transit asset management performance targets

Transit Asset Management Performance Targets Regional Transit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transit Asset Management Performance Targets Regional Transit Coordination Subcommittee September 6, 2018 Lydia Abebe Overview Transit Asset Management (TAM) A Business Model Created by MAP-21 Final Rule Provision Requires Transit

  1. Transit Asset Management Performance Targets Regional Transit Coordination Subcommittee September 6, 2018 Lydia Abebe

  2. Overview Transit Asset Management (TAM) ▪ A Business Model ▪ Created by MAP-21 ▪ Final Rule Provision Requires Transit Agencies to: • Establish Performance Targets • Coordinate with TxDOT and H-GAC • Develop a TAM plan • Report to National Transit Database (NTD)

  3. Regional Transit Service Providers ▪ Tier I – Provider - METRO • Operates Rail • > 101 Vehicles across all fixed and non-fixed routes ▪ Tier II – Providers • Sub-Recipients of 5307; 5310 & 5311 Providers • < 101 vehicles across all fixed and non-fixed routes

  4. Performance Measures Asset Measure Measure Performance Category Tier Applicability Type Measures Rolling ing Stock ck I & I II All revenue ue vehicles cles Age % ≥ ULB Equipmen ipment t Only ly non-rev reven enue ue Age I & I II % ≥ ULB (valued ed > $50k) service e vehicles les Track, k, guidew ideway ay, , % w with perf rform orman ance e (speed ed) Infrastru rastructure cture I Performa ormance signals, als, system tem restr tricti ctions ons, , by mode I & I II Only ly faciliti ties es w/ direct ct Faciliti ities es Conditi ition on % r rated ed < 3 on TERM scale capital tal responsi ponsibi bili lity ty Useful ful life fe bench chmark (ULB) B) = expected ted lifecycl cle of capita pital l asset t or acce cepta ptable ble perio iod d of use in servi vice ce for Transit it Provi vider der ’s operatin ting g envi vironment. t. Transi sit t Economic ic Requir irements ts Model del (TERM) Scale le: Faci cili lity ty conditio dition assessm sments ts repo porte ted to the NTD have ve one ove verall ll TERM ratin ting g per faci cili lity ty. TERM Rating ting – Exce cell llent t – (4.8-5.0 5.0); Goo ood d – (4.0 – 4.7) 7); Adequ quate te – (3.0-3.9 3.9); Mar argin inal l – (2.0-2.9) 9); Poor or (1.0-1.9) 9)

  5. TERM Scale TERM Rating Condition Description No vi visibl ble e defec ects ts, near-new ew Excel ellent lent 4.8 - 5.0 conditio dition. 4.0 - 4.7 Some slightly ly defec ectiv tive e or Good deteri teriorated orated componen onents. ts. 3.0 - 3.9 Moderately erately defec ectiv tive e or deteri teriorated orated Adequate equate compon onent ents. 2.0 - 2.9 Defec ecti tive e or deteri teriorated orated componen onents ts Margin ginal al in need ed of r replace lacemen ment. t. 1. 1.0 0 - 1. 1.9 Serious usly ly damaged ged component ponents in Poor need ed of im immedia ediate te repair air. .

  6. Asset Category Region & FY 2018 FY 2020 FY 2022 Tier Rolling Stock – (Percentage Tier I 10% 10% 10% Tier II 19% 16% 17% of Revenue Vehicles that have met TxDOT 15% 15% 15% or Exceeded their Useful Life Benchmark) Regionwide 12% 12% 12% Equipment (Percentage of Tier I 46% 46% 46% Tier II 0% 0% 0% non- revenue Vehicles that have TxDOT 15% 15% 15% met or Exceeded their Useful Life Benchmark) Regionwide 41% 41% 41% Facilities (Percentage of Tier I 54% 54% 54% Tier II 75% 67% 60% facilities Rated Below Condition 3 TxDOT 15% 15% 15% on the TERM Scale) Regionwide 41% 41% 40% Infrastructure (Percentage Tier I 0% 0% 0% of Track Segments with Regionwide – 0% 0% 0% performance Restrictions)

  7. TAM Plan Timeframes Initi tial al Due Date e Activiti ivities es October tober 1, 2016 Final al rule e effecti fective ve Tran ansit sit agencies encies estab tablish ish their eir Transit ransit Asset set Manage nagement ment Janu nuar ary y 1, 20 2017 Per erfor forma mance nce Target argets s Deadline adline for r H-GAC C to establish stablish initial tial regi gional onal TAM AM July 1, 20 2017 pe performance rformance targe rgets ts October tober 1, 2017 State ate DOTs s esta tabl blish ish state atewide wide TAM M pe perfor rforman mance ce targ rgets ets Tran ansit sit agencies encies to complet plete e their eir TAM M Plans ns MPO O to refl flect ect pe perfor rforman mance ce meas asures ures and d targ rget ets s in the e RTP October tober 1, 2018 and d TIP P upd pdates tes no later er than an 180 80 da days s after ter Provi rovider er(s (s) ) sets ts targe rgets ts

  8. Next Steps ▪ Continue Collaboration and Coordination ▪ Present to TAC & TPC in September ▪ Incorporate TAM Plan Into RTP & TIP by October 2018


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