Housing and Environmental Scrutiny Panel Parking Contract Performance from January to December 2016 16 January 2017
Outline • Contract overview • Services provision • Parking locations and functions • How is our budget spent • Pro-active performance management • Customer Service • Enforcement • Permit processing • Response to PCN challenges (penalty charge notices) • Complaints • Areas of improvement
Contract Overview Contract Facts • 5 year contract to July 2018 (option to extend for 5 years) • Annual Value: 2.3m (11.5m over the life of the contract) • 3.1m savings benefit (over 5 years) by outsourcing parking services to SERCO • Working with Brent and Ealing as part of the WLA (West London Alliance) • Key areas of service include: Enforcement, back office correspondence and processing, Pay & Display • No deductions apply for under-performance, SERCO are paid 5.26% profit for achievement of KPI’s • 18 core performance standards (KPIs) across Brent, Ealing and Hounslow
Service Provision Pay and Removals and Permit Penalty Charge Display car pound processing Notices (PCNs) Machines operations CCTV Rugby Zone, Operation Carers & Doctors 1 st Response Collection / Civil banking of Resident Maintenance Enforcement cash and Officers Business payments Community safety Car park Policy related cleaning complaints and Refunds enquiries 2 nd Stage PCN representations Concessionary (to PCN Transport unit (eg: challenges) Key Pay and Display Blue Badge, Freedom Machines - 2 nd passes, Taxi Cards) Provided by SERCO line processing and maintenance enquiries Retained by Hounslow
Parking Locations and Functions Back Office and Pound Back Office and Pound Civil Enforcement Officer Bases Chiswick Town Hall Bridge Road Depot Whitby Avenue & Park Royal Operated by Operated by Operated & Owned by Owned by Owned by Contract Management and Contract Management and CCTV CCTV Commissioning Commissioning Derby Road, Hounslow Civic Centre, Hounslow Operated by and Operated & Owned by Owned by P&D Machine Maintenance Whitby Avenue Derby Road 1 st Line Maintenance 2 nd Line Maintenance Operated & Owned by Operated & Owned by
How is our Budget Spent? General 4% Notice Processing 16% IT 2% Maintenance & Repair 1% Premises 3% CEOs 38% Removals 7% Cash Collection 2% Permits 4% CCTV 23%
Pro-active Performance Management Frequency Performance management activity Why Daily • Review daily report • Monitoring of performance and against KPIs • Daily review of SERCO output for the previous day • Member & resident query management to ensure services are being carried out effectively Weekly • On-street inspections (spot checks) • To ensure street scene services are being carried out correctly (P&D maintenance, suspensions) • Weekly review of contract performance • To review the need for additional services and progress of outstanding projects Monthly • Operational review meeting • Address any operational service challenges and discuss performance over the previous f/night • Review of tri-borough SERCO report • Monthly engagement and joint review of SERCO • West London Alliance review meeting performance to ensure consistency of service. • Contract review meeting • Budget and invoice review to validate spend and ensure ongoing value for money • Commercial monitoring 6 monthly • Strategic Partnership Board review of service • Joint review by Directors at Brent, Ealing and Hounslow to address any high level challenges or cross cutting issues Annually • Open book review • To ensure SERCO expenditure is in line with contractual agreement
Customer Service • Online solutions including Online Case management has been implemented to provide more efficient channels for customers to challenge their PCN • Online Permits were introduced in October 2016. For resident and business this was through EasiPermits supplied by Serco. Residents in the Twickenham Event zone, Carers and Doctors apply using eforms directly to the council. • Approximately 90% of permit applications now go through the online portals reducing customer complaints about delays in permit delivery. • Some concerns raised by residents regarding the decision for all permits to be processed online.
Enforcement Civil Enforcement Officer Productivity 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Average PCNs Issued Per Hour Expected PCNs Per Hour • On foot enforcement is our largest area of contract spend • Year on Year performance of PCN issuance by CEO has increased • SERCO are currently exceeding the contract expectation of 1.5 PCNs issued per hour • Significant challenge from the passing of the Deregulation Act 2015 removing the ability to use CCTV to enforce parking contraventions. This places pressure on CEOs to monitor more footway parking, bus stops and waiting/loading areas where CCTV previously had been better placed to monitor. • High performance in enforcement will drive compliance to ensure roads and controlled parking zones are working effectively for residents and visitors.
Permit Processing Time Taken to Process Permit Applications 1800 4 1600 1400 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1200 1000 2 2 2 2 2 800 600 1 400 200 0 0 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Permit Applications Received Turnaround Time In Days • Consistently processing permit applications within 10 working days (average 2.9 working days in 2016) • Not currently measured as a contractual performance standard • Implementation of the EasiPermit solution in Oct 2016 for resident, temporary resident and business permits. • Processing other permit types in-house using eforms.
Response to PCN challenges Response time for Customer Challenges 1800 100.20% 100.00% 1600 99.80% 1400 99.60% 1200 99.40% 1000 99.20% 800 99.00% 600 98.80% 400 98.60% 200 98.40% 0 98.20% Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Correspondence Sent Correspondence Sent within 10 days • Serco are required to respond to all PCN challenges within 10 working days • The 10 working day response time was not achieved 34 times in 2016 from a total of 15913 pieces of correspondence. • A total of 2,893 PCNs were cancelled in 2016 as a result of PCN challenges • SERCO are measured on this area of service
Complaints Feedback Response Times 25 20 15 10 5 0 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Total Complaints Receivced Feedback within 10 days Feedback not within 10 days • 171 pieces of correspondence received by customer services in 2016 which were complaints about the service provided by Serco. • No complaints were escalated to Stage 2 or 3 in 2016 • Month on month improvement in responding to complaints within the councils SLA timeframes • Weekly monitoring in place to keep performance standards high
Areas of Improvement We are currently working with SERCO to improve the following areas of service: Challenge Resolution Suspensions: residential parking bay suspensions being Clear guidelines are being prepared to ensure that the put up with unclear instructions and/or signs not clearly information displayed is unambiguous. displayed Permit related correspondence : Enquiries about permits SERCO are looking at ways for enquiries to be responded to are being answered within 10 working days, we believe this more quickly than applications (which require processing can be improved upon time). We would like general enquiries answered within 48 hours of receipt Quality of written correspondence: Style and content of Through weekly monitoring and quarterly reviews, we are letters sent by SERCO should be consistent with the style working with SERCO to improve the quality of their written and content of letters sent by officers within Hounslow (eg correspondence so that it reflects the letters issued by use of wording and phrasing) Hounslow.
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