target shooter licence a special tslas

Target Shooter Licence A Special (TSLAS) LEGAL OBLIGATIONS, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Target Shooter Licence A Special (TSLAS) LEGAL OBLIGATIONS, INTERPRETATION AND WAY FORWARD Obligations of the Licence Holder Obligations relating to the TSLAS (Licence Applicant and Holder) 1 New applications for a TSLAS shall only be


  2. Obligations of the Licence Holder

  3. Obligations relating to the TSLAS (Licence Applicant and Holder) 1  New applications for a TSLAS shall only be considered if the applicant has been in possession of a Target Shooter Licence A for at least 12 months  When renewing TSLAS in December 2019/January 2020 the Police shall require new applicants and those applying for a renewal to: a) provide proof of club membership as per current procedures.

  4. Obligations relating to the TSLAS (Licence Applicant and Holder) 2  When renewing TSLAS in December 2020/January 2021 the Police shall require new applicants and those applying for a renewal to provide: a) proof of club membership as per current procedures; and, b) a log-book attesting that the applicant has practised target shooting at least twice in 12 months using a centre-fire semi-automatic firearm.

  5. Club-related Obligations

  6. Club-related obligation to be fulfilled by 30 th September 2019 (1)  Each club is to provide to the Weapons Board, by 30 th September 2019, with details concerning shooting disciplines it practices that: a) require centre-fire semi-automatic short firearms that allow the firing of more than 21 rounds without reloading; or, b) that require centre-fire semi-automatic long firearms that allow the firing of more than 11 rounds without reloading.

  7. Club-related obligation to be fulfilled by 30 th September 2019 (2)  The information provided shall include: a) a description of the discipline/s in question; b) the specifications of the firearms required to practice such discipline/s; and, c) Information about the internationally established and officially recognised shooting sport federation that recognises such discipline or disciplines.

  8. Club-related obligations to be fulfilled in preparation for December 2019/January 2020 renewal exercise  Each club shall provide TSLAS applicants with: a) A club membership card or certificate of club membership renewal (as per current procedure); and, b) The Firearm specifications referred to in the previous slide.

  9. Club-related obligations to be fulfilled in preparation for December 2020/January 2021 renewal exercise  Each club shall provide TSLAS applicants with: a) A club membership card or certificate of club membership renewal (as per current procedure); b) The firearm specifications referred to earlier, in case of a new applicant or if these have been amended or changed; and, c) Endorsement of the Target Shooter Logbook; provided that the logbook indicates that the shooter has practiced with a centre-fire semi-automatic firearm at least twice in a period of 12 months. The logbook shall be signed by an authorised club representative and stamped. Alternatively, a letter of endorsement shall be signed by an authorised member.

  10. Authorised Members  Clubs shall be requested to communicate a list of their authorised members by the Weapons Board or the Weapons Office at a later stage.

  11. Questions?


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