Alabama Department of Transportation Planning and Training for a Successful Future Maxine Wheeler ALDOT Training Bureau Chief 1
Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) is currently the largest Alabama state agency Overall mission statement: To provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound intermodal transportation system for all users, especially the taxpayers of Alabama…. 2
Computer Services 5
Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) Succession Planning ― Employee Development Program and ALDOT Leadership Academy
Employee Development Program (EDP) EDP was established January 2002 - Recognized “skills gap” and “opportunity gap” Designed to provide equal and fair opportunities for all employees to develop job skills important for career advancement
EDP Meets The ”NEED” N ew employees E ducation and Training - “Brain Drain” E xperience Leaving D evelopment opportunities for all employees 8
ALDOT RETIREMENT 1350 em ployees 30% Retirem ent Eligible 3088 em ployees N ot Eligible to Retire 70% 9
ALDOT: EMPLOYEES BY AGE 20 employees 20 employees .5% .5% 245 em ployees 6% 555 em ployees 13% 1145 em ployees 26% 935 employees 20% U nder 20 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 1518 employees 34% 60 - 69 10 70 and over
New Employees 11
Brain Drain Education Training KNOWLEGE SKILL 12
Experience Leaving 13
Training and Development Opportunities for ALL 14
We Recognize “the NEED” So, how does ALDOT get it done?? 15
EDP Overview Implemented in four phases from January, 2002 through July, 2003 EDP Managers monitor activities to ensure equitable training opportunities Modules designed to help employees learn their current job and prepares employees for advancement in their logical career path Voluntary 17
Training and Managing Employees The EDP is not intended to interfere with the way supervisors train and manage employees. Employees are required to do the work assigned by their supervisor, regardless of their status in the EDP. The program is a way for supervisors to show that they are providing developmental opportunities for all of their employees. 18
EDP Module Programs After reaching permanent status, each employee meets with an EDP Coordinator reviews the Program developed for the job class decides if he/she wants to participate in the voluntary module program Modules Activities teach skills needed on the first day in a promotional position within the logical career path typically mirror the duties and skills that new employees need to learn generally include normal job activities. 19
Example – Office EA Module 20
“Preparing for Supervisory Responsibilities” All programs contain a standard module called “Preparing for Supervisory Responsibilities” when: – A promotional position involves supervising employees but – The current job does not. “Prep” modules includes courses designed to help employees prepare for supervisory duties in the promotional position. 21
Working on a Module Program Employees work on module activities: – during normal work hours – during regular work activities. Activities often overlap with what the employee would do to learn and perform his/her job Occasionally, activities may be from higher classifications 22
Rating Supervisor’s Role Stay abreast regarding EDP Complete documentation to – offer the program to employees – complete monthly reports – document completion of activities, modules, and programs Inform if job competencies change Allow employee to attend courses 23
Rating Supervisor’s Role: On-the-job Training Activities Provide the training within the module timeframe. Document legitimate reasons for failing to provide activities within the timeframe. Ensure every employee has opportunity to be exposed to and become familiar with activities. 24
EDP Reference Document EDP Handbook for Employees – Each employee receives a copy – Summarizes the EDP and answers frequently- asked questions 25
Participation Currently there are over 2000 employees participating in the EDP This number continues to grow every year 26
Training within Succession Planning - Challenges Managing the process Ensure quality of training Constant change of technology Buy in from all involved Continued productivity 27
Succession Planning - Benefits State employment pride Department and career loyalty Strong workforce Future leaders 28
A WORK IN PROGRESS New Research Technology Coordination Evaluate 29
Our Future Strategy - Commitment – Perseverance - Caring 30
Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) Employee Development Program
ALDOT Leadership Development Program 32
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