Think Good, Feel Good Project TaMHS The Shropshire Model Supporting emotional health and well being in schools Jo Robins Locum Consultant in Public Health Kay Smallbone Programme Lead 5-19 Renee Lee Project Support Officer Shropshire council
The facts… • In 2004, 22.8% of the total burden of disease in the UK was attributed to mental disorder, compared with 16.2% for cardio vascular disease and 15.9% for cancer • Mental illness is the single largest cost to the National Health Service (NHS), being £10.4 billion, that’s 10.8% of the NHS budget • The wider costs amount to £105 billion a year Royal College of Psychiatrists, ‘No health without public mental health’, October 2010 and February 2011
Local Context Health and Well-Being Strategy - Outcome 3: • Better Emotional and mental health and wellbeing for all – Priority – (i) Improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, by focussing on prevention and early support. – Priority – (ii) Making Shropshire a dementia friendly county to enable earlier diagnosis and improved outlook for people with dementia • Priority (i ) listed above is to be delivered by the Children’s Trust and reported through to the Health and Well-Being Board. • In Shropshire, it is estimated that between 26% and 32% of the population have a mental health condition with the main illnesses being depression and anxiety, alcohol related mental health problems, and personality disorders. In addition to this, over 4000 people in Shropshire are known to suffer from dementia. The ageing nature of our population means that this number is increasing, and problems with diagnosis mean that this figure is already likely to be much higher.
What are the risk factors? Factors that increase the probability of a child developing an emotional health problem
• If a child has one risk factor their chance of developing an emotional health problem is 1-2% • Three risk factors is 8% • Four or more, increases to 20%
The benefits of school engagement “… warm, caring and supportive relationships in school are a crucial factor: not only in maintaining good mental health; but to achieve high levels of performance; greater enjoyment of school; more motivation; better learning; higher attainments; improved attendance levels…” (Weare and Gray, 2002)
The Shropshire Model Shropshire Children’s Trust Health and Well Being CAMHS Commissioners Board CCG Safeguarding Board Public Health TaMHS Steering Group Children and Young Project People (3052 pupils) School leads Manager Families & Community Statutory Project Team Wider Team Whole partners school TaMHS Lifelines Voluntary Administrator practitioners CAMHS Sector partners Stakeholders Group
National Model: A Whole School Approach Wave 1 Wave 1 Wave 1 • Effective whole school frameworks for promoting • Effective whole school frameworks for promoting • Effective whole school frameworks for promoting emotional well-being and mental health emotional well-being and mental health emotional well-being and mental health • Quality first teaching of social and emotional skills to all • Quality first teaching of social and emotional skills to all • Quality first teaching of social and emotional skills to all children through SEAL programme children through SEAL programme children through SEAL programme Wave 2 Wave 2 Wave 2 Skills-focused interventions Skills-focused interventions Skills-focused interventions • Small group SEAL for children who need help • Small group SEAL for children who need help • Small group SEAL for children who need help to develop social and emotional skills to develop social and emotional skills to develop social and emotional skills • SEAL-related work with families • SEAL-related work with families • SEAL-related work with families All interventions All interventions All interventions Facilitated by Facilitated by informed by the evidence informed by the evidence informed by the evidence external practitioners external practitioners Wave 3 Wave 3 Wave 3 available through research and available through research and available through research and (working within integrated (working within integrated Therapeutic interventions Therapeutic interventions Therapeutic interventions existing practice existing practice existing practice children’s services) who can children’s services) who can • Individual and small group • Individual and small group • Individual and small group train, support and deliver train, support and deliver • Complementary to • Complementary to • Complementary to alongside school staff alongside school staff SEAL SEAL SEAL
Key Deliverables of TaMHS underpinned by Outcomes • Increase in staff confidence and skills in working with children and young people experiencing emotional and mental health problems • Increase in staff knowledge and awareness of children’s emotional and mental health needs • Programme has reached all schools • Results from the pilot showed promising results around attendance and attainment improvement in pupil attitudes, anxiety, and feelings
Knowledge and skills training Target Knowledge and skills Description Impact/Outcomes Group based training KS1- Tier 1 Sociograms Project Manager and Assessment and tracking tool To identify need and track progress of pupils KS4 Learning & Skills Team KS1- Tier 1 SUMO SUMO national team or Whole school resources creating Emotionally healthy whole school culture KS4 (Stop, Understand Project Manager common language to positive Move On) thinking KS1- Tier 1 Loss and Hope House Hospice Theory/ models of grief, Raise awareness and confidence in KS4 Bereavement supporting pupils following grief. KS1- Tier 1 Re Think Time to Change Mental ill- health awareness rising. Raise awareness of the differences between KS4 Service user stories mental health and mental ill- health and the long term impact their childhood traumas such as bullying and abuse can have on young people into adult life. KS1- Tier 1 Self Harm & Project manager and Understanding and managing self- Raise awareness of prevalence, dispel myths, KS4 Introduction to Educational injury. Introduction to suicide how to identify early signs, how to respond STORM Psychology service or prevention. and support following a disclosure CaMHS Staff Tier 1 Stress management Project manager Managing staff and pupil stress, in Ensure staff are in an emotionally sound place including relaxation techniques before supporting pupils emotional needs
Skills based intervention training Target Tier of Intervention training Training delivered by Programme Description Impact/Outcomes Group support KS1- Tier 1 & 2 Anger Management Project Manager and 8 week peer support Pupils to understand triggers of anger, KS4 Learning & Skills Team (anger) defuse and manage more effectively KS1- Tier 1 & 2 Reach for the Top Project Manager 6 week 1-1, (attachment) Provide time and space for pupils to talk, to KS2 build trust, to feel valued, safe and belong within the school KS1, Tier 2 FRIENDS for LIFE Educational 8 week peer support Using CBT to reduce and mange anxiety KS2, (Spence anxiety score Psychology Service (Anxiety) measure) KS3 KS3, Tier 2 STAR Windmills and STAR 6 week peer support for pre To increase aspiration, motivation and KS4, champions (eg.PM, NEETs pupils or those at risk of confidence KS5 EWO, TYS, 15-19 not reaching their full potential teams) KS1- Tier 1 & 2 Seasons for Growth Bereavement UK 8 week peer support, using To help pupils manage loss and significant KS4 Wordens model of grief. change (e.g. bereavement or, divorce) KS1-KS3 Tier 1 & 2 Lifelines 1-1 support with grief work Enable young people to move forward TaMHS team following grief KS1, Tier 2 Nurture Group Priorslee campus Classic and adapted nurture Curriculum based sessions for small groups KS2, (Boxall profile measure) groups of vulnerable pupils KS3 KS1-3 Tier 1 Relax Kids and Chill ZJT consultancy Relaxation skills that can be To raise awareness of the importance of Skils delivered to small groups or whole relaxation and learning strategies of how to class relax.
Classic nurture groups ‘The school's own nurture group provides pupils with excellent opportunities to work and play in a calm, relaxing atmosphere’
Outdoor nurture groups Outdoor Nurture Group “using the outdoor environment to stimulate pupils' interests, especially those of boys, is having a positive impact on motivating pupils to learn and raising achievement”
Relaxation garden Relaxation garden “The excellent attention paid to children's welfare and to their personal, social and emotional development very successfully builds their confidence and self-esteem. Children are enthusiastic learners”
Year 7 boys self esteem group Positive relationships exist between staff and the students and behaviour is managed well
Moving Forward – Think Good Feel Good Self harm identified as a problem in 2013 Self harm pathway developed in consultation with parents & young people Risk assessment policy developed for schools Information for children, young people, parents and practitioners Targeted intervention programme (10 weeks) Signature Strengths Train the trainer pilot in 3 secondary schools PHSE curriculum resource developed Extending the offer to under 5’s and over 16’s
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