traffic safety and policy in traffic safety and policy in

Traffic Safety and Policy in Traffic Safety and Policy in Japan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Traffic Safety and Policy in Traffic Safety and Policy in Japan Japan Yoshitaka MOTODA Professor Iwate Prefectural University Contents Contents Transition of Road Traffic Accidents Recent Issues Policy and Countermeasure

  1. Traffic Safety and Policy in Traffic Safety and Policy in Japan Japan Yoshitaka MOTODA Professor Iwate Prefectural University

  2. Contents Contents � Transition of Road Traffic Accidents � Recent Issues � Policy and Countermeasure � Recent topics: Metal pieces on Guardrail

  3. ■ Transition of Road Traffic Accidents ■ Transition of Road Traffic Accidents (Deaths) (million vehicle-km) (1,000 persons) 20,000 1,000,000 2,000 16,765 Highest level in history (1970) 800,000 No. of traffic accident deaths No. of traffic accident injured persons No. of traffic 15,000 1,183,120 (2004) 1,500 accident deaths 8,466 vehicle-km (1979) No. of traffic 600,000 accident injured persons 10,000 981,000 1,000 (1970) 400,000 7,358 Lowest level in Vehicle-km recent years (2004) 5,000 500 200,000 0 0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 (fiscal year) 〔 Source : No. of traffic accident deaths and injured persons is from Traffic Statistics (National Police Agency) 〔 Source : No. of traffic accident deaths and injured persons is from Traffic Statistics (National Police Agency) Vehicle-km is from Statistical Survey of Land Transport (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) 〕 Vehicle-km is from Statistical Survey of Land Transport (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) 〕

  4. Recent Issues Recent Issues � Decreasing Fatalities � Still increasing Injuries (more than 1 mil.) � High rate of Fatalities of Aged People � Drinking Drunk

  5. Seat Belt Regulation Seat Belt Regulation Seat belt wearer rate and number of fatalities in a ride ( %) 100.0 5,000 81.8% Number of fatalities in a ride Seat belt wearer rate 90.0 ( '99 ) 4,500 Seat belt wearer rate 4,482 80.0 4,000 88.3% ( '94 ) ( '04 ) 70.0 3,500 3,872 68.5% 60.0 3,000 ( '99 ) ( '94 ) Num ber of fatalities in a ride 50.0 2,500 2,918 ( '04 ) 40.0 2,000 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

  6. Rate of Aged People % 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 1950 4.9 5.3 5.7 6.3 7.1 7.9 9.1 10.312 1955 1960 1965 Aging Society Aging Society 1970 1975 1980 1985 year 1990 1995 14.5 2000 17.3 2005 19.9 2010 22.5 2015 26 2020 27.8 2025 28.7

  7. Fatality of Aged People Fatality of Aged People T ren d in n u m ber of fatalities by age 3500 Number of fatalities 3000 u n der 16 16 ~ 24 2500 25 ~ 29 2000 30 ~ 39 40 ~ 49 1500 50 ~ 59 1000 60 ~ 64 ov er 64 500 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

  8. Age and Fatality Rate Age and Fatality Rate Fatality/Injury*100 (2003) 0.39 20 > 0.37 20-29 30-39 0.31 0.44 40-49 Age 0.58 50-59 1.09 60-69 2.45 70-79 79 < 9.94 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 %

  9. Tighten Penalty for Driving Drunk Tighten Penalty for Driving Drunk Trend in number of accidents because of drunk-driving ( %) and drunk-driving rate in all accidents 1600 8.00 Drunk-driving fatalities Drunk-driving rate in all accidents 1400 7.00 Drunk-driving fatalities 1200 6.00 1,458 710 1,257 ( '94 ) ( '04 ) 1000 5.00 ( '99 ) Drunk-driving rate 800 4.00 in all accidents 600 3.00 400 2.00 3.19% 2.65% ( '94 ) 1.68% ( '99 ) 200 1.00 ( '04 ) 0 0.00 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

  10. Policy and Countermeasure (1) Policy and Countermeasure (1) � Target � Law � Organizations � Improvement of road system � National Five years Plan and Installation of Traffic Safety Facilities � Research Activities

  11. Policy and Countermeasure (2) Policy and Countermeasure (2) � Integrated Traffic Accident Database � Establishment of traffic accident data analysis center (ITARDA) � Hazardous Spot Identification and Countermeasure � ITS for traffic safety � Others: Vehicle regulation, Enforcement of traffic law, Traffic safety education

  12. Target Target � Traffic fatalities less than 5,000 by 2012 : Prime Ministers Speech in National Diet in 2002 � cf. 8,326 : Traffic Fatalities in 2002 (Death in 24 hours) � 40% reduction

  13. Improvement of road system Improvement of road system < Comparison between accident rates on expressways and on other roads > Traffic accident deaths and Traffic accident deaths injuries (accidents/100 million (accidents/100 million vehicle- vehicle-kilometers) kilometers) Expressways 11.69 0.37 (A) Other roads 132.13 1.21 (B) approx. 1/11 approx. 1/3 (A)/(B) Source: MICHI Roads in Japan 2002, Road Public Relations Center

  14. T o tal L e n gth o f Expre ssw ays (km ) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 Development of Expressways Development of Expressways 6 3 6 5 6 7 6 9 7 1 7 3 7 5 7 7 7 9 8 1 8 3 8 5 8 7 8 9 9 1 9 3 9 5 9 7 9 9 1

  15. Installation of Traffic Safety Installation of Traffic Safety Facilities Facilities 100,000 100 歩道設置道路実延長(幹線) Length of roads with sidewalks (arterial roads) Length of roads with sidewalks (roads used for 歩道設置道路実延長(生活) daily living) 「人対車両」事故率(幹線) Rate of vehicular accidents involving pedestrians Rate of vehicular accidents involving pedestrians 80,000 80 歩 (arterial roads) 「人対車両」事故率(生活) 「 Rate of vehicular accidents involving pedestrians ( 道 (roads used for daily living) Length of sidewalks (km) 人 (cases/100 million vehicle-kms) 設 件 対 60,000 60 置 / 車 延 億 両 長 台 」 ( k 40,000 40 事 k m 故 ) m 率 ) 20,000 20 0 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Lengths of sidewalks and rates of vehicular accidents involving pedestrians

  16. Hazardous Spot Identification Hazardous Spot Identification Analysis Analysis 25 25 R a tio o f tra ffic a c c id e n t d e a th s a n d in ju rie s Prioritized sections for taking measures 20 20 15 15 10 10 Ratio of traffic accident deaths and injuries as a baseline 5 5 Average accident rate 0 0 Number of accumulated sections 1,000 cases Example of a method of indicating priority levels (curved line for accident rates)

  17. Countermeasures of Hazardous Spots Countermeasures of Hazardous Spots National Institute for Traffic Hazardous Accident Spot Research Accident Research and Countermeasures Council NILIM Institute of Data Analysis (ITARDA) consists of Police Science • Road Administrators • Public safety Committees Study and analysis Support Improvement of intersections Widening roads 4,000 Laying electric cables hazardous spots Improvement of sight distance in underground trenches Construction of sidewalks Installation of safety facilities Reducing road accidents

  18. Effects of Countermeasures Effects of Countermeasures

  19. ITS:VICS and ETC (1) (1) ITS:VICS and ETC Vehicle Information and Accumulated Number of VICS Unit (million) Communication System 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 year

  20. ITS:VICS and ETC (2) (2) ITS:VICS and ETC Accumulated Number of ETC Unit (million) Electric Toll Collection System 10 8 Device 6 Roadside Antenna 4 2 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Two-way Communication year

  21. Metal Pieces on Guardrail (1) Metal Pieces on Guardrail (1) � Metal Pieces on Guardrail are found out at approx. 40,000 location � Some of them injured bicycle riders Width Length Average Standard Average Standar Deviation d Deviatio Joint Bolt 3.5cm 1.5cm 6.9cm 4.5cm n Joint 5.5cm 2.4cm 11.3cm 9.1cm Bolt End of guardrail

  22. Metal Pieces on Guardrail (2) Metal Pieces on Guardrail (2) � Investigative Committee for Metal Pieces was organized � The committee tried to find its cause Statistics Data Analysis Material Testing Check Experiment � Revealed cause: Shards of vehicle which touched the guardrail


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