town of moraga hacienda de las flores

Town of Moraga Hacienda de las Flores Subcommittee Report OCTOBER - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Town of Moraga Hacienda de las Flores Subcommittee Report OCTOBER 25, 2017 Existing Program Background - Chronology - Status Town of Moraga Hacienda de las Flores - Revenue and Expenditure Summary Cost to operate & maintain Hacienda

  1. Town of Moraga Hacienda de las Flores Subcommittee Report – OCTOBER 25, 2017 Existing Program Background - Chronology - Status

  2. Town of Moraga Hacienda de las Flores - Revenue and Expenditure Summary Cost to operate & maintain Hacienda has been substantial 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2011/2012 AVERAGE $182 $182 $202 $205 $209 $234 $452 $463 $473 $488 $506 $456 $222 $269 $271 $281 $279 $302 Revenue Expenditure * Numbers are in thousands Net Cost to Town

  3. Town of Moraga Hacienda de las Flores - Expenditure vs. Benefits to residents  Total net cost, during last 5 years exceeded $1.3 Million  Costs of existing operation not consistent with the limited benefits to Moraga’s residents  Public is precluded from using Hacienda on weekends, due to private wedding events  Town realized urgent need to explore alternative strategies and a new modus operandi for Hacienda  A plan was presented on 1 1/2014, as an attempt to resolve the unusual and costly conditions

  4. Town of Moraga Hacienda de las Flores – November 2014 plan - Background  The objectives of the plan, based on a public private partnership business model (PPP), were: 1- To enable year-round unrestricted use of Hacienda’s facilities, by town residents 2- To discontinue an expensive operation with no corresponding benefits to Moraga 3- To identify new sources of revenue from the asset  The Plan was unanimously approved by the town council members.

  5. Town of Moraga Hacienda de las Flores – November 2014 plan - Background  Plan included the engagement of an architectural firm, to recommend the best use of Hacienda’s facilities and grounds  Gould Evans was selected and awarded the study  conclusions and suggestions from the study, presented on April 2016  council members considered that the proposed design and suggested additions required adjustments  A subcommittee was formed: Council Members Teresa Onoda and David Trotter were selected

  6. Town of Moraga Hacienda – Subcommittee - Status & Next Actions Town Council Meeting April 2016 Community B&B Gould Evans - Recommendations Center best use of Hacienda Buildings & Grounds Wine Restaurant Center Gould Evans recommendations included additions and required large investments Town Council subcommittee Teresa Onoda David Trotter  Start small – Restaurant only CONCLUSIONS – PROPOSED NEXT ACTIONS  Area - First floor of main building Smaller version – Development by Phases  Investments by restaurant operator no funds from taxpayers  Improvements, if possible, at no cost to town (for restaurant, B&B, wine center)  Hacienda available to residents year-round  Long term plan – Development by Phases PHASE 1  Potential rezoning - as needed Restaurant  Synergy with other operations * MOI *MOI – Memorandum of Information

  7. Town of Moraga Hacienda – Subcommittee - Status & Next Actions Video – Introduction to Hacienda Memorandum of Information Town Council Power Point Presentation October 25, 2017 Revise MOI as required to include Town Council and public comments Seek Candidate Restaurant Operators  Presentations to selected qualified road show restaurant investors/operators Collect proposals Town Council award Present to council Review/approve

  8. Town of Moraga Hacienda de las Flores – Subcommittee Report – OCTOBER 25, 2017 Video and Power Point Presentation Magalhaes – 10/2017


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