Translating data to make a measurable impact on clinical care. Clinicians working to effect system change Associate Professor Christopher Pearce PhD, MFM, MBBS, FRACGP, FACRRM, FAICD, FACHI
POLAR Primary Health Network Based 400 (2000) clinics, 5 million patient records (probably about 3 million individual patients) Longitudinal data And that’s just the beginning… POLAR GP, POLAR explorer, POLAR data space
10 commandments 1. Do not collect data just because you can; 2. Those who generate the data should be able to use the data; 3. All data comes with a social context; 4. Data is generated by workflow processes, and also destroyed by workflow processes; 5. Remember, big data is nothing more than lots and lots of little data;
10 commandments 6. An algorithm can never represent reality; 7. Get as close to the source of data as you can; 8. Linked data is actually patient centred data; 9. There is no secondary use of data – all uses are valid; 10. No-one should own data – it should be free and mobile.
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