to to reduce educe the e the exposur xposure to e to

to to reduce educe the e the exposur xposure to e to of Workers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wha hat the t the Emplo Employer can do er can do to to reduce educe the e the exposur xposure to e to of Workers Compensation cost costs s bef befor ore and e and aft after er a a claim. laim. Present esented ed by R by

  1. Wha hat the t the Emplo Employer can do er can do to to reduce educe the e the exposur xposure to e to of Workers’ Compensation cost costs s bef befor ore and e and aft after er a a claim. laim. Present esented ed by R by Robe obert t Ri Rice ce Sar Sarge gean ant Insu t Insuran ance ce Age Agenc ncy, L , LLC.

  2.  This presentation is intended to provide some techniques to reduce the exposure and cost of Workers’ Compensation.  This discussion is not intended to be legal advice but a sharing of information from personal experience and the experience of others.  Consult an attorney or insurance professional regarding any specific issue confronting your business. State Compensation Insurance Fund

  3.  35+ years as an insurance professional  35+ years appearing before the WCAB  25+ years as a licensed private investigator  25+ years as a certified self-insurance administrator  4 years as a licensed property casualty agent  30+ years as a small business owner State Compensation Insurance Fund

  4.  Saf afet ety !!! !!!  Medica cal Provid vider r Network ork  Re Return n to work-modi modifi fied d or alternate ate duty  Inve nvestig stigatio tion  Communi mmunica cate te with insuranc ance ca carrier  Documentati cumentation on State Compensation Insurance Fund

  5. Safety !!!  Have ve a written ten and enforced forced safety y program ram intended ended to provide ide employees loyees a DIRECT ECT FINAN ANCIAL CIAL INCENTI ENTIVE VE  Measure asure the emplo loyees yees succe cess s or lack k of succ cces ess s in con ontr trollin olling g inju juries/a ies/acciden ccidents  Lead ad by example mple  Instill still a positive itive healt alth h and safety cult lture ure  Ensu sure e that emplo loyees yees are involved olved in the decisio sion makin ing g proc oces ess State Compensation Insurance Fund

  6.  1. Employees s become more focused ed on their work  2. Parti tici cipat pation ion mo moti tivates ates em employ oyee ees to to con ontribut tribute e mo more.  3. Participa ticipati tion n in dec ecision n ma making ng can hel elp em employ oyee ees to to become e more accou ountabl ntable  4. Demons nstrat trates s that you care about them State Compensation Insurance Fund

  7.  Near misses and resulting inspections may help prevent an injury or even a fatality, but an investigation cannot take place if the near miss is not reported accurately.  Therefore, setting up a successful safety management program to ensure near misses are reported and investigated is an important step in reducing occurrences of serious incidents State Compensation Insurance Fund

  8. State Compensation Insurance Fund

  9.  Gives the employer/insurance carrier unlimited medical control.  Doctors are trained in reporting requirements  Doctors are usually more accessible to the employer’s input  Better opportunity for prompt return to work  Significantly reduces medical costs in a litigated case. State Compensation Insurance Fund

  10.  At the time the employee oyee is hired or when a ne new insur uranc ance ca carrier r is obtained ined the employe yee(s) (s) must t be notified of the employer’s MPN.  In English sh and in Spanish sh (required) red)  Incl clude ude a Predesi esignation gnation Form, , in English sh and Span anish. ish.  Have ve the employe yee sign the ack cknowl owledgemen edgement t form m which ch should ld also be in English sh and Spanish sh an and signed ed in thei eir nat ative ve lan anguage uage  Ta Take a p photogra ograph ph of the employe oyee holding ng the MPN N pack cket. et. State Compensation Insurance Fund

  11. State Compensation Insurance Fund

  12. State Compensation Insurance Fund

  13. State Compensation Insurance Fund

  14. State Compensation Insurance Fund

  15.  Faci cili litate tate returning ning injured ed workers rs to work  Of Offer er modifie fied d or al alter ernate ate work ◦ Does not have to be enjoyab yable le or pe permanent nent ◦ Shoul uld have to ha have some benefit it to t the employer yer  Create e modifi ified ed or alterna nate te work job bank and written ten job des escr cription iption for ea each ch  Always s co communicate municate with your employee oyee and the doct ctor( or(s) s) in writing ng that alterna nate te or modifi fied d work is available able.  Keep p your insura ranc nce e adjuster ter informed rmed of modifi fied d or alternat nate e work availabi ability lity State Compensation Insurance Fund

  16.  Prompt mpt interna ternal l inve vest stig igatio ations s are cruc ucia ial  Disputed puted claim ims need ed an aoe/coe coe inves vesti tigat gatio ion ◦ This starts with the Employer investigation and documentation  Recomm ecommen end d Surveil veillan lance ce inve vest stiga igatio ion early in the claim ims proc oces ess ◦ The insurance carrier far too often waits to undertake sub-rosa investigation. Provide them a reason, in writing, as to why surveillance would be beneficial… FRAUD ? State Compensation Insurance Fund

  17.  Monitor the claims activity  Push disputed cases to a prompt disposition including Trial  Monitor reserves and claim closure  DO NOT DEPEND ON THE INSURANCE COMPANY TO ALWAYS PUT THE EMPLOYER’S INTEREST FIRST State Compensation Insurance Fund

  18.  The common HR rule is to document everything  Serves you very well in Workers’ Comp ◦ Employer can seek relief from the insurance carrier for improper claims handling Should a case go to Trial, you as the employer are prepared to influence the Judge State Compensation Insurance Fund

  19. Th Thank nk you for your r atten enti tion!! on!!  Rob ober ert Ric t Rice  Sar Sarge gean ant t Insu Insuran ance ce Age Agenc ncy, , LL LLC. State Compensation Insurance Fund


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