totaltime time recording

Totaltime Time Recording Totaltime Time - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Totaltime Time Recording Totaltime Time Recording Components Time recording terminal Totaltime mobile Wall mount for Totaltime mobile User cards M16 Transport card M256 PC smart card

  1. Totaltime Time Recording

  2. Totaltime Time Recording – Components  Time recording terminal Totaltime mobile  Wall mount for Totaltime mobile  User cards M16  Transport card M256  PC smart card reader Totaltime desktop pro  Software

  3. Totaltime Time Recording – Workflow Clocking on the Transfering clocking data Totaltime mobile via transport card to a PC Editing clocking data with user cards

  4. Create a new person  Enter last name and first name  Further information optional  Create user card  Select desired settings

  5. Setting up target time Daily Working Hours  Weekly Working  Hours Monthly Working  Hours

  6. Daily working time – Details  Valid Clocking  Core Time  Normal

  7. Weekly working time Weekly Work Hours are automatically divided into five workdays.

  8. Monthly working time When specifying Monthly Working Hours , the daily target time is tied to the number of workdays. Holidays/vacation time can also be taken into account.

  9. Automatic breaks – fixed or variable Set the rules for breaks using Details Breaks . The Details Breaks button remains inactive as long as the type of break is not selected.

  10. Fixed breaks Up to three Fixed Breaks can be set for each workday. The Fixed Breaks can be deactivated for specific days.

  11. Variable breaks The Variable Break is only added if the established conditions have been met.

  12. Options for the flexitime balance There are general rules that apply to Carryover of time. These can be overridden for individual months by manual entry.

  13. Change carryover for a specific month Irrespective of the settings selected for Carryover , the Carryover for a specific month can be set to a user-defined value in the Edit Bookings window. This makes it possible to transfer existing time accounts when the system is first introduced.

  14. Costs per project-hour Costs per Hour are used for the calculation of personnel costs in project evaluations.

  15. Data maintenance – data security Totaltime Time Recording requires no external database. This makes the system  ready for immediate use  easy to administer All data are stored under a common directory in a system of text files . Data security is ensured by the following functions:  create a back-up copy  save directory as ZIP file  relocate dataset  link with existing directory  unpack compressed ZIP dataset

  16. User Cards with backup function Once the clocking entry data has been transferred from the Totaltime mobile , the device memory is deleted. In case a transport card is lost, the data (up to 120 bookings) can be transferred directly from the individual user cards to the PC.

  17. Clocking on the Totaltime mobile Simply insert the card. The clocking entry is executed immediately and confirmed with an acoustic signal. Just the input of a project number must be confirmed by pressing the OK key.

  18. Clock In – Clock Out – Change Project A Clock In entry normally is automatically entered when you insert the user card (provided the last entry was Clock Out ). The Clock Out entry is normally made after a Clock In entry. When entering a project number or activity number a Clock Out entry changes to Change Project .

  19. Global settings: Pay Period Default setting for flexitime balance is „ Monthly, beginning on the 1st “.

  20. Global settings: Round Clocking Times Provided interval for rounding time is 5, 10, and 15 minutes Default setting for the mode of rounding is „ Round arithmetically “

  21. Global settings: Night Shift A night shift is a closed sequence of In and Out clocking entries that begins on one day and ends on the next. The identification of the limits can be defined as global setting.

  22. Global settings: Public Holidays Public holidays are diarized for the whole year.

  23. View >>Edit – Clockings<<  Name  Complete up to  Finalized up to  Clockings  Interpretation  Rates  Statistics  Details  Calendar  Carryover  Status  Online symbol (PC Time Clock)

  24. Clockings – Interpretation – Rates – Statistics – Details Clockings : Chronological order of unprocessed actions Interpretation : Listing of working time and breaks Rates : Tariff rated breakdown of working hours Statistics : Flexitime relating to day, week und month Details : disable/enable Rules, comment

  25. Finding gaps in records Menu – File / Incomplete Records or press button on the left-hand side To load a person's data for editing, highlight the person in the list and select Load or double-click on an entry. The software takes you directly to the day that contains the incomplete or contradictory clocking data.

  26. Complete absence clockings 16th of February is incomplete. The register Interpretation displays CP last Clocking? This means that a Clock Out entry is missing. The Insert button opens the window Insert Clocking .

  27. Insert clocking The missing type of booking „ Out “ is automaticly selected.

  28. Manual booking for the day completed After the manual Clock out booking the 16th of February is identified as complete booking. The system is automatically adding a fixed break at twelve o‘clock.

  29. Report for current person A print preview of the Report for Current Person can be displayed on the Screen. There are three types of reports:  Brief overview  Full  Rate

  30. Report – Brief Overview

  31. Report – Summary The summary includes all important information for payroll accounting. Vacation (sick, extra free, public holiday) is equivalent to the target time for this day.

  32. Report – Detailed Die Zusammenfassung enthält alle für ie Gehalts-Abrechung wichtigen Informationen. Urlaub (krank, extra frei, Feiertage) in Stunden entspricht der Sollzeit an dem betreffenden Tag. The detailed report discloses each individual booking.

  33. Annual vacation schedule The screen Edit / Vacation displays the schedule for  Vacation  Sick Day  Extra Free  Public Holiday Entries can be done by mouse click or by using the keybord

  34. Enter individual vacation days Individual Vacation (sick days, floating holidays) can also be entered via the context menu of the monthly calendar in the Edit Bookings window. Flextime/comp time must be entered here.

  35. Vacation settings Settings - general Here is where you can select between simple counting of days and vacation according to rules. Remaining vacation - general The carryover of remaining vacation can be done optionally, or eliminated. The remaining vacation for the current year can be codified manually . An expiration date (“use or lose”) can also be set for the remaining vacation time.

  36. Print out vacation schedule

  37. Print out vacation schedule

  38. Report – several people The report for several people can be printed or optionally be exported to MS-Excel.

  39. Report – several people Individuals are selected after choosing the month and output goal. The list can be sorted by a variety of criteria.

  40. Report – several people When printing or exporting, the data close can also be conducted at the same time. Closed data are protected from inadvertent modification, and free up the system. Changes to settings only affect data that are still open.

  41. Reporting – export MS-Excel format After selecting Export , the window appears for selecting fields. All time-fields in the Excel file are decimal-based.

  42. Reporting – Total Overview – Persons The Total Overview function makes it possible to get a quick summary of who is present and what projects are being handled on specified dates. The bottom list shows the Projects that were clocked-in by the highlighted individual.

  43. Reporting – Total Overview – Projects If the Total Overview is switched to Projects , the project list goes on top. The lower list shows individuals who have worked on the highlighted project.

  44. Reporting – Current Overview The Current Overview shows at a glance who has clocked-in today. Entries for Vacation , Sick Leave or Open are also displayed.


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