Transformative innovation & sustainability transitions Fred Steward Professor of Innovation & Sustainability Sustainable Innovation 11, Farnham 24 October 2011 A new transitions policy discourse – the low carbon society/green economy Change in policy landscape from climate change ‘problem’ to low carbon innovation ‘solution’ Incorporation of ambitious targets into national policy agendas Narratives of transformation innovation from margin to mainstream since 2000
The UK Prime Minister We need to make the transition to a low carbon economy urgently David Cameron January 2010 European Union we will take a historic step towards …the transition to a low-carbon world economy. Manuel Barroso December 2007
‘the transition to a green and low-carbon economy is essential’ (Nov 2009) Beyond rhetoric into durable policy frameworks
The UK strategy 2009 The UK strategy 2011
The UK strategy 2011 The origins of the concept of transition
Stern review 2006 managing the transition to a low- carbon economy radical change may not be delivered by the markets technology-specific early stage deployment support governments must accept that some technologies will fail. Policy roots: IPCC report on mitigation transition strategies to achieve...long-term social and technological changes transition from the world’s present energy system towards a less carbon-emitting economy
Conceptual roots: the Dutch school Kemp, René (1994), ‘Technology and the Transition to Environmental Sustainability. The Problem of Technological Regime Shifts', Futures 26(10): 1023-46 Theories of radical innovation 2 strands in the interdisciplinary field of Science Technology & Innovation Studies oriented to radical change: Evolutionary theories of epochal transformations - ‘technoeconomic paradigm’ Interactionist theories of innovation path creation – ‘social construction of technology’
A synthesis within innovation studies Seeks to bridge economic and sociological strands in STIS Dynamics of innovation in meso level sociotechnical systems Engaged with practice ‘managing/governing transitions’ Sociotechnical networks
Multilevel perspective Disrupting & reconfiguring through niches
A distinct meso level ‘lens’ or ‘gaze’ Nor a ‘macro focus on a new principle of the economic system (mechanisation, information etc) Not a ‘micro’ focus on the new product or process The ‘meso’ reveals situated sociotechnical paths and choices Sociotechnical transitions happen Intercontinental transport: sail – steam Domestic mobility: horse – automobile Sanitation: home based – civic sewage system Information: notepad – personal computer
The British public’s favourite – Turner’s picture of a sociotechnical transition The Temeraire sociotechnical network Weather Woodworkers Preserved food Forests Naval dockyard as innovator
Monarch sociotechnical network Business enterprise as innovator Coal mines Engineers Timetables Fuel depots Metal workers Incremental innovation is insufficient Relative improvements in resource use & pollution impact eg: household appliances, cars, aeroplanes Yet, environmental impact of household and personal transport continue to increase - the ‘rebound effect’
New ambitions A variety of national governments are incorporating carbon targets into their economic and social policies The targets are highly ambitious given the national track records Despite the setback for a new global treaty this represent a highly significant policy domain The global challenge remains huge
A current paradox Pragmatically policy recognises: Transformative change Sociotechnical character Yet intellectually remains focused on: Individual (incremental) choice Separation of the technical and the social Power of the past
Emerging ‘popular’ narratives of transformation The new consensus over the need for ‘revolutionary’ change is expressed by new transformative narratives They draw on a narrative repertoire of historical analogies of episodes of ‘radical’ change They implicitly and selectively engage with professional discourses on the dynamics of innovation and change Popular narrative 1: ‘big science’ Government has made big investments in key areas of science in the past – it should do so again Popular analogies are the research programmes that led to nuclear weapons and human space travel
A new ‘Manhattan’ project Daniel Kammen (Director, a ‘Manhattan project’ Renewable and Appropriate for climate change Energy Laboratory (RAEL) University of California, Berkeley technology research Evidence to US Congress committee, September 2006 5-10 fold increase in energy R&D to $50- 100bn for 10 year programme A new ‘Apollo’ programme Martin Rees (President of the Royal Society) A ‘global response analogous to the Apollo programme’ Editorial in Science, August 2006 Ambitious public investment in more R&D for new ‘far from market’ energy technologies
Professional innovation discourse Linear science push model Innovation arises from radical breakthroughs in basic science Largely abandoned by innovation researchers though still a few advocates Still popular with some scientists Narrative 2: ‘industrial revolution’ Low carbon transition is equivalent long term revolution in technology & economics Forces driving it are structural in nature – new technologies, natural limits Policy options are to facilitate national receptiveness and entrepreneurial opportunity
Influential advocates Amory Lovins – US Peter Mandelson, environmentalist & former BIS minister entrepreneur Professional innovation discourse ‘Technoeconomic paradigm – Freeman & Perez Schumpeterian evolutionary theory of innovation Ecological modernisation – Huber Influential among economic studies of innovation Epochs defined by ‘lead technologies’
Popular narrative 3: ‘social reform’ Analogies with government led programmes of welfare reform from the 20 th century eg Rooselvelt’s New Deal Large scale state investment for societal purposes is possible Advocates – greens, social democrats
Professional innovation discourse Traditional theories of state action for social purposes Retheorised as social innovation and public innovation Popular narrative 4: ‘moral crusade’ Analogies with ethical and moral crusades for reform Wilberforce’s campaign for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, and Martin Luther King’s leadership of the Civil Rights movement are exemplars
Advocates James Hansen Head of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Leading climatologist Studies No halfway house on moral principles Carbon dependency moral equivalence Rhetoric of reaction Marc Davison, University of Amsterdam Professional innovation discourse Individualistic entrepreneurial models of disruptive innovation Psychology based theories of creativity
2x2 matrix – partial narratives Big science Green new deal State Industrial revolution Moral crusade Individual trial revolutio n Green Technology Society New Deal Features of these partial narratives Powerful narratives with influential advocates Recognise past periods of radical change Tend to inscribe established political positions and guidelines Evocative of actual changes despite problems
An alternative? We need a new narrative How social and technological innovation interact with each other New routes for global institutions to effectively interact with established institutions of national governance Intersection of individual and collective Convincing approaches to the urgency of the climate change challenge
Transformative innovation – a new focus Incremental innovation small innovations, or improvements to optimise existing systems of knowledge, e.g. reducing packaging waste; Radical innovation partial system redesigns, e.g. improvements in recycling which require innovations in product design and infrastructure for recycling; Transformative innovation full system redesign and culture change in the way people think about products and services, e.g. industrial ecologies or life cycle approaches to product design. Global energy flows 2005 Cullen & Allwood 2010
A pragmatic policy agenda Focus on the domain of innovation policy Explore how new sociotechnical transitions ideas are reshaping policy in practice Rules of thumb, principles for policy makers Pragmatic alternatives to fundamental governance paradigm debates Traditional approaches Current interpretation of diversity favours the incumbents: Off shore wind Carbon capture and storage Nuclear Electric car ‘silos’ or ‘networks’ ?
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