transport challenges

Transport Challenges Deliver 50,000 jobs and 25,000 homes at - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transport Challenges Deliver 50,000 jobs and 25,000 homes at Ebbsfleet and Eastern Quarry Capacity of Development at Dartford Crossing KIA to 6 MPPA Capacity at Brenley Corner (M2, J7) M20 capacity South Canterbury need to link 4,000

  1. Transport Challenges Deliver 50,000 jobs and 25,000 homes at Ebbsfleet and Eastern Quarry Capacity of Development at Dartford Crossing KIA to 6 MPPA Capacity at Brenley Corner (M2, J7) M20 capacity South Canterbury need to link 4,000 homes with A2 & city centre – Bridge interchange Support development of land in Sheppey Sittingbourne and at M2, J5 Capacity of M25 New growth point National Public Transport Data Repository and M26/A21 link support Dover Additional access Ensure growth regeneration and to Ashford needed at Maidstone ensure Whitfield/White at new M20 J10A has good Cliffs linked to town access to M20 centre Infill electrification on Ashford to Hastings A21 capacity line linked to 40% of sub-region Overnight lorry Eurostar & CTRL housing requires parking and domestics public transport link to Operation Stack Ashford town centre (Smartlink)

  2. Essential Road Schemes Lower Thames Crossing 2014 2012 2009 2009 2019 + 2015 2011/12 2012 Congested Junctions Trunk Road Improvements County Roads Missing Links North-South Links 2011/12 Proposed Start Date

  3. Rail Network Priority Station Improvement High Speed Network Potential Parkways

  4. Bus Services in Kent 2009

  5. Smartlink Bus Services in Kent 2014 Inter Urban Bus Services

  6. Smartlink Bus Services in Kent Rural Community Bus Services 2026 Inter Urban Bus Services

  7. Extend Kent Freedom Pass to 17 year olds and cross- boundary school travel

  8. KCC funding for socially necessary bus services £40m KCC will work to improve the over 60s Concessionary Travel scheme

  9. Improved local bus networks with Smartcard cashless cross-ticketing, better integration and real-time information

  10. Fully integrated door-to-door service by a choice of transport modes Residential Residential Hospital area area Park & Ride Schools Schools Library University College Offices Food store Retail Park Offices Park & Ride Residential Hospital area Schools Major Road Quality Bus Corridor Local Bus Network Fastrack Railway

  11. Sustainable Transport

  12. Congestion Traffic &

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