alabama department of transportation group sponsored

Alabama Department of Transportation Group-Sponsored Transit Asset - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Alabama Department of Transportation Group-Sponsored Transit Asset Management Plan INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND What is Transit Asset Management? Transit Asset Management (TAM) is a business model that uses the condition of assets to guide

  1. Alabama Department of Transportation Group-Sponsored Transit Asset Management Plan

  2. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND What is Transit Asset Management? “Transit Asset Management (TAM) is a business model that uses the condition of assets to guide the optimal prioritization of funding at transit properties in order to keep our transit networks in a State of Good Repair (SGR).” Benefits of TAM • Improved transparency and accountability • Optimized capital investment and maintenance decisions • More data-driven maintenance decisions • Potential safety benefits (Source: FTA Transit Asset Management Workshop on September 14, 2016)

  3. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND TAM Plan Requirements FTA prescribes that a TAM Plan for small providers have four sections: • Asset inventory • Condition assessments of inventoried assets • Decision support tools • Prioritized list of investments to improve the SGR of capital assets

  4. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND ALDOT Tier II Subrecipients (FTA Sections 5307 & 5311) • 28 Agencies are covered by the ALDOT Group TAM Plan • Each agency has an Accountable Executive designated who is responsible for approving the group TAM Plan

  5. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Transit Program Vision, Mission, & Goal Vision Public transit – connecting people and places through multiple-passenger, land or water- based means – will contribute to the State’s continued economic growth through a dedicated and sound investment approach into viable mobility options accessible to all Alabama residents and visitors. Mission To provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound intermodal transportation system for all users Goal To enhance the quality of life for Alabama’s citizens by providing passenger transportation service, where desirable and feasible, and to facilitate greater access to goods and services

  6. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND ALDOT Performance Measures & Targets as of January 2017 Asset Category Performance Measures Performance Targets Comments Rolling Stock (all Age: % of Revenue Vans: Overall reduction of ALDOT establishes minimum useful Vehicles within a current inventory that life standards and benchmarks to Revenue particular asset class that exceeds ULB by 10%; ensure that vehicles and other Vehicles) have met or exceeded Cutaway Buses: Overall equipment are maintained for transit their Useful Life reduction of current inventory use for their normal service lives and Benchmark that exceeds ULB by 10%; to ensure that the vehicles and Body-on-Chassis Overall equipment purchased are necessary reduction of current inventory for public transit service. that exceeds ULB by 10%; Full Size Buses: Overall reduction of current inventory that exceeds ULB by 10% Equipment Age: % of vehicles that Overall reduction of current Definition: Nonexpendable, tangible have met or exceeded inventory that exceeds ULB property having a useful life of at least their Useful Life by 10% one year that is purchased with FTA Benchmark funds. Includes non-revenue vehicles and equipment valued over $50,000 Facilities Conditions: % of facilities No more than 20% of FTA Only FTA funded facilities with a condition rating funded facilities with a below 3.0 on a FTA condition rating below 3.0 Transit Economic (Good) Requirements Model (TERM) Scale

  7. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Adopted ALDOT Useful Life Benchmarks (ULBs)

  8. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND ALDOT Section 5307 & 5311 Base-Year Performance Analysis

  9. ASSET INVENTORY Asset Categories • Rolling Stock: Revenue Vehicles • Equipment: Non-revenue Service Vehicles • Facilities FTA Capital Asset Inventory Tracking Recommendations • • • Asset Category Model Acquisition Year • • • Asset Class Count Vehicle Mileage • • • Asset Name ID/Serial No. Replacement • • Cost/Value Make Asset Owner ALDOT Asset Inventory Data Sources • 2016 Useful Life Analysis • ALDOT Transit Reporting System: 2017 Vehicle Inventory Forms, 2017 Vehicle Profile Forms, & Section 5311 Quarterly Reports • New Vehicle Purchases • Vehicle Dispositions

  10. ASSET INVENTORY Rolling Stock: Revenue Vehicles Fleet Composition Vehicle Class Number Percentage Mini Vans 30 5% Vans 318 57% Small Buses (17-21 passengers) 52 9% Small Buses (24-27 passengers) 130 23% Full Size (28+ passengers ) 25 5% Total 555 100%

  11. ASSET INVENTORY Rolling Stock: Revenue Vehicles Revenue Vehicles by Class, Mileage, and Age

  12. ASSET INVENTORY Equipment: Non-revenue Service Vehicles ALDOT Section 5307 & 5311 Service Vehicle Inventory Condition Make & Model Vehicle ULB ULB Replacement Asset Owner Model Year Mileage Mileage Age Cost/Value* Alabama-Tombigbee International Regional 2010 23,623 $86,000 100,000 4 Good 4600 Commission Covington County Ford F250 2003 86,810 $15,099 100,000 5 Fair Commission West Al Health Ford Edge 2014 6,900 * 100,000 4 * Services, Inc. West Al Health Ford Transit 2013 7,600 * 100,000 4 * Services, Inc. NARCOG Regional Ford F150 2011 28,342 $45,000 100,000 4 * Transit Agency *Information was not provided for these vehicles

  13. ASSET INVENTORY Facilities ALDOT Section 5307 & 5311 Facilities Inventory Asset Acquisition Age Replacement Square Asset Name Asset Owner Address Class Year (Yrs) Cost/Value Footage Wiregrass Transit 201 Depot Street, Building Dixie Depot 2008 111 $1,041,000 6000 Authority Dothan, AL 36303 ATRC Alabama Tombigbee 108 Claibourne Building Transportation Regional 2010 8 $260,100 Street, Camden, AL 2200 Building Commission 36784 Pike Area Transit Pike Area Transit 113 Segars Street, Building 2007 11 $143,000 28178 System Office System Troy, AL Etowah County Etowah County Maintenance Rural Etowah County Building 2010 8 $150,000 Department, 741 1St 1200 Transportation Commission Street Avenue, Bus Facility Gadsden, AL 35901 Baldwin County Rural 18100 County Road Robertsdale Building Area Transportation 2012 6 $329,400 54, Robertsdale, AL 5070 BRATS Office System 36567 Robertsdale Baldwin County Rural 18100 County Road BRATS Building Area Transportation 1994 24 $334,365 54, Robertsdale, AL 2500 Maintenance System 36567 Facility Baldwin County Rural 918 Fairhope Fairhope BRATS Building Area Transportation 2013 5 $353,702 Avenue, Fairhope, 748 Transit Hub System AL 36532 East Alabama Regional East Alabama Planning and 1130 Quintard Storage Regional Planning Development 2011 7 $529,722 Avenue Anniston, 39900 Yard and Development Commission Alabama 36202 Commission Transit Parking Lot

  14. CONDITION ASSESSMENT Rolling Stock: Revenue Vehicles 2017 Revenue Vehicles ULB Age and Mileage

  15. CONDITION ASSESSMENT TERM Vehicle Condition Ranking

  16. CONDITION ASSESSMENT Condition Ranking by Vehicle Category

  17. CONDITION ASSESSMENT 2017 Performance Target Progress 2017 Performance Precentage of Fleet 2017 Actual Progress Vehicle Type Exceeding ULB Age Target 70% 72% Did Not Meet Vans 80% 56% 62% Did Not Meet Small Buses (17-21 passengers) 66% 19% 23% Did Not Meet Small Buses (24-27 passengers) 29% 0% 16% Did Not Meet Full Size (28+ passengers) 0% Over 10 Years Old 55% 57% Did Not Meet Total 65%

  18. CONDITION ASSESSMENT Equipment: Non-revenue Service Vehicles Make & Model Vehicle Replacement ULB ULB Condition Asset Owner Condition Model Year Mileage Cost/Value Mileage Age Status Alabama- International Tombigbee 2010 23,623 $86,000 100,000 4 Good 4600 Regional Exceeds For Commission Age Covington Exceeds For Ford F250 County 2003 86,810 $15,099 100,000 5 Fair Age Commission West Al Health Ford Edge 2014 6,900 100,000 4 Meets For Age Services, Inc. West Al Health Ford Transit 2013 7,600 100,000 4 Meets For Age Services, Inc. NARCOG Ford F150 Regional Transit 2011 28,342 $45,000 100,000 4 Good Exceeds For Agency Age While a performance measure was set for Non-revenue Service Vehicles, no target was established. The 2017 Non-revenue Service Vehicle Condition Analysis showed that 60% (3 out of 5 vehicles) exceeded their ULB for age.

  19. CONDITION ASSESSMENT Facilities Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM) Condition Rating Scale Rank Category Description 5 New/Excellent New asset; no visible defects 4 Good Some slightly defective/deteriorated component(s) 3 Adequate Some moderately defective/deteriorated component(s) 2 Marginal Increasing number of defective/deteriorated component(s) & maintenance needs 1 Poor In need of immediate repair or replacement; item is a safety hazard and may have critically damaged component(s)

  20. CONDITION ASSESSMENT ALDOT Section 5307 & 5311 Facilities Condition Analysis

  21. ASSET REPLACEMENT & DECISION SUPPORT ANALYSIS Decision Support Methodology National Benchmarks Condition at W hich M inimum Lifecycle Cost is Attained (Source: FTA Useful Life of Transit Buses and Vans, April 2007, Report N o. FTA Va-26-7229-07)

  22. ASSET REPLACEMENT & DECISION SUPPORT ANALYSIS Decision Support Methodology National Benchmarks


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