NASA SL Preliminary Design Review University of Alabama in Huntsville University of Alabama in Huntsville 11/3/2017 1 USLI PDR
Mission Summary ry • Design, fabricate, test and fly a rocket and payload to 1 mile in altitude • Deploy a rover upon landing to autonomously travel and unfold solar panels • Conduct STEM outreach with students *Throughout the presentation, all dimensions are in inches University of Alabama in Huntsville 11/3/2017 2 USLI PDR
VEHICLE DESIGN University of Alabama in Huntsville 3 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Vehicle Summary ry • Launch Vehicle Dimensions – Fairing Diameter: 6 in. – Body Tube Diameter: 4 in. – Mass at lift off: 39.7 lbm. – Length: 96 in. • Concept – L-Class Solid Commercial Motor – Rover Delivery – Electronic Dual Deployment – Fiberglass Airframe University of Alabama in Huntsville 4 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Vehicle System Locations Tracking/Rover Deployment Recovery Avionics Avionics Rover Piston Fins (x4) Main Drogue Parachute Parachute CP CG 63 in. 51 in. Payload Fairing Forward Aft 36 in. Airframe Airframe Coupler 24 in. 41 in. 12 in. University of Alabama in Huntsville 5 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Vehicle CONOPS Deploy Drogue: 19 seconds 5,282 ft. Powered Ascent: 0 – 3.2 seconds 0 – 1,050 ft. Deploy Main: 50 seconds 600 ft. Landing: 100 seconds 0 ft. Deploy Rover: Team Command University of Alabama in Huntsville 6 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Fli light Sim imulation Attribute Value • OpenRocket Sim: Apogee (ft.) 5282 – A 1-D in house Length (in.) 96 Monte Carlo Max. Mach Number 0.56 simulation will be used to verify results Rail Exit Velocity (ft./s) 55.7 – Results will also be Static Stability (cal.) 2.0 compared to flight Motor Designation AT L1520T - P tests for verification Thrust-to-Weight Ratio 8.7 CG 51 in. CP 63 in. University of Alabama in Huntsville 11/3/2017 7 USLI PDR
Simulation Results • Apogee of approximately 5282 ft. at 19 sec. • Motor burnout at approximately 1050 ft. at 3.2 sec. Burnout at 3.2 sec. Apogee of 5282 ft. (19 sec.) 50 sec. Main deploy (600 ft.) University of Alabama in Huntsville 8 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Stability Analysis • Stability of 2.06 cal. at rail exit – Calculated with no wind conditions • Stability of 2.74 cal. at motor burnout Maximum Stability: 2.74 Takeoff Stability: 2.06 University of Alabama in Huntsville 9 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
UPPER AIR IRFRAME Forward Body Tube Nose Cone Payload Fairing Transition University of Alabama in Huntsville 10 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Forward System Overview Obje jectives • Protect and deploy the payload • House assembly for tracking vehicle location • Transition upper airframe to payload fairing Payload Piston Avionics Bay University of Alabama in Huntsville 11/3/2017 11 USLI PDR
Nose Cone and Fairing 6.0 in. 2.0 in. 6.0 in. 24.0 in. • 3D printed High Strength ABS • Responsible for housing the rover and rover • Ejected with rover deployment deployment system • Room to store ballast for stability • Filament wound fiberglass • No electronics housed inside • Shear pin interface • Bulkhead at base • 6 in. ellipsoid shape • 2 in. shoulder University of Alabama in Huntsville 12 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Pis iston Overview • Used to deploy rover from fairing • Spring driven spike punctures cartridge • Spring released by hotwire upon command; redundant arming Plunger Ø 6.0 in. •Machined from aluminum • Powered by 8 or 12 gram CO 2 cartridge •Plunger tethered to base Cylinder • Standard Operating Procedure in development Ø 6.0 in. University of Alabama in Huntsville 13 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Fairing Transition • Aerodynamic transition between upper airframe and fairing, load path supplemented with aluminum insert • 3-D printed with ABS plastic, single piece design • Threaded rod in tension connecting to aft bulkhead to built in forward coupler University of Alabama in Huntsville 14 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Fairing Transition • Problems with ABS single piece design – Mass: 4.7 lbm – Complicated FEA – Structurally weak without aluminum insert – Aluminum insert could pose manufacturing difficulties • Other options considered: – Aluminum brace with direct bulkhead connection, purely aerodynamic cover University of Alabama in Huntsville 11/3/2017 15 USLI PDR
CENTRAL SUBSYSTEM University of Alabama in Huntsville 16 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Central Subsystem Overview • Central Subsystem responsibilities: – Primary coupler between airframes – Flight Avionics – Ejection System – Tracking and Ground Station – Recovery System University of Alabama in Huntsville 17 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Coupler Aluminum Bulkheads Stratologger CF Altimeter (2 Places) U Bolt (2 Places) All-Thread (2 Places) 9V Battery (2 Places) 9 in. 3D Printed 12.5 in. Avionics Sled 1 in. 1 in. Switchband Switch/Pressure Equalization holes (2 Places) Black Powder Housing (4 Places) University of Alabama in Huntsville 18 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Avionics Recovery Avio ionics Subsystem • 2 PerfectFlite StratoLoggerCF altimeters; each with a 9V battery and SPDT momentary activation switch • 4 Safe Touch terminals, E-matches, and black powder charges • Full ll re redundancy in in avionics and ig igniti tion University of Alabama in Huntsville 19 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Recovery ry Deployment Avio ionics • Normally Closed SPDT Pull Pin • Primary Main fired at 600 ft. Microswitch – Secondary fired at 550 ft. – Prevents detonation during • Primary charges are roughly 4 g of assembly black powder – Helps preserve battery life • Secondary charges are 2 g larger • Primary Drogue charge fired at apogee than primary – Secondary fired one second after University of Alabama in Huntsville 11/3/2017 20 USLI PDR
GPS Tracking Subsystem System • CRW will reuse a previously designed PCB that contains an Xbee Pro- PRO 900HP RF module, and an Antenova GPS Chip – PCB will includes traces for all relevant connections including battery sources. • Xbee transmits GPS coordinates to a receiver connected to the ground station laptop. • Tests will be performed prior to the full scale launch to verify operation success Structure Integr Stru gratio ion • 3D printed mount to secure tracker and its essentials within the transition section of the rocket. • Three axis security and battery retention to ensure components are kept in tact University of Alabama in Huntsville 21 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Recovery ry System • • Drogue Parachute Deployment: Main Parachute Deployment: – – Deployment at apogee Deployment at 700 ft. above ground – Fruity Chute CFC-18 (C D = 1.5) level – – Shock Cords: 1 inch Nylon (50 ft.) Fruity Chute 60 in. Iris Ultra (C D = 2.2) – – Connected between forward motor Shock Cords: 1 inch Nylon (50 ft.) – retention bulkhead in lower airframe Connected between fairing bulkhead and avionics bay housing. and avionics bay housing. – – Descent speed under drogue: 62.2 ft/s Descent speed under main: 15.23 ft/s • Open Rocket Simulation between 0 and 20 mph winds showed a maximum drift at 15 mph of about 1,700 ft. University of Alabama in Huntsville 22 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Recovery ry System Calc lculations • • Required that each individual The largest independent section section will have a maximum is 15 lbm, so the safe descent kinetic energy of 75 ft-lbf speed was determined to be 17.9 ft/s • For initial calculations, a conservative estimate of 75 ft- 8𝑛 𝐸 = • lbf was used for the heaviest 𝜌𝜍𝐷 𝐸 𝑤 2 section – D = diameter of parachute, ft. 𝐿𝐹 = 1 2 𝑛𝑤 2 – m = mass of vehicle, lbm • – g = force of gravity, ft/s 2 – m = mass of the section, lbm – 𝝇 = density of the air, lbm/ft 3 – v = velocity, ft/s – C D = Coefficient of Drag – v = previously calculated velocity, ft/s • Minimum Diameter must be 93.3 inches University of Alabama in Huntsville 23 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Load Path (D (Drogue and Main in) • The load in 1, 2, and 3 are causing tension under Drogue and Main. Shock cord applies load to eyebolt in the coupler bulkhead. • The load in 4 is transferred 3 through the all thread and down to the motor casing 2 then back up the tube. represents force due to drag 1 4 represents the force due to mass University of Alabama in Huntsville 24 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
AFT SUBSYSTEM University of Alabama in Huntsville 25 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
Aft ft System Objectives • Objectives/Responsibilities – Fin Design ▪ Optimize dimensions and materials for flight stability – Centering Ring/Thrust Plate ▪ Carry load path from the vehicle ▪ Centering and fin integration ability – Forward/Recovery Retention ▪ Provide method for recovery attachment ▪ Carry thrust through the vehicle via forward retention University of Alabama in Huntsville 26 11/3/2017 USLI PDR
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