tSURFF - Photo-Electron Emission tSURFF - Photo-Electron Emission from from One-, Two- and Few-Electron Systems One-, Two- and Few-Electron Systems Armin Scrinzi Armin Scrinzi Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich Quantum Dynamics - Theory Quantum Dynamics - Theory Hamburg, March 24-26, 2014 Hamburg, March 24-26, 2014 Munich Advanced Photonics Vienna Computational Materials Science Marie Curie ITN Excellence Cluster FWF Special Research Program
A wealth of measured photo-electron spectra... A wealth of measured photo-electron spectra... in “attosecond physics”: RABITT spectrogram RABITT spectrogram Few-cycle IR pulse Few-cycle IR pulse Complete diagnosis Direct image of a laser pulse of sub-fs pulses Double emission Double emission Emission from surface Emission from surface Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg s. 2 from conduction band March 24 – 26, 2014 from 4f states Details of molecular Correlation electronic structure Miniscule (10 as) time differences
...but modelling and calculation are hard ...but modelling and calculation are hard Two main difficulties: Single electron density Single electron density (1) solution covers large (phase) space during 2.6 fs during 2.6 fs (2) complexity of few-electron calculations Large box sizes due to ionization: Large box sizes due to ionization: irECS perfect absorption method irECS perfect absorption method 2.6 fs Spectra from a truncated calcuation: Spectra from a truncated calcuation: Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg tSurff time dependent surface flux tSurff time dependent surface flux s. 3 160 Bohr ! March 24 – 26, 2014 Complexity of quantum chemistry wave function: Complexity of quantum chemistry wave function: → Integrate quantum chemisty with strong field dynamics Integrate quantum chemisty with strong field dynamics →
One-electron systems One-electron systems One-electron systems One-electron systems Discretization beyond basis sets (high order FEM) Discretization beyond basis sets (high order FEM) Control box size by perfect absorption (irECS) Control box size by perfect absorption (irECS) Determine spectra from truncated calculation (tSURFF) Determine spectra from truncated calculation (tSURFF) Efficiency example: strong field photo-emission Efficiency example: strong field photo-emission
Discretization: why finite elements? Discretization: why finite elements? Required basis sizes Required basis sizes d degrees of freedom phase space volume V There are no smart tricks to beat this number unless we have additional information Additional information Additional information E.g. perturbative ionization, i.e. initial state or free motion or SFA: initial state or Volkov wave packet or: we “know” only bound states play a role or … Basis sets Basis sets Pseudo-spectral (e.g. field-free eigenstates, momentum-space) Pseudo-spectral (e.g. field-free eigenstates, momentum-space) Build energy- or momentum -information into ansatz Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg Local basis sets (B-splines, finite-element, FEM-DVR) Local basis sets (B-splines, finite-element, FEM-DVR) s. 5 Exploit locality of operators (differentiation, multiplication) Numerically robust March 24 – 26, 2014 High order finite elements High order finite elements Locally adjustable (→ irECS) Well-defined points of non-analyticity (element boudaries) Rapid convergence due to high order (e.g. 10-20) Parallelization: communication independent of order
Exterior complex scaling (ECS) Exterior complex scaling (ECS) General approach for perfect absorbers (PML, ECS) General approach for perfect absorbers (PML, ECS) [A.S., H-P. Stimming, N. Mauser, J. Comp. Phys., to appear] Outside some inner region [0,R 0 ] analytically continue a unitary transformation U λ (e.g. coordinate scaling) to contractive (non-unitary) U Θ Unitarity + analyticity guarantee unchanged solution Ψ on [0,R 0 ] θ !!! Caution: Domain issues for U θ H(t)U θ !!! - 1 Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg Translates into: s. 6 Complex coordinates Im r March 24 – 26, 2014 beyond a finite distance R 0 r -> r for r < R 0 θ Re r r -> R 0 + e iθ (r-R 0 ) for r > R 0 0 r R 0
Implementation of exterior complex scaling Implementation of exterior complex scaling Important technical complication Bra and ket functions are not from the same set!!! Exterior scaled Laplacian Δ R0,Θ is defined on discontinuous functions Exterior scaled Laplacian Δ R0,Θ is defined on discontinuous functions Discontinuity because start from unitary transformation Discontinuity is reversed for the left hand functions Discontinuity is reversed for the left hand functions Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg s. 7 Matrix elements of Δ R0,Θ March 24 – 26, 2014 are computed by piece-wise integration [0,R 0 ] + [R 0 ,∞) Conditions easy to implement with a local basis set
a perfect absorber ECS – a perfect absorber irECS – ir [A.S., Phys. Rev. A81, 53845 (2010)] [A.S., Phys. Rev. A81, 53845 (2010)] Infinite nfinite r range ange E Exterior xterior C Complex omplex S Scaling caling I r → r for r < R 0 Im r ECS: ECS: r → R 0 + e iθ (r-R 0 ) for r > R 0 Re r θ 0 r R 0 Discretization Discretization High (~8 th ) order finite elements “infinite range” infinite size last element [R 0 ,∞) R 0 Accuracy Efficiency Accuracy Efficiency |Ψ θR0 (x,t) – Ψ(x,t)| / |Ψ(x,t)| Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg Number of points Accuracy 0 s. 8 Log 10 -8 March 24 – 26, 2014 CAP = complex absorbing potential Accuracy inside R 0 ~ 10 -7
tSURFF – how to obtain spectra from a finite range wave function tSURFF – how to obtain spectra from a finite range wave function Scattering spectra = asymptotic information by definition Scattering spectra = asymptotic information by definition Absorb / discard Finite range Asymptotic part Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg If we solve only on a finite range, exactly the asymptotic information is missing s. 9 Solution: Solution: Continue beyond the box using some known solution – Volkov March 24 – 26, 2014 [Caillat et al., Rev. A 71 , 012712 (2005)] [L. Tao and A.S., New. J. Phys. 14, 013021 (2012)]
How we usually calculate spectra from TDSE How we usually calculate spectra from TDSE Needs ← problem 1 Get Ψ(r,t) at the end of the pulse t=T: Ψ(r,T) very large box Time-independent ← problem 2 Scattering solution ψ k scattering With asymptotics Spectrally analyze Ψ(x,t) Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg s. 10 Spectral density Spectral density March 24 – 26, 2014
Solve by using additional information Solve by using additional information (1) TDSE is a 2 nd order PDE (1) TDSE is a 2 nd order PDE Value and derivative at a surface r = R c suffice to continue the solution beyond the surface (2) Beyond distances R c ~ 50 a.u. motion is free (2) Beyond distances R c ~ 50 a.u. motion is free Use Volkov solution for free motion in the field instead of numerically solving Compare R-matrix theory! How things are done... How things are done... ➔ for a given pulse, solve with irECS absorption (box size ~ 50 a.u., laser-dependent) Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg ➔ save surface values and derivatives at surface(s) as function of time s. 11 ➔ properly time-integrate surface values for asymptotic momenta p of your choice (one integration for each p, ordinary integrals, very cheap!) March 24 – 26, 2014 ➔ can zoom in onto areas of interest (important for 2-electron problems) ➔ Effort grows only linearly with pulse duration T (cf. T 2 ~ T 4 if time and box-size grow)
t-SURFF – time-dependent surface flux method t-SURFF – time-dependent surface flux method [L. T ao and A.S., New. J. Phys. 14, 013021 (2012)] [L. T ao and A.S., New. J. Phys. 14, 013021 (2012)] Propagate until large T large T where bound where bound Ψ Ψ b and scattering and scattering Ψ Ψ s parts separate parts separate Propagate until b s Beyond Beyond distance R distance R c c scattering solutions scattering solutions χ χ k k are known are known θ(r,R c ) 1 Ψ b + Ψ s Ψ(T) = R c 0 Spectral amplitude σ(k): σ(k): Spectral amplitude with Volkov solutions χ k Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg s. 12 Volume integral → Time-integral Time-integral & & surface integral surface integral Volume integral → March 24 – 26, 2014 Commutator depends only on Ψ(R c ,t) and ∂Ψ(R c ,t) Note: need time-dependent bra-solutions ≈ Volkov (or better, if available)
Single photo-electron spectra Single photo-electron spectra
Photo-electron spectra – single electron, 3d Photo-electron spectra – single electron, 3d [L. T ao and A.S., New. J. Phys. 14, 013021 (2012)] [L. T ao and A.S., New. J. Phys. 14, 013021 (2012)] Hydrogen atom, Hydrogen atom, Laser: 2 x 10 14 W/cm 2 @ 800 nm, 20 opt.cyc. FWHM Hydrogen atom, Hydrogen atom, Linear polarization Angle resolved Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg s. 14 March 24 – 26, 2014 90 radial discretization points, 30 angular momenta
Attoclock – ionization by elliptically polarized IR Attoclock – ionization by elliptically polarized IR [Pfeiffer et al, Nat. Phys. 8, 76 (2012)] Angle-resolved photo-electron spectra Peak emission direction deviates from Peak field direction => deduce delay in release of electron Solution of the TDSE Quantum Dynamics, Hamburg Use oppositely handed polarizations to calibrate peak field direction s. 15 θ March 24 – 26, 2014
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