think change safety tyres a tyre has a large amount of

THINK CHANGE SAFETY & TYRES A tyre has a large amount of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2 THINK CHANGE SAFETY & TYRES A tyre has a large amount of stored energy. If not handled with respect a tyre mishap can result in serious and or fatal injury 3 4 HAZARD RECOGNITION SAFETY ZONE SIDE WALL SIDE WALL DANGER DANGER


  2. SAFETY & TYRES A tyre has a large amount of stored energy. If not handled with respect a tyre mishap can result in serious and or fatal injury 3

  3. 4


  5. WHEEL END CHALLENGES An APD cruiser is parked next to a set of double wheels that police said were separated from a semitrailer truck and struck a pedestrian on Interstate 40 near Coors on Monday. The pedestrian died. (Greg Sorber/Journal) A set of dual tires separated from the trailer of a semi truck and struck and killed a pedestrian on Interstate 40 near Albuquerque, N.M., according to local media. Police said a mechanical failure caused the set of dual tires, along with the wheels, to separate from the trailer while the truck was traveling westbound. The pedestrian was traveling east on the shoulder and was struck by the tires. Police are still investigating the accident. ALBUQUERQUE NEWS January 2016 6

  6. DO YOU SEE THE MESSAGES? Worn tyres are messengers They accurately record the maintenance & operational philosophies 7

  7. INDICATIONS TYRES PROVIDE • Overload / under inflation destroys tyres • Dragging brakes; increase tyre pressures • Bearings; 5 psi pressure difference between duals reduces bearing life by 10% (BPW) • Axle camber is identified by tyre pressures • Alignment; axles & trailers 8


  9. WHEEL END CHALLENGES The top breakdown reason for transport businesses operating in New South Wales is the battery, a new study by roadside assistance specialist NRMA Business Motoring has found. According to the study, conducted in collaboration with Prime Mover magazine, transmission problems also rank high as a breakdown cause, while substantial engine work is much less common. “Wheel and tyre issues are a key breakdown cause, followed by electrical faults and defects of the diesel fuel system,” said Matthew Beattie, What’s your Head of NRMA Business Motoring. downtime from tyres? 10

  10. WHEEL END CHALLENGES Challenges like this you don’t need, the people and the towdy were all good, got to thank good seats and seat belts I’d think 11

  11. TYRE PERFORMANCE INFO The S.2 Tire and Wheel Study Group of the American Trucking Associations’ Technology and Maintenance Council (TMC) surveyed 435 fleets 21 respondents, 50% line haul operations, 41% regional 29% pickup & delivery. The average number of trailers in the responding fleets was 2,093, indicating some large fleets responded Average tyre mileage to take-off by position: # Steer position: 117,000 miles => 188,000 kms Drive position: 236,000 miles => 379,000 kms Trailer position: 123,000 miles = > 198,000 kms # ‐ do ‐ fleets ‐ manage ‐ tires

  12. RESULTS OF UNDER INFLATION Photo Courtesy of Michelin Tyre life VEHICLE SAFETY! Braking efficiencies steering 13

  13. VISUAL OBSERVATION OF TYRE PRESSURES 110 psi 100 psi 90 psi 120 psi 80 psi 70 psi 60 psi “I can tell w hen my tyres are under pressure.” 14

  14. RESULTS OF UNDER INFLATION “I can tell w hen my tyres are under pressure.” 15


  16. TYRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEMS (TPMS) mandated in USA from 2008 European Union 2012 Korea & Taiwan 2013 China 2014 TPMS is recognised as a legitimate road safety tool but it is also a great tool for tyre management Real time tyre pressures will increase vehicle safety & economic returns for a commercial fleet. 17

  17. MONITOR MEASURE MAINTAIN Check tyres pressures from the drivers seat What’s the hazard of a flat tyre on the side of the road A steer tyre failure? A drivers worst nightmare! Positive safety device 18

  18. TPMS DATA Pressure Chart 135 130 125 120 Pressure (PSI) 115 110 Pos 1 105 Pos 2 100 95 90 Reading Date 27/11/2014 8:58 122 60 112 10 109% 27/11/2014 9:13 122 60 112 10 109% 27/11/2014 9:28 94 60 <12.5% 112 9 84% 27/11/2014 9:43 18 60 <25% 112 9 16% 27/11/2014 11:14 122 60 112 9 109% 19 27/11/2014 11:29 124 60 112 10 111%

  19. TPMS DATA PRIME MOVER/ TRACTOR; KENWORTH 909 Frequency Distribution: Actual Pressure by Position (PSI) Initial PSI 112 Initial PSI 91 Increments 2 Incremen 2 Pressure Pos 1 Pos 2 Pressure pos 3 pos 4 pos 5 pos 6 pos 7 pos 8 pos 9 pos 10 112 562 517 91 532 711 490 506 515 205 450 426 114 190 176 93 393 398 300 369 361 244 279 380 116 278 254 95 429 392 334 504 394 261 297 350 118 300 307 97 406 319 422 447 418 284 396 459 120 443 410 99 238 203 348 271 268 426 323 367 122 378 424 101 219 206 199 191 229 324 268 223 124 147 183 103 100 89 185 35 125 223 184 111 126 25 51 105 6 5 45 0 13 192 96 7 128 0 1 107 0 0 0 0 0 150 29 0 130 0 0 109 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0   2323 2323 2323 2323 2323 2323 2323 2323 2322 2323 20

  20. Be aw are of your Surroundings Its not just tyres that are hazardous 21

  21. 22

  22. THANK YOU 23

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