uelc district 16 pilot fellowship

UELC District 16 Pilot Fellowship Session 7: Instructional Leadership - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UELC District 16 Pilot Fellowship Session 7: Instructional Leadership &Equity for All 3/2/2017 Dr. Sarah Benis Scheier-Dolberg seb2174@tc.columbia.edu Mr. Phillip A. Smith pas2185@tc.columbia.edu Ms. Maria Akinyele

  1. UELC District 16 Pilot Fellowship Session 7: Instructional Leadership &Equity for All 3/2/2017 Dr. Sarah Benis Scheier-Dolberg seb2174@tc.columbia.edu Mr. Phillip A. Smith pas2185@tc.columbia.edu Ms. Maria Akinyele maria.akinyele@gmail.com http://teacherscollegecollaborative.org/

  2. 7:30 am Breakfast 8:00 am Welcome and Overview of Day Reflections and Applications from Past Sessions 8:15 am Understanding the IDI and Intercultural Competencies 10:00 am Break 10:15 am ELDEx Simulation - Intercultural Competencies in Instructional Leadership 11:15 am Debrief 11:30 am Research Update Superintendent Amon’s remarks and reflections “Taking the learning back to D16: from theory to application.” 12:15 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Intercultural Competencies in Leadership Coaching Meetings D16 Check-ins 3:15 pm Debrief of Day Reflective Evaluation - Session 7

  3. Learning Targets for Today ü Leaders will develop their capacities to to accurately understand and adapt behavior to cultural difference and commonality on both personal and organizational levels. ü Leaders will learn intercultural leadership tools for reframing their instructional leadership work to develop adults in their schools to become active learners of their students’ individual and unique realities and cultures. ü Leaders will engage in collaborative decision-making teams. ü Leaders will be exposed to multiple decision-making styles, intercultural leadership tools and practices, and practices for leading adult learning and will apply these decision-making styles, practices, and tools to challenging issues of equity, social justice, and instructional leadership in urban schools. ü Leaders will work in simulated decision-making teams to consider issues of equity, social justice, and instructional leadership for students in urban schools.

  4. Framing Questions ❓ What is the Intercultural Development Continuum? What experiences have I had at each stage in terms of my mindset and my intercultural adaptation skills? How do I understand where I am on the Intercultural Development Continuum? What connection or relevance does the Intercultural Development Continuum have to your leadership work? ❓ How can I/we apply work with intercultural competencies to real issues of instructional leadership in our buildings?

  5. Session 7: Instructional Leadership &Equity for All Part 1: Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Part 2: EDLEx Simulation - Intercultural Competencies in Instructional Leadership Part 3: Intercultural Competencies in Leadership Coaching Part 4: Session Debrief

  6. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies “Developing intercultural competence is a core capability in the 21st century and involves cultural self- awareness, understanding the experiences of people from diverse communities, and the capability to adapt one’s mindset and behavior to bridge across differences.” -Mitchell R. Hammer, 2011

  7. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies ü A tool to help make sense of cultural differences in your work ü Gain insights concerning intercultural challenges ü Gain increased understanding of how your developmental and trailing orientations impact how you perceive and respond to cultural difference/similarities ü Identify and engage in targeted, developmental learning that increases your intercultural competencies in bridging across diverse communities

  8. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Your success in achieving educational goals is better served when you are able to more deeply understand culturally-learned differences, recognize commonalities between yourself and others, and act on this increased insight in culturally appropriate ways that facilitate learning and personal growth among diverse groups.

  9. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Monocultural Mindsets Intercultural/Global Mindsets Makes sense of cultural differences and Makes sense of cultural differences and commonalities based on one’s own commonalities based on one’s own and cultural values and practices. other culture’s values and practices. Uses broad stereotypes to identify Uses cultural generalizations to cultural difference. recognize cultural difference. Supports less complex perceptions and Supports more complex perceptions experiences of cultural difference and and experiences of cultural difference commonality. and commonality.

  10. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies

  11. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Denial An orientation that likely recognizes more observable cultural differences (e.g., food) but may not notice deeper cultural difference (e.g., conflict resolution styles) and may avoid or withdraw from cultural differences.

  12. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Polarization A judgmental orientation that views cultural differences in terms of “us” and “them”. This can take the form of: Defense : An uncritical view toward one’s own cultural values and practices and an overly critical view toward other cultural values and practices. Reversal : An overly critical orientation toward one’s own cultural values and practices and an uncritical view toward other cultural values and practices.

  13. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Minimization An orientation that highlights cultural commonality and universal values and principles that may also mask deeper recognition and appreciation of cultural differences.

  14. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Acceptance An orientation that recognizes and appreciates patterns of cultural difference and commonality in one’ s own and other cultures.

  15. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Adaptation An orientation that is capable of shifting cultural perspective and changing behavior in culturally appropriate and authentic ways.

  16. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Cultural A sense of disconnection or detachment from a Disengagement primary cultural group.

  17. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Exploring Our Own Experiences - Intercultural Development Continuum Mindset Skills Denial Polarization Defense Reversal Minimization Acceptance Adaptation Cultural Disengagement

  18. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Exploring Our Own Experiences - Intercultural Development Continuum Mindset Skills Denial

  19. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Exploring Our Own Experiences - Intercultural Development Continuum Mindset Skills Polarization Defense Reversal

  20. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Exploring Our Own Experiences - Intercultural Development Continuum Mindset Skills Acceptance

  21. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Exploring Our Own Experiences - Intercultural Development Continuum Mindset Skills Acceptance

  22. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Exploring Our Own Experiences - Intercultural Development Continuum Mindset Skills Adaptation

  23. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies Exploring Our Own Experiences - Intercultural Development Continuum Mindset Skills Cultural Disengagement

  24. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies ❓ How did it feel learning about the different orientations on the continuum? ❓ Were there surprises for you when you were completing the exercise?

  25. Triad Activity 1 “Know thyself.” -Plato 1. Form Triads 2. Spend 10 minutes in your triad discussing the two guiding questions. Listen for the signal as each person will have 3 minutes to share their thinking. ❓ How did it feel learning about the different orientations on the continuum? ❓ Were there surprises for you when you were completing the exercise? 3. Share as a full group

  26. Triad Activity 2 1. Reform Triads 2. You will be working with one or more scenarios at your own pace , considering these questions for each scenario after the group has read the first scenario aloud. ❓ Discuss the educator’s strengths and challenges that the group noticed while reading the scenario ❓ What is the educator’s orientation on the intercultural development continuum ( Denial, Polarization, Minimization, Acceptance, Adaptation )? What leads you to think this? 3. Share as a full group

  27. Triad Activity 2 Scenario 1 – Minimization Mel Scenario 2 – Polarization (Defense) Derick Scenario 3 - Adaptation Cusp Sarah Scenario 4 – Acceptance Ann Scenario 5 - Polarization (Reversal) William

  28. Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies ❓ What connection or relevance does the Intercultural Development Continuum have to your leadership work?

  29. Session 7: Instructional Leadership &Equity for All Part 1: Understanding IDI & Intercultural Competencies P art 2: EDLEx Simulation - Intercultural Competencies in Instructional Leadership Part 3: Intercultural Competencies in Leadership Coaching Part 4: Session Debrief

  30. EDLEx Simulation - Intercultural Competencies in Instructional Leadership ü Please join your EDLEx teams after the break. ü Start simulation and proceed at your own pace. ü You will have a team task at the end with a presentation to prepare for the debrief.


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