Traditional vs Alternative Assessments Activity 1
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Traditional Assessment • Selected-response • Multiple-choice test* • True/False test* • Matching type test* • Constructed-response • Short-answer test* • Fill-in the Blanks* • Personal-response • Essays* • FLO tests • Summarization • Transcription • Translation *Brown, TESOL 1998
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Alternative Assessment • Self-Assessment* • Portfolios and Diaries* • Video and Peer Observations* • Peer Assessment* • Performance-Based (projects, exhibitions, role-playing, experiments, and demonstrations)** • Journals and Learning Logs** • Teacher’s Observations** • Checklist** *van Daalen, 1999 **NC State Dept of Public Instruction, 1999
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Alternative Assessment Efforts that do not adhere to traditional criteria of standardization, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, objectivity, and machine scorability ( Garcia & Pearson 1994 ) Procedures and techniques which can be used within the context of instruction and can be easily incorporated into the daily activities of the educational setting ( Brown 1998 ) A way to gauge student learning other than formal testing. Also referred to as classroom-based, qualitative, informal, or performance assessment ( Janisch, Liu, and Akrofi 2007 ) Blanket term that covers any number of alternatives to standardized tests (Assessment, Articulation and Accountability 1999), ( Al-Mahrooqi and Denman TESOL 2008 )
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Rationale??? • Why and when do we use alternative assessment in classroom teaching? • Does alternative assessment have an advantage of over traditional assessment in language setting? Activity 2
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Implementing AA in Tagalog Branch 1. Students are given the opportunity to do one or more of the following: • Demonstrate their second language ability • Perform a meaningful task • Receive feedback from an instructor in terms of relevant and defensible criteria (Rubrics) 2. Assess students’ proficiency in performing complex tasks that are directly associated with learning outcomes.
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Implementing AA in Tagalog Branch Framework Collection Oral Translation of Presentation Summary Formulation and Reading Answer/s And of Transcription and to Reaction Research of Listening Research Paper Question Passages Passages Question • One evaluator will be assigned per student • Evaluator will assess student’s turn-in based on rubrics except for research question and Oral presentation (Teaching Team) • Schedule of turn-in will be posted in weekly schedule of instruction • All submissions must be uploaded to SAKAI except when directed • Failure to submit on due date will receive no points for that submission
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Advantages of Alternative Assessment • provides means of assessing valued skills that cannot be directly assessed with traditional tests. • provides more realistic setting for student performance than traditional tests. • focuses on students’ performance and the quality of work performed by students. • can be easily aligned with established learning outcomes.
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Obstacles • Standardization (Gottlieb, 1995) • Validity and Reliability (Huarta-Marcias, 1995) • Workload for Instructors • Teaching vs Guiding • Topic and material driven • One size fits all assessment • Weak students • Scheduling and Instructions
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Opportunities • Student interest coupled with HOTS (Dikli, 2003) • Positive washback • Reflective knowledge (Nunan 1996) • Authenticity/measures language directly with job-related application (Doyle, 1991) • Teacher-Student partners in developing shared knowledge (Van Lier, 1997) • Provides diagnostic evaluation • Builds confidence in dealing with authentic texts
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Conclusion • Alternative assessment as part of leaning activity, less than is “lost” to examinations (NC State Dept of Public Instruction, 1999) • Alternative assessment is tied to curriculum practices and job-related work of student • Allowed students to become experts in specific topics • Diagnose students ability to do complex tasks • Complementary/reinforces traditional unit tests (Worley, 2002) (highly recommended)
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Resources Al-Mahrooji, R. I. and Denman, C.J. Alternative Assessment. In J. Liontas (Ed.) TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 2018 Alternative Assessment Principles accessed in Brown, D. H. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. 1998 Daalen, D. Test Usefulness in Alternative Assessment. In L Woytak (Ed.), Dialog on Language Instructions Col 13(1&2). 1999. Dikli, S. Assessment at a Distance: Traditional vs Alternative Assessments. In TOJET Vol 2 (3). 2003. Estrin. E.T. Alternative Assessment: Issues in Language , Culture, and Equity, accessed in Doye, P. Authenticity in foreign language testing. In S. Anivan (Ed.), Current developments in language testing. Anthology series 25. 1991. Garcia, G. E., and P. D. Pearson. Assessment and Diversity, In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.) . Review of Research in Education. 1994. Gottlieb, M. Nurturing student learning through portfolios. TESOL Journal. 1995 Huerta-Marcias, A. Alternative assessment: Responses to commonly asked questions. TESOL Journal. 1995 Janish, C., Liu, X., and Akrofi, A. Alternative Assessment: Opportunities and Obstacles. In The Educational Forum Vol 71. 2007 NC State Department of Public Instructions, Raleigh Division of Languages. Assessment, Articulation, and Accountability: A Foreign Language Project. Chapter 3. 1995. Nunan, D. Learner strategy training in the classroom: An action research study. TESOL Journal. 1996. Worley, M.T. Alternative Assessment: Methods to Make Learning More Meaningful. 2002 Van Lier, L. Inside the classroom: Learning processes and teaching procedures. Applied Language Learning, 2(1), 1991.
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Alternative Assessment • Any questions? • Thank you for your participation .
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Framework • A research question is an answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue. It is the initial step in a research project. • The 'initial step' means after you have an idea of what you want to study, therefore, the research question is the first Formulation active step in the research project. of Research • Parameters in formulating a research question Question • Specify your specific concern or issue • Decide what you want to know about the specific concern or issue • Turn what you want to know and the specific concern into a question • Ensure that the question is answerable • Check to make sure the question is not too broad or too narrow
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Framework Example of a research question • Scope of study: Correlation between television and violence • Research question: Do all violent people watch more violent television, and do all non-violent Formulation people watch more non-violent television of Research • Hypothesis: Most violent people watch more violent Question television and most non-violent people watch more non-violent television • Sampling of Resources: • Can I find reading and listening materials relevant to my topic? • Are these reading and listening materials level appropriate?
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Framework • Scope of Study: Research question can be one or combination of following FLO Topics (Military, Security, Geography, Culture and Society, Economy, and Politics) Develop a research Formulation question that you are interested about or you care of to know more about. Research Question • Consult your instructors, classmates, former Tagalog students, etc. • Prepare at least 3 research questions for review of evaluator. Teaching Team will notify you of your assigned research question • Upload to SAKAI for grading (rubrics for research question)
DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER FRAMEWORK • Reading Passage Requirements: • Authentic material (quality of source) • Appropriate level Collection of Formulation • Between 60 – 300 words Reading of and Research • Lexical style Listening Question Passages • Relevance/Content of passage • Background knowledge • Prepare at least 3 but no more than 5 reading passages • Upload to SAKAI for grading (rubrics for collection of reading passages)
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