the role of grids and storage

The role of grids and storage for renewable integration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Chair of Energy Economics , Prof. Dr. Mst The role of grids and storage for renewable integration Dual Plenary II: New designs in electricity markets IAEE Wien - HEADING TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS: EVOLUTION OR

  1. Chair of Energy Economics , Prof. Dr. Möst The role of grids and storage for renewable integration Dual Plenary II: New designs in electricity markets IAEE Wien - „ HEADING TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS: EVOLUTION OR REVOLUTION ?” 04.09.2017 Prof. Dr. Dominik Möst, TU Dresden

  2. Increasing amount of intermittent renewables Electricity production in Europe • Installed capacity of renewable energy sources (RES) will increase in Europe (and worldwide) • Flexibility need will grow • Several options can provide flexibility: Storage Supply Demand Grid TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 2 Source: Eurostat

  3. Agenda 1 Graphical analysis: optimal capacity and long-term merit order effect 2 Model based analysis: trade-off between grid and storage capacities 3 Market zones, grid extension and the impact on congestion management 4 Some final thoughts TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 4

  4. Hours with surplus renewable feed-in will increase The integration of renewable Exemplary residual load duration curve for Germany energy sources (RES) significantly 80.000 influences the residual load: 60.000 Number of hours with negative  residual load rises 40.000 Surplus of RES feed-in increase  20.000 Level of maximal negative  MW residual load grows 0 0 487 974 1461 1948 2435 2922 3409 3896 4383 4870 5357 5844 6331 6818 7305 7792 8279 -20.000 What to do with the surplus? -40.000  Store, export or curtail? -60.000 2010 2030 2050 (20%)* (60%)* (75%)* * RES share TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 5

  5. Simple (graphical) capacity model Load duration curve Illustrative model [MW] • Simplified visualisation of necessary capacities in steady- P inst, 1 state P inst 2 Optimal capacity in long-term P inst, 3 equilibrium • Assumption: Time [h]  Immediate adaption to optimal Storage plant ? Costs power capacities [€/MW] Technology 1  No congestions in the (Peaker) Technology 2 considered system Technology 3  …. C var3 *t 3 (Base-load) C fix3 C var2 *t 2 C ST C fix2 C var1 *t 1 C fix1 Time [h] t 1 t 2 t 3 8760 h TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 6

  6. System perspective Adaptation of „optimal“ capacity ? Load duration curve Necessary generation portfolio [MW] – what will change? P inst, 1 Reduction of base-load and • mid-load P inst 2 Increase of peak-load • Increase of storage power • P inst, 3 plants Time [h] What to do with the surplus? Storage plant ? Costs Store • [€/MW] Technology 1  Decreases variable production costs (as surplus will probably Technology 2 be „cheap“) Technology 3 C var3 *t 3 Export • C fix3 C var2 *t 2 C ST Demand Side Management • C fix2 (Smart Market) C var1 *t 1 Curtail surplus C fix1 • Time [h] t 1 t 2 t 3 8760 h TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 7

  7. Schematic merit-order effect and impact on price distribution Min. Max. Marginal Demand Demand costs with and without RES Merit-order curve with Price distribution and without renewable feed-in Distribution RES feed-in Load distribution Load Renewable feed-in • Self-marginalisation with high shares of renewables (e.g. 100 GW PV) • Speed of change/RES extension and expectations for subsidies prevent a market equilibrium! => Further incentive schemes for renewables are necessary! TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 8

  8. Impact on the price duration curve The merit-order effect of renewables (long-term effect) Peak price will increase Past (2006 – 2010) Peak load units (gas, oil) Today (2011-2020) Future (2025+) Euro/MWh Base load units (lignite, coal) Current prices (under pressure) • RES-E extension underestimated • Demand overestimated Base load under pressure (up to you have to pay for “withdrawing”) h General (policy) decision: Correct scarcity pricing signals versus a regulated capacity “market” (resulting in a cut -off of extreme price peaks)? TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 9

  9. Agenda 1 Graphical analysis: optimal capacity and long-term merit order effect 2 Model based analysis: trade-off between grid and storage capacities 3 Market zones, grid extension and the impact on congestion management 4 Some final thoughts TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 10

  10. Hours with surplus renewable feed-in will increase The integration of renewable Exemplary residual load duration curve for Germany energy sources (RES) significantly 80.000 influences the residual load: 60.000 Number of hours with negative  residual load rises 40.000 Surplus of RES feed-in increase  20.000 Level of maximal negative  MW residual load grows 0 0 487 974 1461 1948 2435 2922 3409 3896 4383 4870 5357 5844 6331 6818 7305 7792 8279 -20.000 What to do with the surplus? -40.000  Store, export or curtail? -60.000 2010 2030 2050 (20%)* (60%)* (75%)* * RES share TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 11

  11. Electricity system model ELTRAMOD to analyse the interdependence between storage need, grid extension and renewable curtailment Model purpose • Fundamental system model / bottom-up model • Integration of renewable energy sources (RES) in the European energy system • Flow calculation based on Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) • Trade-off between grid and storage extensions • Combined investment and production planning Main characteristics • Temporal resolution of 8760 hours • Calculation of the cost-minimal generation dispatch and investments in additional transmission lines and storage facilities • Country specific times series of wind and PV feed- in TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 12

  12. Grid and Storage Extensions in Europe till 2050 An application of ELTRAMOD for the Energy System Analysis Agency ( RES feed-in obligation RES curtailment Grid extensions (NTC) ≤ 500 MW ≤ 1000 MW ≤ 3000 MW ≤ 5000 MW 1020 ≤ 10000 MW 1168 1168 10976 1020 6711 ≤ 15000 MW 2520 > 15000 MW 4640 Storage extensions MW No storage extensions 11536  RES feed-in obligation: every available unit of RES has to be integrated  RES Curtailment: the surplus of RES supply can be curtailed => RES priority feed-in significantly influence the need of further storages and transmission capacities. TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 13

  13. Removing the feed-in obligation and its impact on grid and storage extension feed-in obligation curtailment Non integrated RES surplus supply without 10.2% 11.9% grid and storage extensions Non integrated RES surplus supply with grid 0.9% 3.7% and storage extensions Additional transmission capacities up to 2050 252.2 GW 143 GW (NTC) Additional storage capacities up to 2050 35.7 GW 7.9 GW  Mandatory feed-in versus curtailment has a low impact on integrated RES generation => However: significant difference for grid and storage extensions settings Central statement:  From the economic point of view it is not optimal to integrate all available RES generation  RES should be demanded for system stability and further market integration. => Mid term perspective: grid extension and stronger market integration, then storage… TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 14

  14. Impact of RES-E share and CO 2 -prices on the need of storage capacities in the system Share of RES-E generation • Mid-term (< 40%): Nearly no change in storage demand • Long-term (>60%): Increase of storage demand, but still moderate • Long-long-term (>85-90%) Significant increase of storage demand! Cost of CO 2 • Low CO 2 - price (<15 €/t): Good for storage power plant (cheap base -load) • High CO 2 - prices (>40 €/t): Amount of storage at 50% RES -E at about todays storage level => Storage need is quite sensitive to RES-E share and CO 2 costs, but unfortunately in a contradicting way! TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 15

  15. Economic value of storage (simplified illustration) • Value of storage capacity [€/kW ] (from system perspective) With higher shares of intermittent renewable resources, the value of storage increases • Grid extension as well as demand side management are in competition with storage • Portfolio of RES-E has an impact on storage needs Grid extension  E.g. more Offshore => less storage need but larger grid extension need (due to larger transport distances) versus more PV => more storage favourable but less grid extension Share of RES-E increasing 2050 2030 Today Inst. Storage capacity [GW] TU Dresden, Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst 16


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