tre treas asur ure e is isla land nd mo mobi bili lity ty

Tre Treas asur ure e Is Isla land nd Mo Mobi bili lity ty - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tre Treas asur ure e Is Isla land nd Mo Mobi bili lity ty Management Management Program Program Recommend Approval Toll Exemption for Current Residents TREASURE ISLAND Dece cember r 3, 2019 MOBILITY MANAGEMENT AGENCY TIDA CAB

  1. Tre Treas asur ure e Is Isla land nd Mo Mobi bili lity ty Management Management Program Program Recommend Approval Toll Exemption for Current Residents TREASURE ISLAND Dece cember r 3, 2019 MOBILITY MANAGEMENT AGENCY TIDA CAB Meetin ting

  2. Stee eep p Rise in Bridg dge e Traffic ic 60,000 This is one quarter of 2025 traffic on current Bay and off the Bridge traffic island will be volumes double what it is today 20,200 10,700 2015 2025 2035 2

  3. Incen enti tiviz vize transit, ansit, walk lkin ing, g, bik ikin ing Isla land nd Mobility lity Goals ls Discoura urage ge use of privat ate cars s throu ough gh toll ll and paid id parking ing Meet t perform forman ance ce targets gets 3

  4. Planned nned Transi nsit t Improve ovements ments New Bus to Oakla land New On-Isl Islan and Shutt ttle New Bus s to SF F Civic New Ferry ry to Bus s to San Francisco cisco Transbay nsbay Termin minal Center ter 4

  5. Implem emen entat tation ion Timeline ne Remaining Policy Areas: Multiple iple Toll Po Policy icy Ac Actions ons Proposed oposed throug ough h Early rly Current workers • 2020 20 Future low-income residents • 5

  6. Outrea reach ch Ac Activ iviti ities es Th This Ye Year Revis ised d Travel el Demand d Foreca casts sts Revis ised d Financ ncial al Project ctio ions ns 6

  7. Recom ommen ended ed Action ion 1. Exempt current residents from toll 2. Determine implementation details in Toll System Business Rules (e.g., # per household) 3. Revisit exemption program at Development Project midpoint (e.g., 4000 units) 7

  8. Current Resident Exemption, Unmet Funding Need UNMET FUNDING NEED WITH LOW ESTIMATE HIGH ESTIMATE CURRENT RESIDENT EXEMPTION ~$8.6M ~$20.4M Total Funding Gap through Buildout $1.43M $3.4M Funding Gap Per Year over 6 Years 8

  9. Winter er 2019/2 9/202 020 0 – Complete ete To Toll Po Policy cy outrea reach ch wi with employ oyers rs and Next Ne t St Steps worker ers Winter er 2019/2 9/202 020 0 – Complete ete finan anci cial al analy lysi sis s of benefi efits ts for workers wo ers and futur ture e low-inc incom ome e resid iden ents ts Sp Spring g 2020 – Pr Propose se toll l level, l, hours rs of operati ation on, , and affor forda dabi bilit lity y progra ram for worker ers s and futur ture e low- 9 incom ome e resid iden ents ts

  10. Th Than ank you ou. An Any Qu Ques esti tion ons? s? TREASURE ISLAND MOBILITY MANAGEMENT AGENCY


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