Third to Fifth Grade Third to Fifth Grade Task & T ask & Teacher Analy eacher Analysis sis
Chocolate ¡Chip ¡ Task: C ask: Cookie Dough ookie Dough Cookie ¡Dough ¡ Grade L Grade Level: 3 el: 3 $5 ¡a ¡tub ¡ Subject: Math Subject: Math ¡ ¡ Peanut ¡Bu>er ¡ Source: NY Sour e: NYC C Clear ¡Creek ¡School ¡is ¡fundraising. ¡They ¡ Cookie ¡Dough ¡ Departmen Department of t of $4 ¡a ¡tub ¡ are ¡selling ¡Cookie ¡Dough ¡in ¡tubs. ¡ ¡ Education ducation Oatmeal ¡ Cookie ¡Dough ¡ $3 ¡a ¡tub ¡ 1. Jill sold 2 tubs of Oatmeal Cookie Dough. How much did she raise? 2. Joe sold 4 tubs of Peanut Butter Cookie Dough and 4 tubs of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. How much money did he raise in all? Show how you figured it out. 3. Jade sold only Peanut Butter Cookie Dough. She raised $32. How many tubs did she sell? Show how you figured it out. 4. Jermaine’s mother loves oatmeal cookies. She has $20 to spend. What is the greatest number of tubs of Oatmeal Cookie Dough she can buy? Explain how you figured it out.
Chocolate ¡Chip ¡ Task: C ask: Cookie Dough ookie Dough Cookie ¡Dough ¡ Grade L Grade Level: 3 el: 3 $5 ¡a ¡tub ¡ Subject: Math Subject: Math ¡ ¡ Peanut ¡Bu>er ¡ Sour Source: NY e: NYC C Clear ¡Creek ¡School ¡is ¡fundraising. ¡They ¡ Cookie ¡Dough ¡ Department of Departmen t of $4 ¡a ¡tub ¡ are ¡selling ¡Cookie ¡Dough ¡in ¡tubs. ¡ ¡ Education ducation Oatmeal ¡ Cookie ¡Dough ¡ $3 ¡a ¡tub ¡ 4. Jermaine’s mother loves oatmeal cookies. She has $20 to spend. What is the greatest number of tubs of Oatmeal Cookie Dough she can buy? Explain how you figured it out. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Step 1: Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Examine & Identify Appropriate Instructional Task Checklist for appropriateness • Is/does this task: q Clear in its expectations? q Grade-level appropriate? q Aligned to the standards? q Require students to use language and analytical skills as well as demonstrate their content knowledge? • Common pitfalls: q Task is too narrow or too broad
Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask Step 2: I tep 2: Iden dentify T tify Task Demands ask Demands Content K ontent Knowledge nowledge Analytical Skills Analytical Skills Language Language Discrete content-specific Analytical skills or practices Language students are knowledge or skills that cut across content areas required to understand and use Please ¡note ¡that ¡teachers ¡individually ¡brainstormed ¡a ¡list ¡of ¡task ¡demands ¡for ¡each ¡lens ¡BEFORE ¡ coming ¡together. ¡They ¡now ¡go ¡directly ¡to ¡the ¡three ¡lenses ¡and ¡consult ¡the ¡appropriate ¡resources. ¡
Step 1 Step 3 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Content Step 4 Content K ontent Knowledge Guiding Question nowledge Guiding Question What specific content knowledge or skills must students demonstrate in order to successfully complete this task? Resourc esources es • Common Core Content Standards or Next Generation Science Standards • Other relevant standards (e.g., district, state, etc.)
Step 1 Step 3 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Content Step 4 Use the Standards as a Guide Common C ommon Core ELA Sec ore ELA Second Grade S ond Grade Standards tandards • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RL.2.7 – Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.R.L.2.10 – Read and comprehend literature in grades 2-3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of range • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.R.F.2.4 – Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.R.F.2.4A – Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.L.2.6 – Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe.
Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask Step 2: I tep 2: Iden dentify T tify Task Demands ask Demands Content K ontent Knowledge nowledge Analytical Skills Analytical Skills Language Language Discrete content-specific Analytical skills or practices Language students are knowledge or skills that cut across content areas required to understand and use
Step 1 Step 3 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Analytical Skills Step 4 Analytical Skills Guiding Question Analytical Skills Guiding Question What discrete analytical skills must students demonstrate when engaged in this task? Resourc esources es • Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) chart(s) • Framework for English Language Proficiency Development Standards corresponding to CCSS and NGSS • Valdes, Kibler & Walqui, 2014
Step 1 Step 3 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Analytical Skills Step 4 Identifying Analytical Skills: Using DOKs (Webb, ¡2002) ¡
Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask Step 2: I tep 2: Iden dentify T tify Task Demands ask Demands Content K ontent Knowledge nowledge Analytical Skills Analytical Skills Language Language Discrete content-specific Analytical skills or practices Language students are knowledge or skills that cut across content areas required to understand and use
Step 1 Step 3 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Language Step 4 Analytical Skills Guiding Question Analytical Skills Guiding Question How are students required to understand and use language? What language functions and forms are required? Resourc esources es • Language Functions and Forms PDF • Framework for English Language Proficiency Development Standards corresponding to CCSS and NGSS • Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) chart(s)
Step 1: Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Examine & Identify Appropriate Instructional Task Checklist for appropriateness q Choose a “touchstone” task the first few times • Ask yourself, is/does this task: q Clear in its expectations? q Grade-level appropriate? q Aligned to the standards? q Require students to use language and analytical skills as well as demonstrate their content knowledge? • Common pitfalls: q Task is too narrow or too broad
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