Town of Kiawah Island Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment and Zoning District Map Amendment Applications Planning Commission Meeting: July 6, 2016 Public Hearing and First Reading: August 2, 2016 Second Reading: September 6, 2016
Application Information • Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Application, Case # ZLDR-06-16-00102: Request to amend the Land Use Planning and Zoning Ordinance, Sec. 12-61 Establishment of Zoning Districts, by creating a new zoning district: Community Support 2 (CS-2). • Zoning District Map Amendment Application, Case # ZREZ-06-16-00034: Request to amend the zoning district map for the subject property from the CS, Community Support Zoning District, to the CS-2, Commercial Support 2 Zoning District.
Applicant’s Letter of Intent • The letter of intent from the Town of Kiawah Island states, “ The Town of Kiawah Island is seeking a zoning change and map amendment on its property located at 21 Beachwalker Drive, Kiawah Island, South Carolina, and is further identified on Charleston County Assessor’s Office as Tax Map #207-05-00-121.” • “The property is currently zoned CS – Community Support, and the requested zone is CS-2 – Community Support II. Under the current Town of Kiawah Island Zoning Ordinance, Professional Organizations are not permitted uses under Community Support zoning district. Currently, KICA is able to operate under the current zone of CS because it is secondary use, and the Town is the primary use and Government Services are permitted by right under CS.” • “Henceforth, the Town is seeking a zone change to CS-2 to allow KICA that is defined as a Professional Organization to be permitted by right once the Town moves out and into our new facility sometime in the spring of 2017.”
Property Information • Address: 21 Beachwalker Drive • Parcel I.D.: 207-05-00-121 • Applicant: Town of Kiawah Island • Owner: Town of Kiawah Island • Property Size: 3.5 acres
The subject property contains the current Town of Kiawah Island Municipal Center and the offices for the Kiawah Island Community Association. The adjacent property to the north is undeveloped and those across Beachwalker Drive contain residential uses. The properties further to the north contain an office park and a retail store/gas station.
Aerial Photo Subject Property
Subject Parcel (looking to the South) Subject Property
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Application Application: The applicant is requesting to amend the Land Use Planning And Zoning Ordinance, Sec. 12-61 Establishment of Zoning Districts, by creating a new zoning district: Community Support 2 (CS-2). The new zoning classification would allow by right all the uses listed below: Proposed CS-2 Permitted Uses • All uses permitted in R3 • All uses permitted in Park (PR) • Community Association Offices and meeting space • Community Recreation, including sports activities, playgrounds and athletic areas (beaches or pools) • Personal Improvement Services including health or physical fitness studios
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Application Proposed CS-2 Permitted Uses • Business and professional organizations • Social and Civic organizations • Administrative or business office • Court of Law • Safety services including emergency medical or ambulance services, fire protection, Beach Patrol, or police protection • Historical sites • Libraries or archives • Museums or art galleries • Parks • Church, synagogue, or religious assembly • Visitors bureau
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Application Proposed CS-2 Conditional Uses • Restaurant, café, coffee shop, or snack bar is only permitted in the CS-2 as an ancillary use to the building’s primary function as office and meeting space. (Standards: Be designed so that light sources are shielded from adjacent single-family residential properties, and property zoned R-2.) • Recreational Equipment Storage • Government offices • Communication towers • Recycling collection, drop off The proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments to add the proposed CS-2 Zoning District are attached to this report.
CS Uses CS Permitted Uses • Court of Law • Safety services, including emergency medical or ambulance service, fire protection or police protection • Church, synagogue, temple or religious assembly • Electricity or water maintenance facilities • Sewage pumping control stations • Sewage sludge drying beds • Water pressure control stations • Water or sewage treatment facilities • Water storage tanks • Electric or gas power distribution • Sewage collection service lines
CS Uses CS Conditional Uses • Historical sites • Libraries or archives • Museums or art galleries • Parks • Recreational equipment storage • Electrical or telephone switching facilities • Government offices • Communications towers • Convention center or visitor’s bureaus • Vehicle service, limited, including automotive oil change or lubrication shops or carwashes (enclosed area only) • Construction services • Warehouse and storage facilities • Vehicle storage, including boat or RV storage • Recycling collection, drop-off
CS Uses CS Special Exception Uses • Electric Substation
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Application Proposed CS-2 Standards Sec. 12-71.72 (shift all the shifts below 12.71) – CS-2, Community Support 2 District. (a) Purpose and intent. The purpose of the CS-2, Community Support 2District is to provide for supporting community facilities and services including, but not limited to, residential use, office, recreational utilities, street maintenance facilities and other necessary uses that may not otherwise be compatible with uses permitted in other districts in the Town of Kiawah Island. (b) District regulations. The following apply to the CS-2 zoning district: (1) The maximum floor area ratio for this district is 0.25; (2) Lot standards (setbacks, lot coverage, etc.) are listed in table 2K in this subsection; (3) Authorized uses are listed in table 3A in section 12-102(c); (4) Parking standards are given in section 12-128. (5) Residential uses standards are given in section 12-67. (6) Parks and Recreation standards are given in section 12-72.
CS Standards Sec. 12-71. - CS, Community Support District. (a) Purpose and intent. The purpose of the CS, Community Support District is to provide for supporting community facilities and services including, but not limited to, utilities, street maintenance facilities and other necessary uses that may not otherwise be compatible with uses permitted in other districts in the Town of Kiawah Island. (b) District regulations. The following apply to the CS zoning district: (1) The maximum floor area ratio for this district is 0.25; (2) Lot standards (setbacks, lot coverage, etc.) are listed in table 2K in this subsection; (3) Authorized uses are listed in table 3A in section 12-102(c); (4) Parking standards are given in section 12-128.
Current CS Standards Table 2K. Lot Standards for the CS, Community Support Zoning District Minimum area (square feet) (1) 20,000 Minimum lot depth (feet) 120 Minimum width(feet) 150 Maximum floor area ratio 0.25 Maximum lot coverage 70 percent Maximum height (2)(6) Stories 2.5 Feet 40 Minimum setbacks (feet) (3) Front 25 Side (4) 25 Rear (5) 25 (1) Smaller nonresidential lots may be permitted by the Town Council as part of a planned development. (2) Buildings shall not exceed the permitted number of stories or height. (3) Canopies connected to the main building shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any property line. (4) No interior side yard will be required on contiguous lots. (5) Accessory structures shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from rear property lines. (6) Height in the CS zoning district applies to uses which will not fit within the categories in this table. Example: clubhouses or other recreation-oriented structures, public buildings, churches, etc.
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Application: Recommendation by the Planning Commission • Section 12-158(3) of the Zoning Ordinance states “The Planning Commission shall review the proposed text amendment and/or zoning map amendment and take action, recommending that the Town Council approve or deny the proposed amendment . The Planning Commission may hold a public hearing in accordance with the procedures in section 12-126. The Planning Commission’s recommendation shall be based on the approval criteria of subsection (6) of this section . The Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the Town Council within 30 working days of the Planning Commission meeting at which the amendment was introduced. A simple majority vote of the Planning Commission members present and voting shall be required to approve the amendment .”
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Application: Decision on Amendment by the Town Council • Section 12-158(5) states “After receiving the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the Town Council shall hold one or more public hearings, and any time after the close of the public hearing, take action to approve, approve with modifications or deny the proposed amendment based on the approval criteria of subsection (6) of this section. A simple majority vote of Town Council members present and voting shall be required to approve the amendment. Zoning map amendments shall not be approved with conditions …”
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