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TrackerRMS TrackerRMS Catches You Tracker TrackerRMS TrackerRMS - PDF document

Asset Health - Risk Management Solution 1 Catch the Problem Before It TrackerRMS TrackerRMS Catches You Tracker TrackerRMS TrackerRMS Tracker RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution T he PdM Challenge: Road Blocks T he PdM

  1. Asset Health - Risk Management Solution 1 “ Catch the Problem Before It TrackerRMS TrackerRMS Catches You ”

  2. Tracker TrackerRMS TrackerRMS Tracker RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution T he PdM Challenge: Road Blocks T he PdM Challenge: Road Blocks he PdM Challenge: Road Blocks he PdM Challenge: Road Blocks What road block lies in your path y p to a successful PdM program? 2

  3. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution The PdM Challenge: Lots of Data The PdM Challenge: Lots of Data The PdM Challenge: Lots of Data The PdM Challenge: Lots of Data  Each PdM technology gathers lots of data, Each PdM technology gathers lots of data,  analyzes the data, and reports on the findings. analyzes the data, and reports on the findings. Reports Reports Reports Vibration Infrared Ultrasound Reports Reports Motor Oil Testing 3

  4. Tracker Tracker TrackerRMS TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution The PdM Challenge: Data Integration The PdM Challenge: Data Integration The PdM Challenge: Data Integration The PdM Challenge: Data Integration Database integration is usually done manually to summarize the results from multiple Database integration is usually done manually to summarize the results from multiple  PdM technologies. PdM technologies. A fixed and unlinked report is then generated and distributed. A fixed and unlinked report is then generated and distributed.  Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports 4

  5. Tracker Tracker TrackerRMS TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Consistent Inventory Identification with CMMS Consistent Inventory Identification with CMMS Is your PdM testing giving you a complete or accurate picture? Is your PdM testing giving you a complete or accurate picture? Is your PdM testing giving you a complete or accurate picture? Is your PdM testing giving you a complete or accurate picture? Without accurate and consistent inventory Identification the actual Big Picture may be hard to interpret. + = CMMS Consolidated Technology Consolidated Technology Individual PdM I di id l PdM Asset Inventory Report Technologies Is this complete or Accurate? 5

  6. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Consistent Inventory Identification with CMMS Consistent Inventory Identification with CMMS y Which Result Do You Prefer? The Big Picture “B” The Big Picture B The Big Picture “A” The Big Picture A OR OR 6

  7. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution The PdM Challenge: CMMS Integration The PdM Challenge: CMMS Integration e e d d C a e ge C C a e ge C S S teg at o teg at o  Integration with CMMS component data enhances Integration with CMMS component data enhances asset tracking across all PdM technologies and can asset tracking across all PdM technologies and can reduce errors and confusion reduce errors and confusion reduce errors and confusion. reduce errors and confusion. Computerized Maintenance Management System (like SAP) Infrared Ultrasound Vibration Ch Chars Motor Oil Testing 7

  8. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Manage your Risk by Knowing what is happening to Manage your Risk by Knowing what is happening to Manage your Risk by Knowing what is happening to Manage your Risk by Knowing what is happening to all your equipment: all your equipment:  Minimize risk to the Minimize risk to the plant by automatically plant by automatically summarizing all PdM summarizing all PdM i i i i ll PdM ll PdM technologies for all technologies for all assets in one assets in one summary overview. summary overview. 8

  9. Tracker Tracker TrackerRMS TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Automatic Daily Data Stream Integration Automatic Daily Data Stream Integration Automatic Daily Data Stream Integration Automatic Daily Data Stream Integration + Automated Database Integrations are rolled up and Automated Database Integrations are rolled up and summarized with results from multiple PdM technologies. summarized with results from multiple PdM technologies. Reports TrackerRMS Reports Automated Data Pull Reports Reports Reports 9

  10. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Rollup PdM Data generates daily or monthly reports and Rollup PdM Data generates daily or monthly reports and p p g g y y y y p p can send data to other high level analysis systems. can send data to other high level analysis systems. CMMS High Level Data Analysis Vibration Data System Infrared Data Ultrasound Data System Data PM Data Oil Data Program Data Motor Data 10 10

  11. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is happening to all your equipment: happening to all your equipment:  Optimize your PdM  Optimize your PdM Optimize your PdM Optimize your PdM program by viewing all program by viewing all PdM technologies on PdM technologies on one screen. Quickly one screen. Quickly Q i kl Q i kl see what is being see what is being tested and what is not. tested and what is not. 11 11

  12. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is happening to all your equipment: happening to all your equipment:  Do your identified D Do your identified D id id tifi d tifi d problems have a work problems have a work order created to correct order created to correct the problem? the problem? 12 12

  13. Tracker Tracker TrackerRMS TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is happening to all your equipment: happening to all your equipment:  View and Trend View and Trend View and Trend View and Trend Asset Health over time the “Asset Health” the “Asset Health” 100% 90% of your plant. of your plant. 80% 70% of Asset  Here is 94% Here is 94% 60% Problems % 50% Watch equipment equipment 40% N o Problems 30% availability availability. availability availability. 20% 20% 10% 0% June ovember January February March May July September ctober ecember April August O N D D S M onth 13 13

  14. Tracker Tracker TrackerRMS TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is Manage your Risk by Knowing what is happening to all your equipment: happening to all your equipment:  View high level View high level View high level View high level summaries or summaries or drill down to drill down to actual inspection actual inspection reports. reports. 14 14

  15. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution View SAP or other CMMS repair status by equipment: View SAP or other CMMS repair status by equipment: 15 15

  16. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Key Features: y  Central PdM Central PdM Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse  Daily automated Daily automated integration of all PdM integration of all PdM technologies into one technologies into one technologies into one technologies into one web based control web based control panel. panel.  Tracking of open, Tracking of open, scheduled and closed scheduled and closed issues issues 16 16

  17. Tracker Tracker TrackerRMS TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution Key Features: Key Features: Key Features: Key Features:  Web Enabled Access Web Enabled Access  Scalable, Reliable S Scalable, Reliable S l bl l bl R li bl R li bl Microsoft SQL Database Microsoft SQL Database  Attach Notes and  Attach Notes and Attach Notes and Attach Notes and Documentation for Assets Documentation for Assets or Inspection points or Inspection points  Documentation of Documentation of corrective actions and corrective actions and equipment status equipment status equipment status equipment status 17 17

  18. Tracker TrackerRMS Tracker TrackerRMS RMS RMS Asset Health - Risk Management Solution K K Key Features: Key Features: F F t t  Track Key Performance Track Key Performance ac ac ey ey e o e o a ce a ce Indicators (KPI’s) Indicators (KPI’s)  Inventory Accountability Inventory Accountability  Comprehensive PdM C C Comprehensive PdM h h i i PdM PdM Inventory Information at Inventory Information at Your Fingertips Your Fingertips  Email Alerting System for Email Alerting System for Open and Scheduled Open and Scheduled Issues Issues Issues Issues 18 18
