task analy ask analysis proc sis process ess task

Task Analy ask Analysis Proc sis Process ess Task Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Task Analy ask Analysis Proc sis Process ess Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask Step 2: I tep 2: Iden dentify T tify

  1. Task Analy ask Analysis Proc sis Process ess

  2. Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask Step 2: I tep 2: Iden dentify T tify Task Demands ask Demands Language Language Con onten tent K t Kno nowledge wledge Analytical Skills Analytical Skills Step 3 I tep 3 Iden dentify Disciplinary Practic tify Disciplinary Practice( e(s) ) Step 4: I tep 4: Iden dentify ELP S tify ELP Standar tandards ds

  3. Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask

  4. Step 1: Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Examine & Identify Appropriate Instructional Task Step1: Examine & Identify Appropriate Task • Choose a “touchstone” task the first few times • Ask yourself, is/does this task: – Clear in its expectations? – Grade-level appropriate? – Aligned to the standards? – Require students to use language and analytical skills as well as demonstrate their content knowledge? • Common pitfalls: – Task is too narrow or too broad

  5. Step 1: Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Examine & Identify Appropriate Instructional Task Example Instructional Task ¡

  6. Step 1: Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Examine & Identify Appropriate Instructional Task Analyzing the Example Task q Choose a “touchstone” task the first few times • Ask yourself, is/does this task: q Clear in its expectations? q Grade-level appropriate? q Aligned to the standards? q Require students to use language and analytical skills as well as demonstrate their content knowledge? • Common pitfalls: q Task is too narrow or too broad

  7. Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask

  8. Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask Step 2: I tep 2: Iden dentify T tify Task Demands ask Demands

  9. Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask Step 2: I tep 2: Iden dentify T tify Task Demands ask Demands Language Language Con onten tent K t Kno nowledge wledge Analytical Skills Analytical Skills

  10. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands Step 3 Step 4 Step 2: Identify Task Demands • Write down everything that students need to demonstrate, know, or do in order to successfully complete this task • To do this, read (or watch) the task instructions Content K ontent Knowledge nowledge Analytical Skills Analytical Skills Language Language Discrete content-specific Analytical skills or practices that Language students are required knowledge or skills cut across content areas to understand and use

  11. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands Step 3 Step 4 Example Instructional Task ¡

  12. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands Step 3 Step 4 Initial Identification Demands • What do students need to do and know? – Read the story, Frog Girl – Orally discuss the story with a partner – Decide on and use appropriate adjectives (e.g. courageous, helpful, etc.) to describe character – Justify this decision, providing evidence from the text – Decide which big idea is more important in the text – Orally explain and justify choice, using supportive examples from the text

  13. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands Step 3 Step 4 Initial Brainstorm • What do students need to do and know? Content ¡& ¡ Language ¡ ¡ Language ¡ ¡ – Read the story, Frog Girl Content ¡& ¡ – Orally discuss the story with a partner Language ¡ ¡ – Decide on and use appropriate adjectives (e.g. courageous, helpful, etc.) to Frog Girl Analy/cal ¡ – Justify this decision, providing evidence from the text Skills ¡ – Decide which big idea is more important in the text Content ¡ – Orally explain and justify choice, using supportive examples Language ¡& ¡ from the text Analy/cal ¡

  14. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands Step 3 Step 4 Three Task Analysis Lenses Content K ontent Knowledge nowledge Analytical Skills Analytical Skills Language Language Ÿ Read the story, Frog Ÿ Justify this decision, providing Ÿ Comprehend the language of Girl evidence from the text the story Ÿ Decide which adjective Ÿ Orally explain and justify Ÿ Discuss the story with a describes Frog Girl choice, using supportive partner Ÿ Decide which big idea is more Ÿ Orally explain and justify examples from the text important in the text choice, using language from the text Ÿ Use se adjectiv adjectives ( es (e.g. e.g. courageous, helpful, e ourageous, helpful, etc.) tc.)

  15. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands Step 3 Step 4 Overlap between the Three Lenses Content ontent Knowledge nowledge Decide which adjective Decide which describes Frog Girl big idea most important in Read & comprehend text language of story Orally discuss story with partner Language Language Analytical Analytical Practices Practic es Skills Skills Justify decision, providing evidence from text

  16. Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask Step 2: I tep 2: Iden dentify T tify Task Demands ask Demands Language Language Con onten tent K t Kno nowledge wledge Analytical Skills Analytical Skills

  17. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Content Step 3 Step 4 Content K ontent Knowledge Guiding Question nowledge Guiding Question What specific content knowledge or skills must students demonstrate in order to successfully complete this task? Resourc esources es • Common Core Content Standards or Next Generation Science Standards • Other relevant standards (e.g., district, state, etc.)

  18. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Content Step 3 Step 4 Example Instructional Task ¡

  19. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Content Step 3 Step 4 Use the Standards as a Guide Common C ommon Core ELA Sec ore ELA Second Grade S ond Grade Standards tandards • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RL.2.7 – Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.R.L.2.10 – Read and comprehend literature in grades 2-3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of range • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.R.F.2.4 – Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.R.F.2.4A – Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.L.2.6 – Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe.

  20. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Content Step 3 Step 4 Paraphrase C araphrase Content-R ontent-Related K elated Knowledge/Skills nowledge/Skills What specific content knowledge or skills must students demonstrate in order to successfully complete this task? • Use information gained from text to demonstrate understanding of the character of Frog Girl and the story theme • Read and comprehend Frog Girl proficiently • Read text with sufficient fluency and accuracy to support comprehension • Read text with purpose and understanding • Choose and use appropriate adjectives to describe Frog Girl, based on understanding of text

  21. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Content Step 3 Step 4 Compare Original & R ompare Original & Revised Demands vised Demands A5er ¡ A5er ¡ Resource ¡ Brainstorm ¡ Content K ontent Knowledge nowledge Content K ontent Knowledge nowledge Ÿ Read the story, Frog Ÿ Read and comprehend the story, Frog Girl Girl proficiently Ÿ Decide which adjective describes Frog Ÿ Read with sufficient fluency and accuracy to Girl support comprehension Ÿ Decide which big idea is more Ÿ Read with purpose Ÿ Use information from text to demonstrate important in the text understanding of Frog Girl character and theme Ÿ Choose and use appropriate adjectives to describe Frog Girl, based on understanding of text

  22. Task Analysis Process Step 1: Ex tep 1: Examine & I amine & Iden dentify Appr tify Appropriate Instructional T opriate Instructional Task ask Step 2: I tep 2: Iden dentify T tify Task Demands ask Demands Language Language Con onten tent K t Kno nowledge wledge Analytical Skills Analytical Skills

  23. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Analytical Skills Step 3 Step 4 Analytical Skills Guiding Question Analytical Skills Guiding Question What discrete analytical skills must students demonstrate when engaged in this task? Resourc esources es • Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) chart(s) • Framework for English Language Proficiency Development Standards corresponding to CCSS and NGSS • Valdes, Kibler & Walqui, 2014

  24. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Analytical Skills Step 3 Step 4 Identifying Analytical Skills: Using DOKs (Webb, ¡2002) ¡

  25. Step 1 Step 2: Identify Task Demands: Analytical Skills Step 3 Step 4 Example Instructional Task


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