
Discussant Teacher Scoring of Student Work for Accountability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Discussant Teacher Scoring of Student Work for Accountability Assessment under ESSA Stuart Kahl Founding Principal Measured Progress skahl7079@gmail.com Teacher Scoring of Student Work for Accountability Assessment under ESSA

  1. Discussant Teacher Scoring of Student Work for Accountability Assessment under ESSA Stuart Kahl Founding Principal Measured Progress skahl7079@gmail.com

  2. Teacher Scoring of Student Work for Accountability Assessment under ESSA ▪ Comparability requirements ▪ Some history ▪ KY writing and math portfolios ▪ Gates-funded AASETE project ▪ NH PACE

  3. Teacher Scoring of Student Work for Accountability Assessment under ESSA Conclusions ▪ Teacher scoring consistency can be achieved. ▪ In most areas, common tasks are also needed. ▪ MAEIA accomplishes both. ▪ Auditing of teacher scoring is needed.

  4. Teacher Scoring of Student Work for Accountability Assessment under ESSA My “Ideal” Model • Two Components -- short EoY and 3 CEPAs • EoY: 90 min, incl. MCs, TEIs, and CRs • Curriculum-Embedded Performance Assessment = multi-day instructional unit with summative tasks

  5. Teacher Scoring of Student Work for Accountability Assessment under ESSA Key Ideas • Minimum burden • Shortened EoY test • Phase-in CEPAs • CEPA specs • Teacher “ ownership • Can work with ESSA as is and is “cheaper, better, faster.”


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