacity is key for improving the overall capacity 2. The 8‐year experience of intensively implementing capacity building support, especially for institutional capacity building, was outstanding for a country with higher capacity, like Viet Nam 3. Routinely monitor capacity building efforts and evaluate outcomes can facilitate directing resources where needs are high and expand effective capacity building approaches 1) 1) A de taile d pro po sal c an also be fo und he re : Gille nwate r, M., 2019, Ho w e nhanc e d mo nito ring & e valuatio n c an de live r transpare nc y and c apac ity building , a pre se ntatio n made at the T hird Wo rksho p o n the CBI T Glo bal Co o rdinatio n Platfo rm in Ro me , I taly. 8 I nstitute fo r Glo bal E nviro nme ntal Strate g ie s 8
Question to the panelists a. The enhanced transparency framework strongly brings forward the notion of continuous improvement and building capacity over time. Could you describe how your country has approached this idea of continuous improvement and how you’ve built momentum for improvement over time? b. Given the need for all countries to submit biennial transparency reports every two years, capacity building efforts must be mobilized in a more effective, more sustained, and faster manner. For you, what is the most important consideration to ensure that capacity building efforts are most effective moving forward? 9 I nstitute fo r Glo bal E nviro nme ntal Strate g ie s 9
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